Sentences with phrase «wallace-esque liberator»

The world class sees money as the great liberator, and with enough of it, they are able to purchase financial peace of mind.»
Heads rolled at Apple, with several senior executives and managers shown the door, while Google was welcomed as the heroic liberator.
According to undercover police observers, 4,000 supporters cheered when Hitler condemned «the cowardly Jews for breaking the world - liberator on the cross» and swore «not to rest until the Jews... lay shattered on the ground.»
First, consider that to make a «Liberator» pistol, one of the more popular gun designs, you'd first need to invest between $ 1,500 and $ 8,000 in a 3D printer.
One of the most powerful examples of eye contact is in a video done by activist Jae West and her team at Liberators International, an organization that aims «to coordinate, record and distribute monthly global acts of freedom,» and whose YouTube channel is filled with many daring acts of kindness and awareness - raising.
They no more desire a powerful king than an heroic liberator or religious authority.
I went from being both oppressed and oppressor to both liberated and liberator.
Damian, because USA is the Good Guy, the Liberator of the world.
But the voice that tells Abraham not to lay his hand on the young boy is a messenger of YHVH, the four letters that Jewish tradition identifies with the embodiment of God as the Transformer and Liberator from Egypt.
When the rest of the world had given up on Jesus for failing to look like the liberator they expected, the women stuck around.
What is surprising in the context of this book is the desire of both «life - liberators» and «world - changers» to explore the phenomenon of play as a possible means toward their respective visions of wholeness.
Their example and even their songs raised a revolutionary liberator.
But more importantly, forgiveness is a glorious, powerful and more than capable liberator.
One can, for instance, include many possibilities: We can envision relating to God as to a father and a mother, to a healer and a liberator, to the sun and a mountain.
Without the use of personal, agential metaphors, however, including among others God as mother, father, healer, lover, friend, judge, and liberator, the metaphor of the world as God's body would be pantheistic, for the body would be all there were.25 Nonetheless, the model is most precisely designated as panentheistic; that is, it is a view of the God - world relationship in which all things have their origins in God and nothing exists outside God, though this does not mean that God is reduced to these things.26
Have you noticed how people who live from the heart — a few great poets, inventors, liberators, etc — do n`t normally have a long and happy life?
If today's liberators of the self decry dogma, history, and institutional authority as instruments of oppression, Newman offers these same things as instruments of liberation.
Christ is both liberator and healer.
The lens of history has revealed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to be a prophet, John Wycliffe to be a genius and Queen Esther, a liberator.
Christ is the center; he is the liberator.
Only those, though very poor and suffering like yourself... can give me life again... People like you will be my liberators.
The prominent display of pictures and murals of a white Jesus in black churches is a slap in the face to those who understand Jesus as the liberator of oppressed blacks.
Studying the images of Jesus cherished by successive ages — from rabbi in the first century to universal man in the Renaissance to liberator in the 19th and 20th centuries — Pelikan suggests that the way a particular age depicted Jesus is an essential key to understanding that age.
Jesus is the greatest liberator of women ever seen on this planet.
He is the liberator in just this way: as the liberator of Jesus from this body of death and out of its death.
Our first response to Easter is to walk as persons who know that there is a rescuer, a Liberator, and that that one is God, not man.
I should like to develop this programmatically in the following trinitarian form: (1) God is the liberator; (2) liberation has happened in Christ; and (3) this has happened for us.
When one reads Phillips's description of the crusaders» arrival at their destination 800 years ago, it's impossible not to think of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's 2003 predictions that the American forces would be greeted by Iraqis as liberators.
It declares itself a liberator of humanity — exactly as if enslavement to sensualism, materialism, convenience, and other modern addictions weren't commonplaces.
Nobody doubts the place of education or of economic betterment in this list of life's liberators, but there is one force which ought to be in this list which many people do not think of putting there — religion.
The expectation that others will welcome us as messianic liberators is naïve and has been proven false.
Death is a great liberator.
Even Christology of Jesus as the liberator has to deal with the question of power in liberation process in a clear and unambiguous terms.
Here Christ has been viewed as the liberator of the poor, alienated, oppressed and discriminated peoples in Asia.
17 It is likely that many others thought he might turn out to be the national liberator.
Perhaps freedom is an end enough in itself because, once people are set free, they can't help but want to hang out with their Liberator — and thus be transformed...
God speaks; this statement contains the profound, central, supreme conviction that God is the liberator: that he never stops liberating, just as his Word never stops.
God is the liberator.
On first thought, no subject of study would seem a less likely candidate for the office as liberator of the human spirit.
The story is well known: on descending from Sinai, in the presence of the incredible pretension of the Israelites to make themselves a god (which they could control since they had made it) to replace the mysterious Liberator, out of anger and despair, Moses breaks and destroys the miraculous talisman he was bringing: the stone tables on which God himself had written.
In them we find clearly articulated such themes as the importance of the communidades de base («grass - roots «Christian groups); Jesus as the liberator from hunger, misery, oppression and ignorance; the refusal to separate Christian sanctification from «temporal» tasks; challenges to capitalism (as well as to Marxism); the theory of «dependency» on inhuman economic systems; the need for liberation from neocolonialism; the need for «conscienticization»; the need for the church to support the downtrodden; the correlation of peace and justice; and the reality of «institutionalized violence.»
What about Jews, Muslims and Buddhists: must Jesus also be their True Liberator?
In the parlance of the streets, South Africa's population is divided into two camps: the «liberators» and the «collaborators.»
But if we can not reconcile those beliefs with his status as a hero and a liberator, the deficiency lies with us and not with the nearest thing the Age of Revolutions produced to a saint.
The major characters in the history he recounts are «liberators» — men and women of the left — and «zealots» who are religious and conservative.
And the liberators misunderstood their own needs and those of their movement's members: «The culture of emancipation was apparently too thin to sustain these people and enable them to reproduce themselves; the radical rejection of the past left, as it were, too little material for cultural construction.»
Many Americans actually believe that we should be welcomed as liberators whenever we invade another country.
It would seem that if God is the liberator and savior of man, human creativity becomes an empty word.
The evolutionary view of Teilhard is that the evolutionary process needs a Ground evolver, as liberator from entropy, as maturer.
This is a classical device, to shake the confidence of the masses in their political rulers, to accuse the head of state, to make oneself out to be a liberator.
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