Sentences with phrase «vitter focused his questioning»

Then, when meeting with non-C-level types — engineers, for instance — you might focus questions on the rationale about using a particular programming language, for instance.
Ask focused questions, but in a gentle manner.
Their deep alignment around these focusing questions is your source of both creative tension and urgency.
Every other week we've been asking a selection of our contributors for their opinion on what we believe are some of the most pressing market - focused questions of the week.
Because next week's focus will be on gender equality, it's probably best to focus questions on issues related to that... but, of course, it's YOUR interview!
The genuine conflict between theological paradigms operative in the debates of the Second Vatican Council during my own formative years of theological study in Rome focused the question for me initially as one within my own Roman Catholic Church community.
Both the First Amendment bicentennial and the current travails of Christian ecumenism have brought into focus the question of how the dual ideals of unity and diversity can coexist.
I feel I should not be obliged to do anything special in exchange for the fact that I had not perished like the others, since that would only bring into sharp focus the question, «Why them?»
This focuses the question about voting for Trump: Is he an evil politician?
One of the better ways to get at an answer is to focus the question like this: Is the Father of Jesus the God of Muhammad?
Some focus questions to ask yourself are: How can I gently introduce a new fruit or veggie to my child today?
It would be more appropriate to focus the question on say - individuals or housholds.
The state Senate in 2018 will likely be dominated by politically focused questions: Who will control the chamber by the end of the year?
Miliband was leaving the legwork to his backbenchers, who - whether by prior design or not - were almost exclusively focusing their questions on the government's benefits reforms.
Since the trial began, lawyers for both sides have at times focused their questioning on what, if anything, Mr. Silver expected in return for securing state grants for Dr. Taub's clinic and in the case of Dr. Taub, just what constituted being friends.
Republicans on the committee focused their questions on how Pruitt will work to prevent pollution from causing serious public health problems like the lead contamination crisis affecting Flint, Michigan, and criticized the Obama administration's climate regulations.
As often happens at confirmation hearings, senators tended to focus their questions on uniquely home - state issues.
Talking to locals «helps them to focus their questions, refine their questions, and understand more easily what types of information would be most important to collect,» Hik says.
Then, the faith - focused questions surface including:
This is a mystery activity, where learners are presented with a set of cards containing clues to answer a central focus question, in this case: Does Amelie make it to the catwalk?.
Use the focus questions with your class before watching the video.
I used them for lesson assessments and end of unit focus questions.
The discussion will be contextualized by the global scenary of solid waste management and the implementation of the new Sustainable Development Goals, focusing the question of solid waste and social development as priorities on the debate of cooperation for development and public policies for the next 15 years.
• Early Egyptian religion has had a profound impact / Influence on future civilizations Procedure: 1) You will be placed in a group by your instructor 2) you will travel to a station and begin your investigation (15 minutes at each station) 3) In your group you will discuss how religion has affected Egypt Socially, Politically, or economically 4) On your graphic organizer you will provide a theme for your reasoning (single idea / though / word / s) 5) On your graphic organizer you will cite specific evidence from the sources 6) On your graphic organizer you will discuss how you can connect that information to a historical event / time or a personal connection 7) On your graphic organizer you will write down some of your thought / your inner monologue (thoughts / opinions / questions / ideas) you had when you were reading 8) You will move onto the next station Focus Question: How did Egyptian Religion affect its civilization / culture as well as future civilizations?
Sometimes a focus question is tied to a school - wide goal; the question will be the basis for all teachers» walk - through observations.
«The reflective focus questions become a springboard for professional dialogue that is all about improving instruction and learning,» she told Education World.
«Talking about the process and determining collectively the focus questions around which walk - through observations are done is essential,» she added.
The series includes: • Blooms Revised Taxonomy • Blooms Revised Taxonomy — Verbs • Blooms Revised Taxonomy — Skill Descriptors • Blooms Revised Taxonomy — Focus Questions • Blooms Revised Taxonomy — Check List • Blooms Revised Taxonomy — Text Questions This resource has been thoroughly designed so no extra prep or specialised ability is needed!
In my high school humanities classes, before each unit I distribute focus questions and focus terms for the students to respond to as a culminating assessment.
A school's challenges, and its professional development priorities and programs, are other areas where some candidates would focus their questioning during an interview.
Each learning stage has four units and free lesson planning resources, including learning outcomes, suggested activities, information on community and cultural considerations, scene setting scenarios providing real life context, focus questions, assessment tasks and rubrics, teachers» notes, curriculum links and links to additional resources.
At the center of the ILC were four instructional focus questions rooted in the PLC process (DuFour, DuFour, 2012).
A focus question should require the collection of classroom data; in other words, it should answer a question a teacher can't answer on his or her own.
At an initial focus meeting, the observed teacher shares his or her focus question and gives background for the lesson to be observed.
Although a focus question emerges from an individual teacher's experiences, it often reflects a school or district's instructional focus.
Focus Questions are the different types of questions that are -LSB-...]
Each lesson begins with a Focusing Question to set the stage for student inquiry.
When reading a novel with students, giving them «focus questions» that they need to answer after reading the chapter to check for understanding helps them pay attention to the key elements.
She was able to list a wide variety of techniques for eliciting student thinking, including conceptually focused questions, formative assessment strategies, and additional tasks.
Her particular area of interest is working across the academic content areas, helping teacher develop focusing questions, selecting and using complex texts, developing strategies for building knowledge and oral processing, writing structures, and providing formative feedback.
A Focus Question drives instruction and allows for a deeper understanding of the text, while yielding high - order thinking.
The variation in union strength identified in recent literature, the new policy experiments occurring in states across the country, and the sheer availability of large administrative datasets that link individual students to teachers in school across the country now allow a new field of highly focused questions that link educational outcomes to rules, regulations and conditions directly attributable to union efforts.
CCRA.W.7 Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
While the existing teaching methods depend on individual lessons and projects, focusing on one project enables students to put the knowledge together in the form of focused questions and assessments for the project or the problem.
In this case, the DOJ focused its questioning on the increase in book prices right after the new agreements were in place.
I've tried to focus my question, see the edit.
Select one of the units within a stage in Knowing Growing Showing and read the focus questions before answering the questions below:
Focus questions support the learning for each of the four units in each stage and have been organised into three categories:
Each unit contains focus questions to assist teachers to engage students in key concepts addressed in the unit.
After consultation and discussion with students (using the focus questions provided as prompts) teachers could consider which activities relating to a classroom economy would work best for their students.
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