Sentences with phrase «u.s. coastal communities»

With more than $ 1 billion in revenue to U.S. coastal communities from mollusks, which the study focuses on, just how prepared those communities are could have huge financial ramifications.
U.S. coastal communities better start preparing for ocean acidification now, especially if we want scallops, oysters and other shellfish to keep appearing on our dinnerplates.
With approximately 350,000 houses, business, bridges and other structures located within 500 feet of the nation's shoreline, erosion is a problem many U.S. coastal communities are addressing.

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Florida coastal communities could experience about a 2 - foot (60 - cm) rise in sea level by 2060, the U.S. Geological Survey said.
The island's stands of giant coreopsis, as well as all the other plants of its coastal bluff community, were devastated by sheep grazing in the late 1800s and early 1900s, rabbit browsing in 1910 - 1950s, and by large - scale destruction of native vegetation associated with facility and road development by the U.S. Coast Guard during construction and manning of the Anacapa Light Station.
The Associated Press reports that a coalition of more than 60 environmental groups issued a joint statement saying that opening U.S. waters to oil and gas exploration threatens marine life and coastal communities with «severe and unacceptable harm.»
Dyanna Jaye, representing ICLEI U.S. Local Governments for Sustainability and Sunrise Movement said, «Flooding is routine in my coastal Virginia home town; our lands are being slowly reclaimed by the Atlantic Ocean and communities have been forced to flee their homes.
Although the introduction of community participation and the imposition of land use restrictions took place in cities throughout the U.S., the curbing of sprawl was limited to the nation's large coastal cities, and was most prominent in California.
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