Sentences with phrase «unlike gold mining»

Unlike gold mining shares, physical gold is not a liability.
Unlike gold mining, growth in the number of computers «mining» bitcoin does not increase the rate at which the total stock of bitcoin grows.

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You choose to omit the important comment about Kroenke, which is that unlike other English hungry clubs and boards / owners, he chhooses just to sit on his investment putting no effort whatever or capital into it, even though with the new moey from TV rights and commercial he i sittingon a gold mine, and keeping it all to himself.
Unlike bullion, gold - mining stocks at least have the potential to generate income.
Finally, unlike drilling for oil or mining for gold - which will likely continue for as long as humans believe there's a chance they'll find more - bitcoin mining has a hard deadline.
And unlike other fiat currency that can be printed, oil that can be drilled and gold that can be mined, Bitcoin is comparatively finite.
She does acknowledge the «strong allure» of peer - to - peer transacting and how «unlike fiat currency, its finite supply and purposeful constraints on the pace of «mining» make it attractive to many as a store of value, similar to gold
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