Sentences with phrase «virtually everyone in the world»

Virtually everyone in the world, in some way and at some point, will be touched by cancer.

Not exact matches

As Donike said, and contrary to what most everyone in Caracas thought, the $ 200,000 worth of equipment used there — two mass spectrometers, four gas chromatographs and two computer printout machines, all American - made by Hewlett - Packard — was virtually identical to that used to test athletes in Helsinki and at last year's soccer World Cup in Madrid.
This episode explores a turning point in the life of Lacie, a modestly popular young woman in a world where virtually everyone rates each other — based on a cute posted photo, middling customer service, unpleasant personal interaction, and beyond.
To top things off, a mysterious broadcasting signal reduces virtually everyone in her neighborhood to silent, mindless voyeurs, all obsessed with recording the world through their phones.
Bully, an open world adventure where you attempt to adjust to life at a boarding school where virtually everyone has a problem with you, originally debuted for the PlayStation 2 way back in 2006.
ICIWorld becomes an ideal place for everyone in the industry to ensure their is a central world database that has virtually 100 % uptime since 1994.
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