Sentences with phrase «uncanny valley tries»

A side scrolling 2D retro style survival horror mystery set in an abandoned facility, Uncanny Valley tries to capture the essence of modern day horror games and tries to put a slightly different spin on it, but to put it bluntly, it just doesn't work.

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The sense of viewer familiarity drops sharply into the uncanny valley once the artificial figure tries but fails to mimic a realistic human.
There are endless possibilities for ebooks to make reading more accessible and immersvie than ever, but as long as ebooks try to be paper books, they will remain stuck in an uncanny valley of disappointment.
While the video only shows one of the four main characters that the player gets to control (unless the man trying to kill her is one too) it's an interesting peek into how the game is going to use atmosphere and whether or not it has actually crossed the uncanny valley as the developers claim it does.
The standard discourse tends to revolve around the new generation of hardware increasing visual fidelity, leading to games that pick away at the borders of the uncanny valley, trying to push into the realms of photorealism.
I like the idea that has tried to be created here, I am someone who loves to see developers trying something a little different to what the masses are doing and if I was scoring Uncanny Valley solely on trying to be different then it would get an 8 straight away, but the problem here is that this alternative survival horror is a good idea that has been done badly and it has ended up being a broken, head scratching anti climax.
I can't tell if that's a deliberate stylistic choice or if Guerrilla just tried way too hard, desperate to press through the uncanny valley only to crash the car just before the exit.
This could be exactly the sort of thing David Cage and co have tried to achieve with their interactive storytelling games, but it doesn't look like we're quite out of the uncanny valley just yet.
Because if we try to do too much, we hit the uncanny valley — that point at which the limits of the portrayed realism and the realism expected differ, or what I like to call when humans call «BS».»
Apple and Google's interpretation of it both have a bit of an uncanny valley vibe, like two robots trying to imitate a human grimace.
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