Sentences with phrase «usual symptoms of»

These megaturbines are reported to be emitting more low - frequency noise (LFN) than smaller models, and this causes more people to be affected, and over greater distances, by the usual symptoms of the wind turbine syndrome: insomnia, headaches, nausea, stress, poor ability to concentrate, irritability, etc, leading to poorer health and a reduced immunity to illness.
Two of the most usual symptoms of cat kidney disease are an increase in urine production and an increased thirst.
The patient will not have the usual symptoms of urinary infection as the steroid will suppress the inflammation associated with the infection.
Pets with early breast cancer do not show the usual symptoms of disease in general.
note: Usual symptoms of dog allergies include itchiness and redness on the body, ears, and feet but these are also symptoms brought about by yeast problems or yeast overgrowth.
The usual symptoms of this type of injury include pain, spasm of the muscle, swelling, bruising, and limited mobility.
My mother used to drink it regularly, too, and she never had her usual symptoms of tea consumption (feeling drained, severe brain fog, headaches).
Sometimes it may be associated with the usual symptoms of periodontal disease and you should read our previous post Floss First!
The usual symptoms of nonresponsive celiac disease include abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss and fatigue.12
- Particular attention needs to be paid to the use of drugs for AMS, as they could conceal the usual symptoms of AMS and, as a result, it is possible to go on climbing up until the moment when the body can not become acclimatised to the altitude.
It's understandable when your usual symptoms of pregnancy — sore breasts, nausea, and maybe some food aversions — begin to vanish, and you wonder if this indicates you are having a miscarriage.
The usual symptom of a bad wheel bearing is a humming, growling or roaring noise that gets louder with speed.
That's why sharply increased water consumption is a usual symptom of kidney failure in older dogs.

Not exact matches

«A diagnosis of depression can be present when there is a clustering of multiple depressive symptoms (including low mood or loss of interest in usual activities) that are present most of the time for at least two weeks,» says David Goldston, director of the Duke Center for the Study of Suicide Prevention and Intervention in Durham and associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke University.
Therefore, the usual wisdom — based on long and painful experience — is that when bacteria are found in the urine of a pregnant woman, even when she has no symptoms, those bacteria should be eradicated with antibiotics.
Mandating such a limit would dramatically reduce total head trauma, including the accumulation of sub-concussive hits that researchers at Purdue in a 2010 study found can lead to subtle cognitive deficits that evade detection via the usual signs or symptoms method.
Sure, there's the pretty obvious usual pregnancy symptoms — morning sickness, tiredness, cravings and so on — but there's a whole load of others that have come as a surprise along the way...
My period is 5 days late but I don't have any of the usual pregnancy symptoms.
While a sudden decrease in your usual pregnancy symptoms may be an indication of a miscarriage, it's not a hard and fast rule.
However, their symptoms usually calm down in the second trimester and they may feel more erotic than usual because of their increased vaginal secretions.
You may find certain alterations in the usual habits of the child, which are the premonitory symptoms of an approaching attack such as:
The usual treatments for good baby health for the above symptoms include, air humidification, eliminate exposure to smoke or other common irritants and short - term use of prescribed medications like decongestants if your child is not having difficulty breathing.
however this may perhaps be considered a usual warning sign of pregnancy, it should certainly not be used for granted given that this genuinely is also a indications and signs and symptoms of miscarriage.
According to AFSP, the core symptoms of depression are depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities during a 2 - week period, as well as:
Patients reporting greater overall religiousness and spirituality also reported better physical health, greater ability to perform their usual daily tasks, and fewer physical symptoms of cancer and treatment.
The study was an investigation of 578 consecutive patients with heart attack due to a coronary artery blockage, who provided information on recent and usual occurrence of symptoms of respiratory infection.
The PACE trial, published in The Lancet in 2011 [2], examined the effects of three different treatments for people with CFS, compared with usual specialist medical care (SMC): cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT, where a health professional helps the patient to understand and change the way they think about and respond to their symptoms), graded exercise therapy (GET, a personalised and gradually increasing exercise programme delivered by a physiotherapist), and adaptive pacing therapy (APT, where patients adapt activity levels to the amount of energy they have).
Ivan Hung from the University of Hong Kong and colleagues investigated possible alternatives for cases in which usual treatments were no longer an option, particularly focussing on young, previously healthy people with late - presenting symptoms.
At 12 - months follow - up, anxiety symptoms remitted in 53 percent of intervention patients versus only 32 percent in patients who continued to receive their primary care physicians» usual care, and the intervention also produced similar significant improvements in health - related quality of life, panic and mood symptoms.
A telephone - delivered intervention, which included automated symptom monitoring, produced clinically meaningful improvements in chronic musculoskeletal pain compared to usual care, according to a study in the July 16 issue of JAMA.
Patients confirmed with acute coronary blockage were admitted, interviewed about their activities in the 48 hours before the onset of symptoms, and usual frequencies of activities were recorded for comparison.
Physicians can reassure patients that the usual course of a sore throat is less than one week and that antibiotics are not usually needed because they do little to improve symptoms and may have side effects.
Researchers also discovered that a little bit of fetal hemoglobin, just over 1 % of a person's total hemoglobin, generally courses through human veins our entire lives and that sickle cell patients who have more than usual, over 15 %, have milder symptoms.
Some of the most usual symptoms resulting from increased acidity of your body are problems with the immune system, headaches, constant tiredness and grave digestive problems.
If you find that you have frequent episodes when you do nt take your medication, try to anticipate the usual time that symptoms may begin in order to time administration of your medication optimally.
Whatever the cause, it's important to be aware of the symptoms of depression: eating more or less than usual, trouble concentrating, lethargy, and feelings of worthlessness are just a few to look out for.
«There's no single usual first symptom,» says Taylor, and people with the disease experience different combinations of symptoms and severity.
A study conducted by Columbia University found that when participants suffering from seasonal affective disorder were exposed to negative ions, 58 percent of them reported feeling better and a loss of their usual symptoms.
This year, some parts of the country are reporting a worse - than - usual allergy season — although your symptoms depend on where you live, experts say.
Reactions run the usual gamut of allergy symptoms such as a stuffy nose and red, itchy eyes.
This year, some parts of the country are reporting a worse - than - usual allergy season — though your symptoms depend on where you live, experts say.
Per usual, if you are experiencing any of the symptoms above, don't panic and self - diagnose.
Other symptoms of depression include loss of interest in usual activities, sleep and eating disorders, and withdrawal from family and friends.
You may, however, notice that: you're hungrier than normal you're losing weight, despite eating more you're thirstier than normal you have to go to the bathroom more frequently you're more tired than usual All of those are typical symptoms associated with diabetes, so if you're in the early stages of diabetes, you may notice them.
If the usual nutrition recommendations of a high fiber diet and lactose - free foods are not helping to resolve your symptoms, then the Low FODMAPs meal planning approach may be just what you need to take back control of your health.
Reviews to date report a small to moderate effect of mindfulness and mantra meditation techniques in reducing emotional symptoms (eg, anxiety, depression, and stress) and improving physical symptoms (eg, pain).7 - 26 These reviews have largely included uncontrolled and controlled studies, and many of the controlled studies did not adequately control for placebo effects (eg, waiting list — or usual care — controlled studies).
Looking at results across all the 12 studies, the researchers found that as a whole, individuals who participated in a yoga program reported less severe, short - term symptoms of depression following completion of the program than those who attended a relaxation program or usual care.
I tried to soldier on with my usual diet for a couple of days, but it just made my symptoms far worse and food was going straight through me.
If this is you and you want to try these products, then one way to lessen this exacerbation of symptoms is to take one capsule, wait for a few days until your symptoms have subsided (either totally or to their usual level) and then to take another.
After a few years of suffering and poor responses from GP and EndoPrats — I had many symptoms including low body temps, fatigue, weigh gain, thinning hair and eyebrows, low mood etc etc — but the usual «normal» TSH — I did my own research and now self treat on T3.
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