Sentences with phrase «wars knockoff»

A tepid Gears of War knockoff built around a gimmicky but occasionally satisfying gravity - manipulation mechanic.
Somehow, in these ten minutes, you, oh fair townsfolk of the interwebs, have deduced that The Order: 1886 is a run - of - the - mill, Gears of War knockoff with typical gameplay, typical weapons, and typical mechanics.

Not exact matches

Isn't this just another Bride Wars or 27 Dresses knockoff?
A comparatively ambitious effort from filmmaker Charles Band (the Trancers and Puppet Master franchises), this is basically a knockoff of both the Mad Max and Star Wars series, with locales straight out of George Miller and characters straight out of George Lucas.
Released in 1978, STARCRASH, originally called THE ADVENTURES OF STELLA STAR, is an Italian knockoff of STAR WARS, lovingly produced with a fraction of the budget or resources necessary to be convincing.
First, there was the bulldozer of Bridget Jones's Diary, followed by Sex and the City and the books of Jennifer Weiner, and all of their filmed equivalents and knockoffs and offshoots, from The Wedding Planner to Bride Wars, The Devil Wears Prada to Confessions of a Shopaholic.
With the entire war wrapped up by the end of the first movie, the second movie just features Hawkeye back on Earth, getting into petty slap - fights with Justin Hammer in another malfunctioning knockoff Iron Man suit.
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