Sentences with phrase «urban transport pollution»

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«Perhaps it is not surprising that profit margins take precedence over public health, but with transport emissions the main contributor to urban air pollution, resulting in nearly 10,000 early deaths a year in London alone and hugely decreasing quality of life for children, the elderly and those with pre-existing health complaints, the public should be utterly outraged by this news.»
Urban environments that may have extensive industrial areas and roads with attendant air pollution sources, also require regional models to accurately represent pollution generation, transport, dispersion, and chemical evolution.
I hope that today's forum is a sign that the road transport industry is starting to understand that it is your children's future at stake − it's your children who will get lung diseases and asthma if urban air pollution is not dramatically reduced; it's your children who will suffer the consequences of climate change that the scientists are trying to warn us of − more scorchers, more devastating cyclones, more Ross River Fever, more bushfires, degraded beaches, flooded houses, and the disappearance of some of Australia's unique wildlife.
His research focuses on urban air pollution, climate change, transport, community resilience, behavioural change, public engagement and environmental assessment.
With reduced sprawl, appropriate urban transport and use of wind and solar energy more and more, this pollution will disappear and improve all of our lives.
As oil becomes scarce and pollution and climate change increase, people are finally realizing that transporting a 90 - kilogram person in two tonnes of metal just isn't sustainable, especially in urban areas.
High levels of public transport density are usually accompanied by higher levels of traffic - related noise and air pollution, especially in urban environments typified by a concentration of tall buildings.54 Both excessive traffic - related noise and air pollution have been linked to stress, inability to psychologically restore and depression.55 56 One of the main features included in the measure of street connectivity used in this study was the presence of bridges, overpasses or tunnels.
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