Sentences with phrase «wagging tales»

Elle's accomplishments include teaching children in her area about dog safety and starting a therapy dog reading program called «Tail Wagging Tales,» to help children enjoy books and improve their reading skills.
Can We Be Friends Happy and Healthy Pets Cat Communication Wagging Tales Wagging Tales Storytime
Author, writer, radio host, Reiki Master, Animal Communicator and consultant at Wagging Tales.
Happy Wagging Tales & Upcoming Fun Events!
The therapy dog and her owner started a reading program called «Tail Wagging Tales» that helps students at two North Carolina schools — Vaughan Elementary in Macon and Chaloner Middle School in Roanoke Rapids — become stronger readers.
Wagging Tales — Blog for Writers
Tape your project to the overhead so it doesn't get moved by kids, your foot knocking it or a wagging tale.
After 11 years our house is not the same without your wagging tale and soft paw nudges but we are grateful for all the joy you brought to our lives with your sweet gentle nature and love for everyone you met.
Our little co-pilots wag their tales as we embark on a memorable outing.
He has movement in both legs and can wag his tale.
This can be confusing to many owners, but IT CAN be dismissed as such by the dog lowering his head as he «smiles,» and most often wagging his tale.)
He was acting fine the remainder of the day I gave him the tablet, the next evening he started having trouble breathing and began coughing, he has no appetite, and only wags his tale but is not his usual hyper and playful self.

Not exact matches

Let's find some kibble that will get your canine best friend's tale wagging!
A more optimistic take on the power of Hollywood to orchestrate a media spectacle than Barry Levinson's «Wag the Dog,» Affleck's tale shifts from brooding espionage to amusing farce when Mendez heads west to hire acclaimed makeup artist John Chambers (John Goodman) and cigar - chomping producer Lester Siegel (Alan Arkin) to flesh out the plan.
While it can be argued that this is an iterative process — the constant refinement of story ideas to appeal to the representative reader, it seems to me that it is a case of the tale wagging the dog.
From the Asbury Park Press: No matter how stressed we become, how many bad days we have or how often we take out our workplace frustrations on them, our dogs are always there for us with tales wagging and tongues flapping.
Runners - up: Dog Tales Walking & Sitting Service,; Wag Hotels,; K9 Fitness,; City Pups SF,
Wags & Tales Reading Program: The Humane Society of Broward County has joined with the Broward County Libraries for our monthly Wags & Tales Reading Program.
Once again, the classic «tale wagging the dog» syndrome rears its ugly head.
Re: Franchisors push for change in Montreal, April REM Once again, the classic «tale wagging the dog» syndrome rears its ugly head.
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