Sentences with phrase «weak pulse pale»

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Other more common signs of an ill or injured dog include pale gums, rapid breathing, weak or rapid pulse, change in body temperature, and difficulty standing.
Signs of shock include shallow breathing, abnormally low body temperature (hypothermia), pale or gray gums, and a weak but rapid pulse.
The first component of basic triage is assessing your pet's level of consciousness, airway / breathing (labored breathing or choking, lack of oxygen), circulatory status (pale gums or weak pulses, racing heart), and pain score.
The symptoms may include diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, drooling, hives, pale gums, elevated heart rate, weak pulse and respiratory distress.
Once the dog starts going into shock he may develop a weak pulse, rapid heart rate and pale gums — he may even collapse or go into a coma.
These conditions can cause signs such as pale mucous membranes, weak pulses, dehydration, and anemia (low number of red blood cells).
Gums often become pale and dry, the pulse weak, rapid and thready.
As the problem progresses, your dog may go into shock, with pale gums and tongue, rapid heart rate, weak pulse, problems breathing and collapse.
Other signs include fast heart rate (tachycardia), rapid breathing (tachypnea), labored breathing (dyspnea), weak pulse, and pale mucus membranes.
Symptoms include rapid breathing which may be noisy, rapid heart rate with a weak pulse, pale (possibly even white) mucous membranes (gums, lips, under eyelids), severe depression (listlessness) and cool extremities (limbs and ears).
If your dog is showing signs of shivering, shallow breathing, weak pulse or lethargy, she may be suffering from hypothermia; if she's showing signs of discolored skin (red, pale, or grayish) swelling, or blisters, she may have frostbite.
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