Sentences with phrase «us federal level»

Marijuana remains an illegal drug at the federal level in the United States, although 29 states and the District of Columbia have made medical marijuana legal.
In fact, that's why prosecutors on each end of this flight, in both Houston and New York, are apparently conducting their own investigations: criminal investigations, which go far beyond what lawmakers at the federal level and in New York state have proposed in the wake of this tragic incident.
I also believe there's going to be a lot of aid that comes in from the federal level, philanthropic level, and even the business community.
At the top end of the range, some public administration directors in larger provinces or at the federal level earn more than $ 200,000 a year.
While it's still unclear if Session's views will translate into changes in policy or enforcement, this attitude shift at the federal level doesn't align with public opinion on the issue.
And certain things are better done on the federal level than at the state level: national defense, a monetary system, interstate commerce (including highways and aviation), the National Park System, and international diplomacy.
Marijuana is still a Schedule I drug and is illegal on the federal level.
Duchesne wants to see a single point of contact established on the federal level.
Meanwhile, marijuana remains illegal on the federal level, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recently taken steps that would allow federal prosecutors in states where weed is legal to decide whether to prosecute people over marijuana sales in a development that could threaten the burgeoning industry (or, at the very least, spur litigation from some of the states in question looking to keep the federal government from interfering with statewide legislation).
I'd like to see legislation pass at the federal level, and there's a lot of good activity at state levels that gets people the coverage they need.
If your proposed business name is available, register it with the county clerk, have it trademarked at the state and federal levels and secure a domain name.
All this said, with scant new regulatory activity on the horizon at the federal level, siloed statutes at the state level are a whole lot better than nothing.
Indeed, finance ministers at the provincial and federal levels will be meeting in December to decide if the expansion should be put into effect.
Past interns have worked at the municipal, provincial, and federal level — besides the valuable research experience, these positions are a serious networking opportunity.
$ 1.07 million by TransCanada, whose Keystone pipeline project is up for approval at the federal level.
«Give that money down to the local area, and not do it at the federal level
One of the major problems with Australian politics at both the state and federal level is taxpayer funding of election campaigns.
Mårtin Mickos, CEO of HackerOne, a bug bounty startup, urged legislators to revise laws used to prosecute hackers and to standardize data breach notification requirements at the federal level.
In larger provinces or at the federal level, some of these positions clear the $ 200,000 bar.
Musk said on Friday that he received «verbal government approval» on the federal level to build a tunnel between New York and Washington DC.
The downside to an LLC, however, is that it forces the business owner into higher tax liabilities, as distributions from an LLC are taxed as ordinary income with rates as high as 37 percent, at the federal level, and 13.3 percent at the state level, for a combined federal / state tax of 50.3 percent!
Increased regulation, at both the state and federal levels, may be particularly burdensome for new businesses that lack well - staffed compliance departments.
In Vermont, where the minimum wage is currently $ 8.60 and has been above the federal level and indexed to inflation since 2007, small business owners don't think much about the annual wage increases anymore, says Betsy Bishop, president of the Vermont Chamber of Commerce.
We think the threat of losing delegate representation should incentivize red - state Democrats — and other Democratic leaders — to prioritize issues that directly affect black communities on the state and federal levels.
The Tenth Amendment has empowered states to launch marijuana programs even if it remains illegal at the federal level.
Public discourse on marijuana legalization at the federal level has only seriously considered the options of Congress making it legal or, conversely, empowering some sort of crackdown.
Lottery winnings are taxed as income on the state and federal level, according to the Tax Foundation.
British Columbia has one and we hoped one would be put in place on a federal level, helping angel investors of early stage companies to get a credit for that investment, but it wasn't mentioned in the budget.
For example, policy - makers at the federal level can conduct their own research on the effects of the sharing economy and pass it along to municipal and provincial authorities.
Of course, marijuana remains very much illegal on the federal level, though the Obama Administration has typically allowed individual states to freely regulate the drug in accordance with voters» wishes.
In addition, many government agencies at the state and federal levels have created set - aside programs that specifically help women - owned businesses in the bidding process.
Cannabis sales are still illegal on the federal level, and the Trump administration has played coy about its plans for the burgeoning marijuana industry, even as the man the president hand - picked to be the country's law enforcement officer has made it no secret that he despises the drug.
This is our first big success at the federal level,» he said.
So any tax cuts at the federal level would naturally benefit the wealthy.
When that happens, «there's going to be a movement afoot at the federal level to make it work better,» Ellenoff says.
(Even though, ironically, they may now marry in many of the same states, thanks to a Supreme Court decision from 2012 allowing same sex marriage on a federal level.)
At the federal level, no law has explicitly made fantasy sports contests illegal; the most recent relevant legislation, the 2006 Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act, left fantasy sports out of it.
On the federal level, those grants are harder to come by.
The pressure on the Australian Labor Party at a state and federal level to allow expanded uranium mining is building as fast as the uranium price is rising and new explorers are pouring into the market.
Rampenthal: Up until recently, we've stayed out of a lot of that, mostly because at the federal level, there's still a lot of illegality.
The NDP may have been born in Saskatchewan, but at the federal level, the Conservatives are saying they're no different from any other Ottawa political group: they want what you've got, and if you vote for them, they'll take it.
On a federal level, the Harper government has steered clear of calls for increasing mandatory employee - employer contributions to the CPP in favour of a policy that enables voluntary contributions under professional management.
«The business case for climate action remains despite a lack of support in the federal level,» he told Reuters.
The leader of the SBA is responsible for championing the needs of the small - business community at the federal level.
If the 13 states that increased minimum wage levels in 2014, including California, Ohio and New York, introduced similar legislation, or if such legislation were taken up at the federal level, that gap, which sits at around 273:1, might begin to narrow.
JOSH MORE: I don't think the federal level is the right place to run that experiment.
Most states have implemented laws against gender discrimination, and the 1964 Civil Rights Act protects women at the federal level.
In fact, the P3 approach does nothing to solve the fundamental infrastructure funding challenge faced by governments at the local, state, and federal levels.
«I believe we have seen a heightened sense of concern about the possibility of favorable policies being rolled back on a federal level,» he said.
Another area of concern, she said, «I think we still don't have good pay yet for maternity leave at the federal level
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