Sentences with phrase «very odd people»

Rescue is filled with very odd people that sometimes confuse their own needs with that of what they think is best for the dog.
«Very odd people must have trashed the trees,» says David Prior, a spokesperson for the U.K.'s Department of the Environment, Transport, and the Regions, which grants permits for experiments on genetically modified plants.

Not exact matches

And so that's... that is one that... again, it's one of these very odd things where people had done these studies in the 1950s and then it got dropped altogether.
One thing to keep in mind is [something in your company that could seem very odd to people coming to work there].
You're right that it's a little bit odd that people seem very hot and bothered by having highly paid CEOs but less so highly paid hockey players.
Many people believe Pentecostals to be fanatics and odd, but we are people who are just very emotional and love our beliefs!
The commonly assumed distinctions between the «religious» and the «secular» and between «religion» and «morality» are really very odd, says Smith, and make little sense to people who believe that the world has a story, as in upper case Story.
They are an odd bunch of people, with strange clothing, behaviors, and language, but they all love each other and welcome everybody, even those who are very different from them with wide open arms.
What strikes me as odd or funny is how democratic it all remains; very few people champion the hook - up culture as a means of Darwinian or aristocratic self - sorting, which of course it could be.
Religous people are so odd and I think very weak (and annoying).
Odd the people who are screaming about the government being too big and «powerful» are the very ones who have bought and paid for the government's coddling of corporate America?
I find it very odd that some people seem to think it has a very mild flavour, which is why I suspect it might be a flavour experienced differently by different people (we all have different sensitivities with flavours — some are extra sensitive to bitter tastes for instance).
He seems to have denied it, and very odd / unlikely that a person of his education & experience to say something like this in a video meant for a chinese audience..
It's odd to see this side of Minnesotans, because in general, they are very friendly people.
It reminds me of another odd phrase taught to me by a friend of mine who went camping with a group of very religious friends... Sitting around the campfire one night, someone actually said «It's so ridiculous how people think they can prove evolution with human science ``.
Most people do not tip, even on poker wins, which my husband found very odd.
If you gave your height in cms people would think you very odd indeed.
It's very sad when we should be an accepting community since many people already try their best to make us feel «odd» or «weird» for not going mainstream.
Very good news - I hope the Government and press highlight this so there is wide take - up, and expalin what it is for so that people like Newmania (an odd name) above can understand.
If people seem to be very odd, we didn't accept them,» he said.
We're all different characters and we're all very good friends... It's the most surprising thing I think I could tell people — actually we all get along quite well, which in a way is odd.
When it comes to Congress, polls show an odd fact: Congress as a whole has a very low approval rating, and yet people in congressional districts across the country approve of their own representative.
Meanwhile, he instructed the commission to negotiate potential reforms with legislative leaders — which was doubly odd, since their research had just begun, and since they were in the midst of investigating some of the very people on the other side of the bargaining table.
But, even in the U.S., there were some people who got very concerned that — there were a few hurricanes that — around that time that took some sort of odd twists.
And so even as we get to this point, before we get to breakeven, now people are saying «Okay look, we've been working on this problem of making fusion reactions happen, controlling plasmas — plasmas are these very odd materials, when you heat things up to very high temperatures, and it's hard to control them.
And shaming people for having «too perfect» bodies and taking their workouts too seriously is a very odd and disturbing phenomenon.
It was very odd and completely irrational but sometimes, that's just how people are.
From time to time, I have conversations with people who find something odd when they use niche dating services: many of the people who contact them live very far away.
I like Michael Jackson's music but I also recognise that he was a very troubled person so I can't help but think that someone that likes Michael Jackson that much is not troubled, but just a bit odd.
I know I'm not meant to judge people on face value, but WHB14 not only was rather odd - looking in his Facebook photos, but also stood me up at less than a week's notice, so I think calling The Upgrade (who was very nice and normal, and considerate) «The Upgrade» is pretty fair!
Weird: I'm an odd balance of logical science and emotional creativity, I am very understanding and good at reading people but socially awkward, and very mature beyond my years but also enjoy working with children and playing games.
Platt (Working Girl) is an odd choice, given his character doesn't figure in to the story very strongly, and he doesn't lend much box office appeal, but I like his inclusion; it's good to see that at least one person had trepidations about the flat - lining experience after seeing how it affects the others.
The character is funny, but he's also the only person in the cast going big, which is a bit odd... entertaining to watch, and a stylized performance, but still very odd.
The most hardcore fans may be able to sit through the story, it was very static and was just watching people talk and have the odd fight every now and again.
If I had to describe Unconditional Love, - and I'm not going to do this very well because it's one of those movies you can't really just tell people what it is because it's more than a little odd - it's like Empire Records or The Goonies for grownups, meets British humor, about grieving and accepting oneself.
The significance of the Common Core is that the advocates for the Common Core and the people who are designing the test talk very explicitly about, as Carol said, these instructional shifts, which have not been publicly debated, which got little public airing as 40 - odd states rushed to adopt the Common Core in 2009, 2010, and which portend a dramatic shift in how we teach 50 million children reading and math.
The idea of parents as volunteers in the school might sound completely odd to many of the very people you need to enlist.
It's a little odd for me that so many people are baffled by marketing because at the end of the day it's very simple.
Mathematics becomes very odd when you apply it to people.
You may think it's odd that bookstores do not want mobile phones being used and people staring at their screens, but it is a very London thing.
Although this can be very annoying, you have to understand that other people in your home are seen as odd or weird to your cat.
Borderlands had considerably better loot and combat system's, making it all round a vastly better game, though I hasten to add that while they're similar they're still very different games, but the two both share that strange compulsion that I can not adequately describe, which is why I'm using this comparison, because many people out there have played Borderlands and will understand that odd desire to keep going.
I find it very odd that Koji Kondo is not listed there — isn't he the most obvious person to attend?
It's an odd move for Microsoft to be putting this much muscle behind an RTS franchise in an era when so many seem to be hedging their bets on the entire genre, but I'm very curious to see whether they can reignite the love people had for the first two Age of Empires games.
In today's current online age, I find it odd that the very same people who are satisfied with digital apps and services like Google Drive, MS Office, and Creative Cloud, still cling onto physical console games.
The casual way people mentioned it felt very odd, how had I not heard of it before?
the interview was very informative and it makes good sense to approach selling art with a good business mind, I felt relief as I enjoy both the arts and commerce skills and see that selling is an art and an artist should not have trouble in designing a path that will work out sales special interest groups in other social networks this is just another journey a new color on the canvas I can do this thanks Cory your channel has been an inspiration I printed and sold 6 prints the first time I pitched I was selling prints of my work all with in a week end among friends I have now professionally digitized my work for reproduction online and want to offer a nice web gallery and this is where it's scary I'm an artist not enjoying computer mode I moved from an area with an art culture in Cincinnati to rural where artist is odd man in town so this is nice chatting with creative people thank you to Melissa for her uplifting input as well blessings to all
But what we thought was very safe, well, people found odd ways to interact with it, ways we'd never considered.»
As for Gleick, people sometimes do very very odd things that defy explanation unless you know them well.
It is a very odd situation for such an important vote that they might not get to take it, and it is up to one person whether they do.
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