Sentences with phrase «weak readers who»

«When close reading is done well, you have weak readers who never would never have had the chance to deal with rich, complex text in the ballgame, grasping it, learning from it, and feeling good about it,» notes reading specialist David Liben of Student Achievement Partners.
Weak readers who know a lot about baseball, for instance, demonstrate a high reading ability when reading about baseball.

Not exact matches

There's no real downside for the newspaper, even though the story «is irresponsible, unfair to the subject, and a betrayal of the reader who isn't paying close enough attention to see how weak the story is.
Conclusions Children who entered first grade with the weakest knowledge of the alphabet, phonemic awareness, and other early literacy foundations were most likely to be on - grade - level readers at the end of first grade if they were in a reading group which had a structured phonics format until February and in which a «no nonsense» approach to discipline was taken.
However, what I found in my classes is that my weaker readers scored higher on the math test than many of the children who in their daily lives demonstrated greater understanding of math concepts.
I recommend Enon to readers who enjoy quiet, interior narratives; long (but not belabored) descriptive passages; a strong sense of place; and to those who won't mind spots of weak plot and dialogue in order to get to the good stuff.
Second, consider having beta readers who go through your manuscript and can let you know where it's weak and needs work, as well as what they like.
Obviously there can be a lot more contributing to the drop in sales — a weaker economy means less consumers taking farther - reaching vacations, for example — but if the trend that came about with the enhanced ebooks is solid, could this mean that people who buy books about business or technology embrace e-reading while readers who purchase travel guides or cookbooks are less apt to choose digital over print?
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