Sentences with phrase «using numerical values»

Using numerical values as well as the words «revenue» or «profits» will show the hiring manager, at a glance, that you have a record of achieving financial success.
To depict only by using numerical values that appear in a calculation process.

Not exact matches

Mortgage lenders rank credit scores using an industry - standard model known as the FICO score which assigns a numerical value to a person's credit risk to a bank.
The use of numbers in ancient religious texts was usually numerological rather than numerical; that is, their symbolic value was more important than their secular value as counters.
The Democratic gubernatorial candidate discussed how his office has used «hash values» (basically a collection of numerical data from the internet) to help create a database of child pornography.
«I looked at people like [cognitive neuroscientist] Stanislas Dehaene, whose research illustrated the value of using neuroscience to ask questions about numerical cognition and knowledge acquisition, and I said, «I want to do this too.»»
The app uses the phone's camera and an algorithm to convert data from colorimetric tests into a numerical concentration value on the phone's screen within a few seconds.
The researchers used this information to create a «climate change threat index,» which assigned a numerical value to the public's concern for each quarter of the year.
Another difference between the Mayan system of counting and our system is that, whereas we have a unique symbol for each numerical value (0 - 9), the Maya used only three symbols to form all their numbers (which were only positive integers): a dot representing one, a bar representing five, and a shell representing 20 or zero, depending on its placement.
This study is focused on three specific aspects: to assess the impact of vegetation density on energy efficiency of a roof located at a Mediterranean coastal climate; develop a simplified numeral model that can estimate thermal resistance values equivalent to plants and substrates, and finally, to verify the numerical model by using experimental data.
You can use similar reasoning to show that everybody will also get the same numerical value for the Hubble constant.
Although Brown values the use of quantitative data in neural engineering research, he believes that the impact of DBS systems on users can not be fully captured by a machine's output or numerical score.
In this video, I give an intro to Venn Diagrams by labeling a Venn Diagram with numerical values using a concrete example.
Find the reciprocal of a number given as a fraction or decimal · Use index laws to calculate with squares and cubes · Use index laws to simplify and calculate the value of numerical expressions involving multiplication and division of integer powers, and powers of a power · Find the prime factor decomposition of positive integers and write in index form · Know the effects that a change of place value has on a calculation · Multiply and divide by any number between 0 and 1 · Multiply and divide decimal numbers by whole numbers and decimal numbers (up to 2 d.p.), eg 266.22 ¸ 0.34 · Use brackets and the hierarchy of operations (BIDMAS) · Use index notation for integer powers of 10 · Add, subtract any numbers including negative decimals · Check answers by inverse calculation · Find the common factors and common multiples of two small numbers
This applet emulates a calculator with limited functioning keys so that the student must figure out other ways to make the same calculation, such as using addition to do multiplication or using other numerical values that break computations up into component computations.
PRODUCT PERKS Find equivalent fractions to make matches with colorful dominoes Can be used to play a standard game of dominoes where students match values to form a train of dice Dominoes have either numerical values or values represented by cirlces or bars Plastic is durable and easy to clean INCLUDES Set of 30 Fraction Dominoes
I fully support the use of rubrics in lesson and teacher evaluations, but to assign a «foilable» numerical value can potentially destroy years and even decades of developed professionalism and good will amongst faculty and supervisors.
Using my Scale, which assigns numerical values according to a set of masculine and feminine characteristics, it is now easy to determine how Manly a man is and how Fem a woman is, and, therefore how close to a Samish - Sex Marriage a given marriage is.
It inputs into use the most common utility such as logarithms and powers that are raised for the numerical values.
Mortgage lenders rank credit scores using an industry - standard model known as the FICO score which assigns a numerical value to a person's credit risk to a bank.
is the numerical value calculated from this information that is used by creditors to help determine whether to give you credit.
Credit Score: A numerical value based on the analysis of a credit report that is used by creditors to predict how likely an individual is to repay a new manufactured home loan.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) defines a «credit score» as «a numerical value or a categorization derived from a statistical tool or modeling system used by a person who makes or arranges a loan to predict the likelihood of certain credit behaviors, including default...»
The ultimate would be to use PennHIP for early risk prediction and a numerical comparison value, and to select stock with lower ZW or BV numbers if such data is available.
A numerical formula is used to calculate the dog's «distraction index» and this value is compared to a table giving the acceptable value for the dog's breed.
The weapon you decide to use is more than just a cosmetic object with a numerical damage value attached.
All artists should have a numerical value that represents the cost of their time that they use as a benchmark to assess how much they should be paid and as a clear signal for when they are selling themselves short.
Most notably, in a global study Wahl et al (2017) considered both extreme value analysis and numerical models that were used to simulate storm surges at coastline stretches where no observations exist to quantify ESL and their uncertainties.
Unknown related variables, such as variables that are a component of a particular module, are grouped together, and a pertinent subsystem of equations and inequalities corresponding to each group is solved via a variety of commonly used numerical analytic techniques, using approximate values for the other unknowns.
The number of events that are available for validation is 15 less the number used in model building tasks such as assignment of numerical values to parameters.
Entropy maximization can be used in the assignment of numerical values to probabilities.
The Colorimetrix app is said to make the reading of these test much more accurate, by using the camera and an algorithm which converts the data from the tests into a numerical value, which can be viewed on the screen or sent to a healthcare professional for further interpretation or analysis.
Every insurer uses a numerical rating system to assign a value to each car their customers drive.
So in addition to displaying the battery level as a battery, it will likely be possible that numerical values could be used instead.
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