Sentences with phrase «use different assessment methods»

Use different assessment methods and activities to measure different processes and outcomes, coming from different learning styles, such as: Multiple - choice questions - MCQ, ePortfolio assessment, concept maps, clickers, or personal response systems - PRCS, online role - plays, scenario - based activities, judged mathematical expression, online discussions, etc..
Depending on your personal circumstances, you may wish to use a different assessment method to determine the non-resident foreign - sourced income component of your worldwide income.

Not exact matches

Depending on the method used, the assessment can be formal or informal, but in most cases, your child won't notice anything different going on as they are usually conducted in the course of classroom activities.
The group also used different methods than in the previous study, which Lamb believes results in a more accurate assessment of the actual emissions.
Methods: To understand the effects of economic forces from climate policy on terrestrial carbon and land use changes, the researchers used the MiniCAM, an integrated assessment model developed by the PNNL team over the last two decades, to compare different scenarios.
Second, constructs of these kinds usually require assessment methods very different from those used to assess mastery of curriculum content.
Learning and teaching strategies based on ICT assessment, supported by Instructional Design, should choose e-assessment methods that promote alternative solutions and encourage experimentation through peer - assessment and self - regulated learning using different media and communication formats.
develop solutions for different sectors for risk assessment and management related to extreme weather and climate events, such as thunder storms in 2010 and Tapani storm on Boxing day 2011, using also economic assessment methods
However, because different measures were used for child, parent, and clinician ratings, we can not rule out the possibility that the different effect sizes were caused by different methods of assessment.
Identify and implement five different co-morbidities common to couples using Gottman Method assessments and interventions
Contemporary principles of measure development for the assessment of parenting [36, 37] guided the construction of the intrusiveness measure, including aggregating multiple measures of the same parenting behavior from different informants into a single composite measure; focusing on specific behaviors (e.g., «mom gave me help in putting on or taking off clothes») rather than vague concepts (e.g., «mom invades my privacy»); focusing on a short, specific time - frame; using items that are relevant to the age - group being studied; and including observational methods.
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