Sentences with phrase «using taxon»

Using taxon - specific data from mass bleaching events throughout the tropics from 1982 — 2005 that were previously published in peer - review, gray literature, and electronic databases (Table S3) we compiled 1,412 unique records of bleaching severity and related mortality (Table S2).
Many Out of Africa supporters use this taxon as evidence that Asian and European specimens did not contribute genetically to the modern human genome, but this claim is very weak.

Not exact matches

«The current recovery plan doesn't recognize that there are two distinct taxa on the islands; therefore, monitoring of population size and habitat use that treats all Hawaiian bats as a single unit is likely providing measures that are overestimated and not accurate for either taxon
The decision to use the 20 per cent threshold continues to be controversial because the potential fitness effects of this amount of admixture are unknown, and the threshold used will influence the decision to list by determining the number of populations classified as part of the native taxon (Haig & Allendorf 2006).
They shift for reasons that seem obscure and unnecessarily wonkish to people who simply want to use names to refer to a consistent, knowable taxon such as species, genus or family.
Shotgun reads were mapped using Bowtie2, using end - to - end mode and default parameters, and taxon abundances were examined in the statistical environment R, version 3.0.1 (72), as described previously (24, 69).
Taxon, museum specimen number, and scan parameters for each cranium used in this study are listed in Table 1.
Criticisms of the species area relationship include incorrect measurements being obtained due to the use of non-standardised units, inaccurate species numbers, incorrect meaurements / over-generalisation of taxon and environmental components of the equation.
The unique identifier for this taxon used by each partner is embedded in these links, and these identifiers are also accessible through the EOL API.
If you use a Collection of taxon pages, then the tool does work.
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