Sentences with phrase «us dollars a day»

And when the disease gets out of control because most of the population live on less than one dollar a day?
Oceanic data is valuable, but for decades the only way to study the world's hostile waters was to deploy a stationary buoy, launch a satellite into space, or send a government research vessel that runs hundreds of thousands of dollars a day to operate — on top of its initial price tag of hundreds of millions of dollars.
It should also be noted, that Musk is about half of Buffett's age, and he says a combined SolarCity and Tesla would be worth a trillion dollars some day.
It's like setting aside a dollar every day in savings — you probably won't miss the dollar, but at the end of the year you'd have a $ 365 windfall.
«Start by saving at least a dollar a day to build up a money - saving habit.»
Because his revenue was so much higher, I let the missing one dollar a day go.
(In November of that year, for example, issued a press release announcing the site had its first «million - dollar day,» meaning more than $ 1 million in revenue earned over 24 hours.)
For potentially just a few dollars a day, paid advertising on platforms like AdWords along with social - media ads can have their place.
Facebook rakes in half a million dollars a day from these ads on mobile devices, a figure that should increase as more advertisers take note and Facebook fine - tunes the delivery.
SWIFT, the global financial network that banks use to transfer billions of dollars every day, has warned its customers it has seen «a number of recent cyber incidents» where attackers had sent fraudulent messages over its system.
Mrs. Calkins saw that I was at a loss to answer so she said they were thinking of fifty dollars a day or by space used, whichever was greater.
A game store / video store that also rents out its games / videos for say a dollar a day.
All from 5 dollars a day.
«It comes out whether I have a $ 25 - dollar day or a $ 2,500 - dollar day
If the FTC finds Facebook violated terms of the consent decree, it has the power to fine the company thousands of dollars a day per violation.
Our global financial system moves trillions of dollars a day and serves billions of people.
These card networks handle so much volume and so many dollars each day, and yet they are still just part of the larger payments ecosystem, which includes issuers, merchants, and more.
It's certainly worth a try if you're finding it difficult to put away money towards long - term goals or financial independence — start with just a few dollars a day and work your way up.
Dimon did leave a parting shot at bitcoin, claiming JP Morgan moves «trillions of dollars a day... digitally.
The new contracts will come when oil is roughly half that price, a drop in value that could reduce pipeline operating revenue by millions of dollars a day and ruin the pipeline's business strategy.
The current lack of «midstream» infrastructure has turned Canada into a supplier held captive by our only customer (America), costing the economy $ 50 million dollars each day.
In China in particular, the company is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars a day offering discounted rides to passengers and better rates for drivers, according to two people with knowledge of the company's practices.
«A hundred thousand dollars a day is the going rate for CEOs,» Lowenstein says.
Cash Camp is very new and it is unlikely to have retained the 50,000 plus traders who are already making thousands of dollars each every day.
The current lack of «midstream» infrastructure has turned Canada into a supplier held captive by our only customer (the United States), which costs our national economy an estimated $ 50 million dollars each day.
The software gives you all of the tools you need and strategies to make sure that you're making thousands of dollars every day (NOT Guaranteed).»
If you do this to you'll be making thousands of dollars every day (NOT Guaranteed).
You definitely won't be making thousands of dollars a day with this one.
In the developed world, we have a limited perspective on the daily pressures, trials and challenges facing people living on a few dollars a day — struggling to provide for their families.
It is in corporate CEO interest to keep racing to the bottom for labor, so those jobs aren't coming back here until we're living a third - world lifestyle and will accept a dollar a day as a wage.
That the daughter may be too tired to study because she has to work for two dollars a day to help feed the family, or that the mother can't afford medicine, are not things taken into account in popular religion.
For example, I find it pretty easy to send money to India, where I know indigenous missionaries living on about two dollars a day.
I guess that in a world where 1.3 billion people live on less than a dollar a day, nothing threatens Christian values more than a man who wants to take our tax breaks back.
«It is said that a dollar a day is not enough for a wife and five or six children.
It is not enough if they are to live as he would be glad to have them live... But is not a dollar a day enough to buy bread with?
Over a billion persons live on less than one dollar a day, and many get far less than that.
Since 1.1 billion of the world's citizens live on less than a dollar a day, four college kids embark on a journey to Guatemala where they attempt to do the same.
There are presently three billion people in the world who live on less than two dollars a day.
How long will the Christians and people of the United States have to contemplate the incongruity of its government... as it supports with over a million dollars a day another government that represses, kills bishops, religious workers, children, men and women, violates human rights, closes itself to dialogue and obstructs the pastoral task of the churches?
It's not right that nearly 3 billion people live on less than two dollars a day.
Once these people have reached «moderate poverty» — average income between one and two dollars a day — then the worst is over; as long as the rich countries do not «advertently or inadvertently set snares along the lower rungs» with protectionist trade barriers and the like, these people should make steady progress, «even if it is uneven and sometimes painfully slow.»
And on the other side of the world it costs a dollar a day for a child to eat, have basic medicine and clothing and go to school.
For less than a penny on the dollar, we provide the critical safety net for people around the globe who live on less than a dollar a day.
I had a Dollars day in December and watched the trilogy back - to - back.
In its millennial report on poverty, the World Bank reveals that 24 percent of the population in developing nations live — or struggle to live — in absolute poverty, on less than one dollar a day.
Worldwide, «extreme poverty,» defined as people living on less than one dollar a day, has decreased by hundreds of millions of persons over the generation.
So this looks WAY healthier than the two Sonic hot dogs I had today for Dollar Day.
servings, so it will last more than 1 month, costing less than 1 dollar a day to use.
Adults in the cocoa industry make low wages as well, less than a dollar a day, and work under difficult conditions.
Worker Poverty: Coconut farmers live in poverty, earning less than a dollar a day, and it can be dangerous to make the climb up the tree to get those coconuts.
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