Sentences with phrase «wade guytons»

don't mean to be negative, just have to wade thru so many posts to find one that is actually helpful, even tho i realize it's still subjective until i put it in my own mouth.
Sure, you have to wade through seas of people just to purchase an apple, but it is so totally worth it!
To help you guys wade through the often - confusing world of coconut products, I've put together a little guide to them all.
I find your reader feedback and your responses very helpful in my cooking, but I'm too impatient to wade through the praise to get to the useful stuff («I think it looks delicious, too!
I would like to pin / share this recipe on Pinterest, but don't want to post it with an expired contest and people have to wade thru all that just to get to the recipe.
In a noisy world where consumers must wade through the endless product choices, brands can't afford to leave their product sales to chance.
Thankfully we have very patient employees and a wonderful graphic designer to help us wade through all the details that this requires.
I regret Lezli that I have given you a tough message, but I am afraid that is how the world actually is, so we just have to wade into the mire, and find our life.
They answered by citing most often 12 relationships established by «blood, marriage, or adoption»; a reader must wade that far before coming to one founded on another basis: «friends,» chosen as «close family» by only one of every 10 respondents.
It must be mind control to make me wade through snow to open up the meetings in January at 8 am.
Typically, we'd wade through the newspaper ads right after pumpkin pie — what they're starting to call the «Black Friday» ads.
theo regardless of how much you and your ilk whine about it; roe vs. wade is law and women have the right to opt out of giving birth.
Interesting discussion — Totally agree about the «punching above their weight» problem with the current spate of «popular» atheists and junk writers, as well as the «Hollywood» treatment of Pullman, but you don't need to wade through Pullman's trilogy to get a useful insight into institutionalism vs genuine spirituality — just pick up the excellent «The Dragon in the Sea» by Dune author Frank Herbert or «The Moon is a Harsh Mistress» by Robert Heinlien — great works from the Golden Age of Science Fiction literature.
But in order to grow and mature, we all have to overcome our fears and wade into it.
That's still a bit much to wade through.
I think it will bless and stretch you if you will wade into the conversation.
What deep water we wade in!
Shrinking looked they like those who wade through a stream in winter; irresolute like those who are afraid of all around them; grave like a guest (in awe of his host); evanescent like ice that is melting away; unpretentious like wood that has not been fashioned into anything; vacant like a valley, and dull like muddy water.
You laid out wayyyy too much stuff to wade through to be able to intelligently interact.
Not only that, but in poorer, less educated parts of the World, I can actually convince people to hit themselves until they bleed, starve themselves, bob in front of a stone wall for hours on end, wade into filthy rivers and, in some cases, to kill other people or even themselves.
How are they expected to wade through an IRS code that is thousands of pages long?
I don't want to wade into that debate --- for those who missed it, Andrew Sullivan has a good series of round - up posts --- but instead to look at one of the exceptions to....
If you can wade through the tough parts, you will come out the other side with a better understanding of the God revealed in Jesus Christ on the cross.
Some readers might find such content dry and difficult to wade through.
He does not need me to wade into a culture war or gang up on a minority or sow seeds of discord and fear.
It included streams to wade through, trees to climb, bridges to build, and mountains to hike.
With the supremes taking a shot at birth control with an eye towards roe v. wade.
We are going to the river, whatever the reason or unreason that moves us; we are going to wade right in.
I highly recommend this book, if you can wade through all the extra details and discussion.
She did not wade through California's putrid border waterway, the New River; she did not hop the fence that separates Tijuana from San Ysidro; and she did not cross the desert east of San Diego.
Another early Christian saying was that the church is a «pool in which lambs may wade and elephants may swim.»
We can't all wade through modern science, philosophy, religions, arts, etc and do expert studies of them to know what is really true or not.
But if you can wade through it, you will never read the Bible the same again.
But before we can arrive at any sense of certainty, we must first wade into the unknown, be willing to fail and pivot quickly.
Don't expect me to wade through a number of posts on a wild Christian chase.
McKelvey was apparently one of the few remaining missionaries who had the courage, or the interest, to wade into these messes and try to straighten them out.
It can be difficult to wade through to find a good nonprofit to support.
Others are able to wade through the Levitical laws.
wade, Your questions reveal more about you than atheists.
You know, the wade stance party.
He (rightly) assumed that most people would not wade through the Book of the Dead to read the accounts of Horus and Osirus.
I needed to wade through the creeks behind my house, build rope swings, and explore sewers.
The best avenue of approach is not to jump straight into his great trilogy, Theological Aesthetics (seven volumes), Theo - Drama (five volumes) and Theo - Logic (three volumes), but to wade into some of his shorter writings like Love Alone Is Credible or A Theology of History or the essays in Explorations in Theology.
HE made the decision to wade into this morass on his own.
jackson carroll and wade clark roof westminster / john knox press, 361 pages, $ 19.99 It is well known that....
To help our readers wade through this drivel, I've posted what Keller wrote followed by a «translation» of what he I think he really meant:
In baptism we are invited to wade into the same waters that swept away our ancestors in Noah's time, because Jesus has gone before us and calls out, «Come on in, the water's fine!
A Generation of Seekers: The Spiritual Journeys of the Baby Boom Generation by wade clark roof harpercollins, 311 pages, $ 20 Beyond Establishment: Protestant Identity in a Post-Protestant Age ed.
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