Sentences with phrase «vocational expert witness»

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Preszler Law will conduct a full investigation of your case, collect statements from witnesses, and work with medical and vocational experts to produce the necessary evidence to support your claim and get you maximum compensation for your losses.
They often work with medical experts, accident reconstruction experts, vocational experts, and other expert witnesses to support your case.
The claimant and witnesses would testify at the hearing, and the student would direct examine his / her client and cross-examine vocational experts and medical experts called by the judge to testify.
Over 30 years, providing vocational rehabilitation, disability management services, general career counseling, job placement and outplacement assistance, ergonomic evaluation, resume services and expert witness testimony on vocational issues.
Cincinnati, OH About Blog Dr. Kenneth J. Manges, PhD, forensic psychologist, is a nationally recognized expert witness providing consultation, evaluation and testimony in the areas of earnings capacity, vocational wage loss, and psychological trauma for both plaintiff and defense litigants.
A vocational counselor could be asked to assist John in his career plans, rather than to serve as an expert witness in support of imputing income to John based a career plan he left years ago and never wished to resume.
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