Sentences with phrase «warcraft while»

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While there, he says, he played World of Warcraft for 14 hours a day.
To find out, Kristina Caudle at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, asked 15 veterans of the online game World of Warcraft to rate how well words such as «intelligent» and «jealous» described themselves, their avatars, their best friends and their WoW guild leader, while having their brains scanned.
Of course, it's a little more difficult to do, while in Diablo 3 or World of Warcraft...
World of warcraft single dating While i was searching for buyers around the subject of interracial.
From playing the beta, I found that while the new heroes and units were extremely fun to discover and use at first, they get old pretty fast - the new units and heroes don't bring the same spice to warcraft that brood war brought to starcraft, disappointingly.
However, while Warcraft looks like an epic, fantasy blockbuster, it just might be too niche of a genre film to appeal to a larger general audience who isn't familiar with the game.
There's a reason more established directors stay away — Mike Newell (Four Weddings and a Funeral, Donnie Brasco, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) saw his reputation permanently dinged by the box - office failure of Prince of Persia, a Disney adaptation of a famed platform game, while Duncan Jones (Moon, Source Code) took on the mighty task of adapting Warcraft to the screen and was greeted by punishing reviews for his years of work.
There are some enjoyable bits scattered throughout, but while that may be enough to please the legion of fans who invested hours upon hours into «World of Warcraft,» average moviegoers unaffected by that sort of fan service will see «Warcraft» exactly for what it is: just another bad video game film.
While it's still a ways away, the prospects of a full - blown World of Warcraft movie have been a long time coming with the film stuck in development hell for quite some time.
Duncan Jones is going wildly ambitious with Warcraft, while Macbeth director Justin Kurzel has amassed a Shakespeare - worthy cast for his take on Assassin's Creed.
While Glenn Close was barely recognizable in a brief, highly CGI'd performance in the video - game inspired sword and sorcery film «Warcraft,» her contemporaries Susan Sarandon, Maggie Smith, Helen Mirren, Sally Field, and Meryl Streep have had starring roles in first - rate independent films this year.
Legendary Pictures and Blizzard Entertainment first announced Warcraft back in 2009 and gamers everywhere were cautiously optimistic, while simultaneously nervous, about how the final product would turn out.
And while we may not have spent as many hours watching iCarly, txting about Justin or raiding in Warcraft, we are still responsible for their physical, emotional, intellectual and neurological wellbeing, and still more than capable of becoming competent stewards of their highly digital life journeys.
While playing «World of Warcraft» with the graphics set to auto and the resolution at 1366 x 768, the Helix provided a barely playable 28 frames per second.
While playing World of Warcraft with the graphics set to auto and the resolution at 1920 x 1080, the Helix 2 scraped out an unplayable 24 frames per second.
I can't help but wonder how many of those kids» PC spending is World of Warcraft, but it's nice to know they, apparently, spend more time rocking Lady Gaga while watching Twilight and the latest episode of Even Stevens.
It's been a while since this has been heard of, so a bit of back story: What started out as a popular Warcraft mod — Defense of the Ancients, or DOTA — was later trademarked by Valve for commercial purposes, namely DOTA 2.
And while Starcraft remastered didn't usher in a new age of classic RTS greatness like many hoped, perhaps Warcraft 3 can.
Dear Blizzard, while you're working on the next expansion for World of Warcraft, making changeable hair styles and the new über Death Knight class that 50 % of players are probably going to pick, take this list of improvements into consideration to truly improve the quality of the game, draw back those players you've driven away, and help retain a lot more who are itching to leave for the next best thing.
These servers, while a much - appreciated resource, were difficult to join and frequently made playing the game a complicated technical headache for your average player wanting to join an active Warcraft community.
While China has a history of inflated viewership, it's still an important reminder of Warcraft's enduring legacy there.
Though it is predicted that China makes up a significant portion of Warcraft subscribers, Activision received a smaller amount of revenue from that region while under the operation of NetEase competitor, The9, leaving little to panic about as Activision plans to receive higher royalties under the operation of NetEase who is also handling Warcraft III, StarCraft II and in the country.
While it is difficult to determine who was the first level 60 in World of Warcraft, it took only a little more than a day for a player to go from level 60 - 70 after the release of The Burning Crusade expansion, a feat that had been expected to take as long as the initial level 1 - 60 portion.
Personally I'm almost at my wits end with a pocket calulator that doubles as a web browser, then checks your heart rate, that you can watch 3D movies on, while playing World of Warcraft, and getting directions via its GPS, as you make dinner reservations, while observing the weather conditions in Jamaica.
While each class does have a role to play they're a lot more subtle than Warcraft's trinity system of defined roles.
Games like Team Fortress 2, Dota 2, Neverwinter, League of Legends and World of Tanks have announced that they will all be free - to - play when the PC launches, while others like World of Warcraft and Diablo 3 have revealed that they will be letting PC users play for free indefinitely until they choose to upgrade.
World of Warcraft's next expansion will exist, but not do as well as the previous ones as the mighty Titan has fallen, but people will still come back and enjoy it for a month or so before waiting for another major update while they play other games.
The ability to change between two DPI settings on the fly was helpful in «BioShock Infinite,» while the extra thumb buttons were great for grappling from point to point in «Arkham City» or casting frost bolts in «World of Warcraft
It's been released in at least 129 countries since January 2017, while MMO heavyweight World of Warcraft doesn't even have Middle Eastern servers, let alone any located in Africa.
While some subscription MMOs do indeed boast lockboxes, several do not, including World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV, which is why the duo nabbed this year's best business model award.
His earliest gaming memories are of looking over his father's shoulder while he played Warcraft 2.
The sidequests, while less numerous than in World of Warcraft, offer some respite from the main story, and end up giving the game an enormous amount of flair — sadly, these side stories aren't even close to being as fleshed out as Chrono Trigger's story.
For a while, it even seemed that there wouldn't be a Warcraft movie at all, falling prey to the same demons that pull games down into the vaporware abyss.
The World of Warcraft Armoury has been around for quite a while, but let's face it: Blizzard can afford to put a man on the moon if they want, so they're not much of a model for the rest.
While Diablo's music may not be as iconic as some of Blizzard's other themes such as the ones for StarCraft and Warcraft, I think their audio department does a fantastic job at making the music unique to Diablo III and it just sets the mood in a stunning fashion.
While actual details on the game are currently light, and no one seems to be able to tell us whether we will control some of these mechanical monstrosities or if they're just the 40k MMO equivalent to World of Warcraft's raid bosses, it does seem as if the developer is trying to incorporate some of the more epic - scaled elements of the 40k universe rather than just making the WoW clone that everyone else is trying to make.
While World of Warcraft hasn't been the cool new kid on the block for quite some time, it still knows how to keep fans excited.
Blizzard's head of story development Chris Metzen, well known as the father of iconic franchises like Warcraft, StarCraft and Diablo, has today been summarily fired after attending the office while completely off his face on vespene gas.
This week we're heading into the second half of the decade, a period where Square made some baffling choices with the Kingdom Hearts property while Blizzard switched their focus to tending to their hit MMO RPG, World of Warcraft.
But it seems fair to say that World of Warcraft's immediate future for the next lengthy expansion gap is on the test servers right now, and some of it is obvious while some pieces are... less so.
Boss fights such as those in Everquest or World of Warcraft are highly skill - based fights, but the stat inflation that the gear provides means that those fights gets easier as time progresses, allowing players who lack the skill to taste that endgame content, while making it easy, sometimes trivial, for those who got there first.
World of Warcraft has gone through so many system changes that mechanically it's hard to say if you like it — some people prefer Vanilla / TBC (we call those people «deluded», but that's only me picking a fight;)-RRB-, while others like the more modern updates.
Even while the studio is preparing for BlizzCon and the trailer reveal for the Warcraft movie, it announced that World of Warcraft has dropped another 100,000 subscriptions during this past quarter to end at 5.5 million.
If you're among the bazillion people desperately queuing up to log into their World of Warcraft server to play the new Warlords of Draenor expansion, listen up - While the Looking For Group and Looking For Raid systems have made it way easier to find groups, there is nothing that sucks more than waiting in queue for an hour (especially if you're playing a DPS class) only to have the one time you actually get up from your computer to go to the bathroom or get something to drink be when the queue pops.
Blizzard's head of story development Chris Metzen, well known as the father of iconic franchises like Warcraft, StarCraft and Diablo, has today been summarily fired after attending the office while completely off his face...
The base Legion experience will cost you # 34.99, while the Digital Deluxe Edition will cost # 49.99 — and it includes an Illidari Felstalker mount and pet for World Of Warcraft, a helm transmogrification and wings for Diablo 3, and two fel - infused portraits for use in StarCraft 2.
While Warcraft can't take all the credit for popularising the RTS, it's impossible to deny it the significant impact it had on the way the genre was played.
Ajay goes old school with bosses from Contra while Chirantan makes known his preference for strategy with Mal» Ganis from Warcraft III.
While Legion is far from perfect, it's much closer to a return to form for Blizzard, and it's a pack that easily stands up with the better expansions in World of Warcraft's history.
DOTA turns Warcraft III's hero system on its head — instead of playing an army with an important leader, you simply play the important leader while the computer takes care of the army.
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