Sentences with phrase «waste land filled»

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Walmart Canada's 12 waste programs — including cardboard, organics, metal and others — has resulted in the diversion of 72 % of Walmart Canada's waste from municipal land - fill sites.
The distribution of plastic bags has been identified as a key environmental concern and has been called out by municipalities as a large contributor to land - fill waste.
This puts the human waste where it belongs, down the toilet, and not in our land fills (more of a health hazard b3).
Many people view these areas as wasted land and would like to fill them with soil to make them productive.
Due to the septic tank system, non-organic waste will fill the septic tanks causing grey water to flow into the land and sea.
How can anyone justify unnecessary waste (needing to wear sweaters inside during the summer, stripping down to t - shirts inside in the winter, driving around or waiting for several minutes to get 1 parking lot row closer to a building door, throwing petroleum - based plastic and other scarce resources in land - fills???)?
We're still making more garbage, Out of that, 110.4 million tons were recycled and composted (28.5 %), 28.9 million tons were combusted (7.4 %; almost all in waste to energy plants) and 248.6 million tons were land filled (64.1 %).
Having established then an idea of what part of the waste stream is paper fiber being land filled we can then explore the advantages and disadvantages of using paper fiber as an energy source (fuel) by comparing it to coal, the fuel of choice.
So this landfill just grows higher with the problem delayed for others to resolve in a future crisis since they are still not currently working to divert the waste stream currently land filled, or planning to site a new landfill for the City of Toledo.
Landfill life expectancy may be dramatically increased by diversion of raw materials from the waste stream and the creation of «products» from the «raw materials» currently land filled.
Industrial plants fill the air with smoke and dangerous chemicals, pollute the lakes and streams with waste and toxic by products, and wear out or damage parts of the surrounding land.
The Netherlands has the highest percentage of household waste recycling in Europe and the lowest level of land filling.
Surface mining has also become a dominant driver of land - use change and water pollution in certain regions of the world, where mountaintop removal, coal and tar sands exploitation, and other open pit mining methods strip land surfaces of forests and topsoils, produce vast quantities of toxic sludge and solid waste, and often fill valleys, rivers, and streams with the resulting waste and debris [81].
Heavy Equipment Operator — Alpha Co., Euclid, OH Mar 2007 — Present • Perform operations of heavy equipment • Manage safety and maintenance procedures on equipment and machinery • Clean equipment on a scheduled basis • Excavate land surfaces with graders • Gather dirt and waste from job sites and fill trucks for transportation • Clean asphalt for construction work in progress • Maintain logs and records as required
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