Sentences with phrase «using human neurons»

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According to the latest neuroscience, the human brain uses neurons in the left visual cortex to process written words as whole word units.
In another example, he uses the example of human vision: the cortex predicts what should be seen and the mind fills in the gaps; in other words interpretation takes place according to expectation, so context even changes the way that neurons function.
Professor Wilmut stressed that he and his team had no intention of trying to produce cloned humans, but intended only to use the embryos for research into the distressing degenerative condition Motor Neuron Disease.
This discovery will help researchers understand how neurons are using environmental temperature in addition to light to regulate sleep timing in mammals, including humans.
«It looks like clock neurons are able to get the temperature information from external thermoreceptors, and that information is being used to time sleep in the fly in a way that's fundamentally the same as it is in humans,» Shafer said.
But showing that circadian clock neurons in fruit flies use external temperature to trigger sleep suggests that some clock neurons in humans could be similarly sensitive.
USING YOUR BRAIN In «The Limits of Intelligence,» Douglas Fox points out that human intelligence is limited by communication among neurons in the brain, which is limited in turn by the size of our neurons.
«A network of artificial neurons learns to use human language: A computer simulation of a cognitive model entirely made up of artificial neurons learns to communicate through dialogue starting from a state of tabula rasa.»
Researchers at Geron, meanwhile, had successfully derived neurons from human embryonic stem cells and were pursuing research that would eventually look to repair the damage caused by spinal - cord injuries, a possible use for embryonic stem cells that was much touted at the time.
Sensory neurons in human muscles provide important information used for the perception and control of movement.
The ANNABELL model is a cognitive architecture entirely made up of interconnected artificial neurons, able to learn to communicate using human language starting from a state of «tabula rasa» only through communication with a human interlocutor.
A group of researchers from the University of Sassari (Italy) and the University of Plymouth (UK) has developed a cognitive model, made up of two million interconnected artificial neurons, able to learn to communicate using human language starting from a state of «tabula rasa,» only through communication with a human interlocutor.
Within a decade, we should be able to use these technologies to read and alter the state of neurons for an enormous fraction of the cells in human brains.
The results obtained by Afsaneh Gaillard's team and that Pierre Vanderhaeghen at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research in Human and Molecular Biology show, for the first time, using mice, that pluripotent stem cells differentiated into cortical neurons make it possible to reestablish damaged adult cortical circuits, both neuroanatomically and functionally.
Using computer processors that behave like neurons in the neocortex, Henry Markram is inching closer to building a simulated human brain — a truly conscious machine.
It uses computers to simulate the actual workings of an entire brain — a mouse's first, then a human's — all the way down to the biochemical level of the neuron.
To replicate these cell culture results, Rani used human stem cells to grow neurons into what is called a mini brain.
The virtual world used in the study was very similar to virtual reality environments used by humans, and neurons in a rat's brain would be very hard to distinguish from neurons in the human brain, Mehta said.
Thus, by monitoring the activity of motion - detecting neurons in animals and simultaneously exploring human motion perception using cunningly contrived displays such as a, b and c, scientists are starting to understand the mechanisms in your brain that are specialized for seeing motion.
Cell culture systems used today also do not faithfully represent the features of human neurons
But no other group has used implanted electrodes to monitor so many human neurons at once or had such impressive results.
The data would be used to better predict human response to countermeasures, viruses or pharmaceutical drugs, and could help scientists determine if certain types of neurons are more susceptible to exposure.
The study, published Feb. 16 in PLOS Biology, made use of a mutant zebrafish strain that models human Hirschsprung disease, which is caused by loss of the gut neurons that coordinate gut contractions.
For the new study, the team used a cell - reprogramming technique (similar to those used to reprogram skin cells into stem cells) to generate human DRG - type sensory neurons from ordinary skin cells called fibroblasts.
But it wasn't until May this year that researchers measured the firing of mirror neurons in humans directly, using electrodes implanted in the brains of epileptic patients awaiting surgery (Current Biology, vol 20, p 750).
Mirror neurons were first discovered in macaques in the 1990s, and brain scans using functional MRI had hinted that they exist in humans too.
About a decadelater he invented an electronic mainframe computer called the Connection Machine that worked somewhat like a human brain; instead of one processor, it had 65,536, all firing at once like buzzing neurons, a model that supercomputers have used ever since.
In tests using human neural progenitor cells (NPCs)-- self - renewing, multipotent cells that generate neurons and other brain cell types — the scientists found that exposure to sofosbuvir not only rescued dying NPCs infected with the Zika virus, but restored gene expression linked to their antiviral response.
«We used human skin cells that we obtained from patients affected with ALS and converted them into neurons via a technology called induced pluripotent stem cell production,» she explains.
Using mouse and human - derived dopamine neurons, researchers found that dopamine movement is affected by changes in electrical properties of the neurons.
More than 50 years later, scientists have found a way to use radioactive carbon isotopes released into the atmosphere by nuclear testing to settle a long - standing debate in neuroscience: Does the adult human brain produce new neurons?
Motor nerve - like tissue (right) was generated using human induced pluripotent stem cell - derived motor neurons (left).
«The number of software - based humans vastly exceeds those still using native neuron - cell - based computation,» he wrote.
Dr. Sonntag studies this concept on the molecular and cellular level using a translational research approach that integrates the analysis of human material, such as postmortem brains, primary cell systems, and neural cell populations generated from patients» - or healthy individuals» - derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), or induced neurons (iNs), in combination with molecular, biochemistry, and lentivirus - mediated gene - engineering technologies.
In this context, Dr. Woo's work focuses on deepening the understanding of these mechanisms based on postmortem human brains and animal studies using a variety of protein and gene expression techniques, in addition to the utilization of differentiated human neurons.
In the study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the scientists used both rat neurons and human neurons created from induced pluripotent stem cells.
The George lab has made seminal contributions to the field including: discovering a novel population of neurons in the brain of humans, rats and mice that are involved in nicotine dependence, identifying neuronal ensembles responsible for nicotine and alcohol addiction, and unveiled the cellular and molecular changes associates with long term use of nicotine, cocaine, methamphetamine and alcohol use on the brain.
Sitting by himself in the lab, late at night, he stared at the screen of the oscilloscope he used to track the neurons» electrical fluctuations, becoming the first human to witness memories being physically written on the brain.
Using 14C dating we could show that the generation of new cardiomyocytes and neurons in humans is not restricted to development but instead continues throughout life (Bergmann et al., 2015; Spalding et al., 2013).
Recently, his lab used induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells — adult cells made to act like embryonic stem cells — made from skin cells of patients carrying apoE4, or other mutations related to Alzheimer's, to study their effects on the development, survival, and degeneration of human neurons.
Although Wang says there is still a long way before such an experiment is tested in human clinical trials, he believes that in theory, if scientists could develop drugs or use electrical stimulation that activates D2 neurons, then alcoholics might be prevented from wanting another bottle of beer.
Using iPSC - derived human DA neurons from opioid - dependent subjects to study dopamine dynamics Sheng Y, Filichia E, Shick E, Preston KL, Phillips KA, Cooperman L, Lin Z, Tesar P, Hoffer B, Luo Y. Brain and Behavior.
Her lab is using stem cells to study the function of the disease - causing gene and to generate human neurons suitable for transplantation and pharmacological screening.
Stem cell researchers from UCLA used a high resolution technique to examine the genome, or total DNA content, of a pair of human embryonic stem cell lines and found that while both lines could form neurons, the lines had differences in the numbers of certain genes that could control such things as individual traits and disease susceptibility.
The study used three cell types: human motor neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells, rat cortical cultures, and human breast cancer cells.
Using a discovery platform whose components range from yeast cells to human stem cells, Whitehead Institute scientists have identified a novel Parkinson's disease drug target and a compound capable of repairing neurons derived from Parkinson's patients.
Dr. Pfaff has developed a novel embryonic - stem cell - based model of SMA that phenocopies the pathology of human SMA, and can be used to study the basis of the disease and screen for compounds that might increase survival of motor neurons.
The team used genetically engineered mice to study the effects of different human apoE variants on the maturation of neural stem cells or progenitor cells, from which new neurons develop in the adult brain.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Using a discovery platform whose components range from yeast cells to human stem cells, Whitehead Institute scientists have identified a novel Parkinson's disease drug target and a compound capable of repairing neurons derived from Parkinson's patients.
Does this mean we're close to a human therapy using injections of healthy neurons to repair damaged spines?
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