Sentences with phrase «us mail ballot»

The question is, if you're a scatterbrained person and lost your mailed ballot, can you obtain a ballot on your own initiative
In California, you must request a vote - by - mail ballot for each election unless you have permanent vote - by - mail voter status.
My understanding is that in - person voting is the default in California, and one must specifically request a Vote By Mail ballot.
You may request a vote - by - mail ballot on the form provided by your County Elections Official.
The question is, if you're a scatterbrained person and lost your mailed ballot, can you obtain a ballot on your own initiative, and if so, how much flexibility is there as far as which specific ballot you get?
County Clerk to mail ballots for the May 15 election to voters in designated Mail Ballot Precincts.
County clerk must issue mail ballot to any eligibile elector who requests one in person at the county clerk \'s office.
Vote - by - mail ballots that are personally delivered must be delivered no later than the close of polls at 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.
Additionally, voter ID requirements generally apply to in - person voting, not to absentee ballots or mailed ballots.
Idaho: A precinct which contains no more than 125 registered electors at the last general election may be designated by the board of county commissioners a mail ballot precinct no later than April 1 in an even - numbered year (Idaho Code § 34 - 308)
That's the message the Public Employees Federation is putting out regarding a minor snag they've spotted with the mailed ballots that members have received as part of a second try at a labor contract.
Under new rules enacted on January 1, late vote - by - mail ballots can be counted so long as they are postmarked by Election Day and received within three days.
Political observers are likely to pay close attention to the OC special election, the first under new rules to accept late vote - by - mail ballots.
Its ratification by union members will come in a mailed ballot, which should be completed in August.
But with voting machines costing more than $ 11,000 each and the need to pay observers to staff polling places, Howe argues mail ballots would be much cheaper.
Mailed ballots must be returned by March 2nd, the day before the WIGP State Nominating Convention and Spring Membership Meeting.
By ruling of the presiding officer, or on motion of any Council member supported by at least one - third of the Council members present and voting, any matter on the agenda that has not yet come to vote, with the exceptions of a proposed amendment to the Constitution or a motion to recall an elective member of the Board, may be submitted to the entire Council membership for a mail ballot, or by electronic means, and shall require for its approval a favorable vote of a majority of the Council members, except that a resolution shall require for its adoption a favorable vote of two - thirds of those members.
In addition, the Committee shall annually present to members of the Council for election by mail ballot, or by electronic means, at least two nominations for each position to be filled on the Committee on Council Affairs by vote of the Council.
The Committee on Nominations shall annually present to the Members for election by mail ballot, or by electronic means, at least two nominations for the position of President - Elect and for each additional position to be filled on the Board.
(v) A motion to recall an elective member of the Board shall require for its submission to the Members of the Association for mail ballot, or by electronic means, an affirmative vote of three - fourths of the members present.
If at least three - fourths of the Council members in attendance at the meeting so vote, a proposal to recall shall be submitted, within thirty days of the meeting, to the Members of the Association for mail ballot, or by electronic means.
In an annual election, slates bearing at least two nominations for each of the following positions which are to be filled shall be presented to the members of each Electorate for election by mail ballot or by electronic means:
In an annual general election, slates bearing at least two nominations for each of the following positions shall be presented to the Members of the Association for election by mail ballot or by electronic means:
It shall (i) prepare the agenda for meetings of the Council; (ii) receive or initiate, coordinate, and advise the Council on reports of Council committees, resolutions, and proposed actions submitted for consideration by the Council; (iii) review applications for affiliation with the Association and petitions to terminate affiliation, and make recommendations thereon to the Council; (iv) at three - year intervals, review the process for nominating and electing Fellows, and make recommendations thereon to the Council; (v) annually present to the Members of the Association for election by mail ballot, or by electronic means, at least two nominations for each position to be filled on the Committee on Nominations through election by the Members.
A proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Members of the Association for mail ballot or by electronic means at the time of the next annual general election following the Council meeting at which it was presented if (a) a majority of the Council so votes or (b) it bears the signatures of one thousand or more Members of the Association.
Members can vote by mail ballot until 2 March.
General elections to determine the President - Elect and the three regionally elected members of the Executive Committee shall be held annually and shall be by mail ballot.
[As amended by the Council of the Division at meetings held on June 14, 1976 at Missoula, Montana, June 14, 1977 at San Francisco, California, June 6, 1979 at Moscow, Idaho, and by mail ballot, February 10, 1983, and approved by the Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, February 23, 1977, February 16, 1978, January 7, 1980, and May 30, 1983.]
General elections shall be held annually except as provided in Article VII, Section 1 (d), and shall be by mail ballot.
As amended by the Council of the Division at meetings held on June 14, 1976 at Missoula, Montana, June 14, 1977 at San Francisco, California, June 6, 1979 at Moscow, Idaho, June 15, 2005 at Ashland, Oregon, and by mail ballot, February 10, 1983, January 7, 1992, and December 10, 1994 (January 8, 1995), and approved by the Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, February 23, 1977, February 16, 1978, January 7, 1980, May 30, 1983, February 10, 1992, February 19, 1995, February 18, 2006, and February 15, 2015.
The results of a mail ballot were read out and Fawcett was declared ASCB's first president.
«Winners» are determined by mailing ballots to over 800 voters in 46 U.S. states and 17 foreign countries.
Messaging matters: The 66 campaign was built on the supposition that if the far left mailed their ballots, 66 would pass.
Then Mark Thomas, Dhief Deputy and Director of Elections for the Utah Lieutenant Governor's office, joins us on the phone to talk about vote - by - mail, the importance of mailing your ballot on time to be counted, and how to protect yourself from voter fraud.
each member in good standing a will be mailed a ballot listing all the nominees for election in alphabetical order, with the names of the states in which they reside, together with a blank envelope marked «BALLOT» which, in turn, shall be placed in a second envelope bearing the member's name and addressed to the Corresponding Secretary.
If the Board choses «mail» balloting, each member in good standing a will be mailed a ballot listing all the nominees for election in alphabetical order, with the names of the states in which they reside, together with a blank envelope marked «BALLOT» which, in turn, shall be placed in a second envelope bearing the member's name and addressed to the Corresponding Secretary.
The actual use / receipt is to be determined yearly by the Board of Directors, not a mail ballot.
No approval by the Board of Directors shall be required and election of a nominee shall be by two - thirds majority of the eligible votes cast in a mail ballot at the time fixed for the next annual election ballot.
Except as otherwise specified in these Bylaws, all matters before the membership at an Annual or Special Meeting or by mail ballot, and all matters before the Board of Directors shall be decided by a majority of the eligible votes cast at the meeting or on the ballots.
In no case may a person whose dues are unpaid be entitled to vote at any Club meeting or by mailed ballot.
Any action taken by the membership at an Annual or Special Meeting, except taken at a Special Meeting under the provisions of Article VIII, and any action taken by the Board of Directors, except action taken under the provisions of Article VIII, shall be brought promptly to the voting membership of the Club for decision by mail ballot if a petition for that purpose is submitted to the Secretary within 30 days after the first day of the month next following the month in which Minutes of the meeting or notice of the Board action is published in the Club publication.
The Board of Directors may submit specific questions to the voting membership of the Club for decision by mail ballot.
Proposed amendments to the Bylaws shall be submitted to the BOD for study ninety (90) days before a scheduled meeting of the AVDT or the distribution of a mail ballot to the membership.
The board shall be comprised of the officers, all of whom shall be members in good standing and all of whom shall be elected for two - year terms via US mail ballot in the thirty (30) days prior to the club's annual meeting as provided in Article IV and shall serve until their successors are elected.
Officers and directors are elected annually by mail ballot and they conduct the routine business of the Club.
(i) The vote of the Board shall be conducted by secret ballot, at any regular or special Board meeting, or by mailed ballot.
Mail ballots must be counted by the Corresponding Secretary and turned over to the President before the date of the meeting.
Should the member decide to appeal, the argument relating directly to this matter and the Boards argument must appear in the next issue of Quotes along with a mail ballot so the general membership may decide the matter.
Any major decisions requiring action of the membership between annual meetings will be conducted by mail ballot or other approved method of communication.
These Bylaws may be amended by majority vote of the voting members present at the Annual Business Meeting, or by majority vote of the voting members responding through mail ballot or electronic ballot.
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