Sentences with phrase «wall street journal op»

In a Wall Street Journal op - ed attacking EPA's proposal to limit toxic air pollution from coal - and oil - fired power plants, Willie Soon and Paul Driessen obscure the challenges posed by U.S. mercury emissions, which they say pose «minuscule risks.»
I am glad to see that my input into the Wall Street Journal op - ed pages has prompted a piece on climate sensitivity at RealClimate.
In the March 22, 2012, issue of The New York Review, William Nordhaus presents his opinion on why global warming skeptics in general, and the sixteen scientists and engineers who wrote two Wall Street Journal Op Eds1 in particular, are «wrong.»
In his latest Wall Street Journal op - ed, Matt Ridley provides a predictable litany of reasons why action on climate change shouldn't be a priority right now.
[28] Claude Allegre et al., «Concerned Scientists Reply on Global Warming: The Authors of the Jan. 27 Wall Street Journal op - ed, «No Need to Panic about Global Warming,» Respond to Their Critics,» The Wall Street Journal, February 21, 2012, (accessed March 15, 2016).
Also included in the mailing is a copy of a Wall Street Journal Op - Ed article entitled «Global Warming is 300 - Year - Old News» authored by Arthur and Noah Robinson and dated January 18, 2000.
According to a recent Wall Street Journal op - ed, this is so generous that during hours of low demand wind producers actually pay grid operators to accept their power, just to get the tax break (which can be «carried forward» and used against future tax liabilities for up to 20 years).
In a Wall Street Journal op - ed piece on Sunday, friend of WUWT Matt Ridley argues that basic science research does not lead to technological innovation, and therefore isn't deserving of taxpayer funding.
Multiple emails sent to Michaels asking whether he'd been aware this was why the editors resigned, before he composed the Wall Street Journal op - ed, did not elicit a response.
The Wall Street Journal op - ed claimed that there has been a «lack of warming for more than a decade.»
And you might recall that his March 27 Wall Street Journal op - ed «Global warming models are wrong again» called the climate's «observed response» to more CO2 «not in good agreement with model predictions.»
I'm pulling together some reactions to facets of the much discussed Wall Street Journal op - ed on climate overstatement and wanted to get your reaction to their views of your work....
To paraphrase my own words from my Wall Street Journal op - ed last December... Scientists may not like it, but Mooney's analysis explains precisely what it means to live in a liberal democracy; when it comes to making decisions, especially big decisions, politics must always trump science.
There'll be a second part from Karen Shell, and in a follow - on post I'll comment on some of the recent games being played in and around the Wall Street Journal op - ed pages.
I also would be remiss if I didn't include a link to a remarkable Wall Street Journal op - ed essay on the incident, and what it says about the intersection of science and society.
In a Wall Street Journal op - ed piece from late last week, DeVos said the Obama system was «chaotic» and resulted in a slew of consumer complaints.
Wall Street Journal op - ed by PAUL H. TICE, who works in investment management
A new Wall Street Journal op - ed highlights «optimistic findings» from the latest study on the Louisiana and Indiana voucher programs.
Wall Street Journal op - ed by ROBERT MARANTO, editor of the Journal of School Choice, AND DIRK C. VAN RAEMDONCK, chief of staff and graduate coordinator, Department of Education Reform at the University of Arkansas
A recent Wall Street Journal op - ed reported on the glowing success of charter schools in Harlem.
The head of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, a former Obama education appointee, declared that a return by the Department of Education to its historic routines constituted an unprecedented assault on civil rights (for a sense of how outlandish this attack really is, peruse this Wall Street Journal op - ed or this piece in Education Next).
The findings are described in a Wall Street Journal op - ed written by Peterson and co-authors William Howell and Martin R. West.
But his Wall Street Journal op - ed today is really lame.
In a May 2011 Wall Street Journal op - ed, Klein wrote,
She's... If you're listening, if you've read some of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal op - eds about high fat, what's going on with this, she's one of the best voices they are looking at, like the public policy side of why are we telling people to eat stuff that makes them fat and even worse, makes them weak and slow before they get fat.
There'll be a second part from Karen Shell, and in a follow - on post I'll comment on some of the recent games being played in and around the Wall Street Journal op - ed pages.
4) Willie Soon states «I don't like to claim that I am an expert on anything,» despite listing himself as an «expert in mercury and public health» for a discredited Wall Street Journal op - ed dismissing health concerns over mercury pollution from coal plants.
Sinner: Robert Bryce In a Wall Street Journal op - ed, the Manhattan Institute senior fellow illogically argued that if Einstein can be wrong (as evidenced by last year's discovery of faster - than - light neutrinos), then climate science must not be settled.
In September 2013, HUD permanently pulled $ 7.4 million of those funds, but the County Executive continued to stand his ground even writing a Wall Street Journal op - ed.
Last month, in a Wall Street Journal op - ed titled «Traditional Catholicism is Winning,» Anne Hendershott and I argued that there are real signs of renewal within the priesthood.
A Wall Street Journal op - ed notes how Pakistan's blasphemy laws, «almost as a matter of routine, are misused to settle personal scores.»
♦ In a Wall Street Journal op - ed, Yale President Peter Salovey defends his university's dual commitment to «the principles of inclusion and free expression.»
A Wall Street Journal op - ed by Andy Kessler (also published on Friday, Nov. 19, the date of Krugman's op - ed in The New York Times) pointed this out — but also recognized that the Fed would create a public relations disaster if it came right out and explained that its motivation in QE2 was to reverse the fall in property prices.
Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta confirmed the rule's implementation on Monday in a Wall Street Journal op - ed.
A Wall Street Journal op - ed in July 2017 by Josh Sandbulte, a money manager who closely watches the shipping industry, also suggested the Postal Service is probably effectively subsidizing Amazon and other online retailers.
Not so fast, say Stephen Haber and Ross Levine in a Wall Street Journal Op - Ed («The Myth of the Wicked Patent Troll»).
First she stood up to Spotify, pulling her entire catalog and penning a Wall Street Journal op - ed that «music should not be free.»
writes VandeHei in a Wall Street Journal op - ed.
Yet he also opposes labor unions and once penned a Wall Street Journal op - ed that ran under the headline The Whole Foods Alternative to Obamacare that endeared him to the Tea Party.
(In a Wall Street Journal op - ed, Mackey proposed his own, more libertarian alternative.)
The notion of adding solar panels to the border wall was explored in a Wall Street Journal op - ed in March.
In HP's case, however, members of the board were out defending and explaining the company's changing direction amid the stock fallout — both in a Wall Street Journal op - ed and in conversations with investors.

Not exact matches

In a 2011 op - ed in The Wall Street Journal, President Obama acknowledged this problem, saying «sometimes, those rules have gotten out of balance, placing unreasonable burdens on business — burdens that have stifled innovation and have had a chilling effect on growth and jobs.»
Recently this debate has played out in the pages of the Wall Street Journal with Neel Kashkari and John Taylor exchanging op - eds on the virtues of rules - based policy.
It used to be that getting this information required scanning through your paper copy of The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times to find relevant news and op - eds.
So did the National Association of Manufacturers, whose CEO, Jay Timmons, wrote a scathing op - ed in the Wall Street Journal following Garrett's nomination, counting Garrett among those «responsible for moving our jobs, our wealth and our factories to other countries.»
In the aforementioned op - ed for The Wall Street Journal, published one month before Trump's on - the - spot acceptance to meet with Kim Jong Un, Bolton made a case for taking pre-emptive strikes against the North.
Malkiel (left), the Princeton economist best known as the author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street, now in its 12th edition, took to the op - ed pages of the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, saying investors who would «pull their money out of the stock market today to invest in bonds are making a huge mistake.»
800,000 people will leave New York and California over the next three years due to the new tax bill, conservative economists Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore said in an op - ed in the Wall Street Journal.
In an op - ed in the Wall Street Journal, President Trump's Homeland Security Adviser Thomas Bossert has officially blamed North Korea for the WannaCry ransomware incident that devasted hundreds of thousands of computers worldwide in May this year.
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