Sentences with phrase «used monkey wrenches»

Not exact matches

The unfortunate monkey wrench in the Genesis recounting is the use of the word «day» as a term meaning «era».
Gluten - free flours work so differently than standard wheat flour and when you throw in the monkey - wrench of not using eggs, everything changes yet again.
an ethic of «Deep Ecology» justifies «using all the tools in the tool box - ranging from grassroots organizing [to] monkey wrenching [which includes] ecotage, ecodefense, billboard bandits, desurveying, road reclamation, tree spiking.»
I use MS Word, which tends to be particularly bad about throwing a monkey wrench into the code.
I know it can be seriously inconvenient, but using any device that is on your employer's network can put a real monkey wrench into the works.
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