Sentences with phrase «upper school director»

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These February workshops are targeted to reach spring coaches, youth coaches, sports officials, athletes, parents, school nurses, school counselors, athletic directors, upper administrators, including school board members, and anyone who wants to learn more about concussions.
Both are School of the Art Institute of Chicago graduates, now well established in the upper echelons of world directors.
How to Raise More Grateful Children (Wall Street Journal) «In some communities, specifically among the white middle and upper - middle class, there's good reason to believe that kids are less grateful than in the past,» says psychologist Richard Weissbourd, faculty director of the Making Caring Common initiative at Harvard's Graduate School of Education.
Anna Collins Trest, director of the South Mississippi Writing Project, finds she can lead upper elementary school students to better understand the concept of «reflection» if she anchors the discussion in the concrete and helps students establish categories for their reflective responses.
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