Sentences with phrase «us white supremacy»

People similar to Bull Connor and George Wallace still litter the political and social landscape, making brazen appeals to uphold white supremacy.
«We call upon you, as our friend, our classmate, and as a fellow American, to resign in protest of President Trump's support of Nazism and white supremacy.
But they also saw many things to admire in US white supremacy, and when the Nuremberg Laws were promulgated in 1935, it is almost certainly the case that they reflected direct US influence.
Understand that white supremacy is not limited to the most fringe elements of our society.
They had to vote for either the Party of Lincoln, which had abandoned African Americans in Reconstruction's demise, or the Democratic Party, which was the party of white supremacy in the one - party South.
«We will continue to take action against white supremacy, Nazi ideology, and all forms of hate,» the company said in a statement on Twitter.
According to the story, major white supremacy groups used Discord to organize protests and rallies, including one carried out in Charlottesville, Virginia, that resulted in the death of a 32 - year - old civil rights activist.
The decision came amid a larger trend of questioning Confederate memorials across the American South, given the Confederacy's legacy of violence, racism and white supremacy.
There is simply no place in our society for racism of any kind, white supremacy, or Neo-Nazism.
«When you have the chief political adviser in the White House, Steve Bannon, who is connected with a news organization that traffics in white supremacy and anti-Semitism and they put out a Holocaust statement that omits any mention of Jews,» Kaine said.
«Waco» was in development before topics like gun control and white supremacy saw high - profile coverage leading up to the 2016 presidential election.
«The defining trait of Trump's campaign and political profile was his embrace of white supremacy,» Legend wrote.
Right - wing extremism, including white nationalism and white supremacy, is on the rise, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
CEOs may snub a president who apologizes for white supremacy, but they'll continue to ring up Vice President Mike Pence, the repository of millions of dollars in corporate lobbying.
We've seen the terror of white supremacy & racist violence before.
The chief executive of Intel, Brian Krzanich, who is a member of one of the president's advisory councils, said, «There should be no hesitation in condemning hate speech or white supremacy by name,» and urged the nation's leaders to do so.
So Martin Luther King Jr., should not be bothered by white supremacy books from the KKK or Jews shouldn't be bothered by books by Hitler?
The murders have reignited calls for the Confederate flag - a symbol of slavery and white supremacy - to be taken down from public institutions.
Many resolutions since have acknowledged this, but it is important, given our history, for us to speak clearly and strongly against modern - day white supremacy.
RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, June 13 — 14, 2017, decry every form of racism, including alt - right white supremacy, as antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and be it further
WHEREAS, Racism and white supremacy are, sadly, not extinct but present all over the world in various white supremacist movements, sometimes known as «white nationalism» or «alt - right»; now, therefore, be it
Christians have taken to the streets of Virginia to oppose a white supremacy rally in the US state on Saturday which turned violent.
I've been rather disconnected from the EV world the past 6 months or so, but I know that there are those working to challenge oppression, misogyny & white supremacy.
Drew Hart is the author of Trouble I've Seen: Changing the Way the Church Views Racism, which released in January and which tackles police brutality, mass incarceration, antiblack stereotypes, poverty, and everyday acts of racism by placing them in the larger framework of white supremacy.
Patriarchy The particular social system that is claimed to benefit men (those that benefit other groups include white supremacy, heterosexism, cissexism and classism).
Among the poor, the refugees, the victims of gun violence, and the faithful ministers of the gospel who at great cost are speaking out against the false religions of nationalism and white supremacy...
White supremacy ruled over our nation and churches did nothing to stop the vast injustice.
I think people really want to know how to think about these big issues of the day, whether it's racism and white supremacy — as you see things like Charlottesville unfold — people want to know how to think about this from a Christian perspective.
McVeigh blew up the building using white supremacy and opposition to the federal govt.
Arkes agrees, but that's precisely the point of his book, which Prof. Smolin simply does not get: when racists appeal to natural law to justify slavery and white supremacy they employ principles that undercut their own rights.
A number of business people have also stepped down from advisor roles to the US President in the past week, in protest at his controversial response to a white supremacy rally in Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday.
In most sections of Australian society in the early 1960s, the «White Australia Policy» was regarded as a success for white supremacy.
Australia was shaped culturally by a history of white, colonial violence and oppression and a system of legalized white supremacy known as the «White Australia Policy.»
White supremacy rises up a lot of times in reaction to that.
As his fourth point, Piper highlights the Charlottesville protests, which Piper calls «the coming out of the closest of white supremacy
Anyone growing up in America should be aware of the twisted nature of those bent on preserving the notion of white supremacy.
@Rainer Braendlein you know those verses out of context, you can do that with the Bible too and that's why the Bible has been used to justify slavery, white supremacy, conquest after conquest, and the white man's burden in Africa
White supremacy amounts to unmasked evil.
Booker T. Washington and the Struggle Against White Supremacy by David H. Jackson Jr..
If your faith community is actively working to support the systems of white supremacy and patriarchy that are enabling this administration, you may need to take a break, or leave.
We must condemn the Alt - Right, white supremacy and the surging forces of racism around us in the strongest terms possible, without qualification.
BROOKE BALDWIN and those whites who have long history of embracing white supremacy have been trick by BILL CLINTON and his fallen BLACK ANTEBELLUM and HIPHOP ANGELS in beliving it will be easy to get rid of ANDRE HIMES not knowing about the power of the holy lamb, who has guarding ANDRE life since the day he was born AT SHAW AIR FORCE on APRIL 30 1965 EZEKIEL CHAPTER 36 Thus the LORD GOD to the house of ISRAEL.
The white supremacy of the Ku Klux Klan has been around since the mid-1800s, and racism tarnished the history of humanity since long before.
His boldest, most rebellious moment comes in a takedown of Christian white supremacy on the song «New Portrait.»
Incorporate lament and confession into your worship and confront the sins of racism and white supremacy with boldness.
Trigster: the Book of Mormon was written by dark skinned people, who probably knew nothing of the white supremacy you accuse them of... it does use ancient language, but they were not racist in our terms, the Nephites and Lamanites of the Book of Mormon viewed themselves as «brothers,» they were all one race.
This is also why certain forms of Islam and White Supremacy cults are currently not allowed.
when you have to use a polynesian cultural product (tiki torches) to defend and assert white supremacy 0H
The irony of the fact that it is typically the most ignorant and uneducated among us who still believe in white supremacy is hilarious.
Let's be very clear: KKK ideology, Nazi beliefs and white supremacy are not just «wrong».
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