Sentences with phrase «week activities move»

Good Morning Today's National School Choice Week activities move to New Orleans.
Today's National School Choice Week activities move to New Orleans.

Not exact matches

Two weeks ago, on Election Day, ETP said it was moving equipment to the edge of the Missouri River, and would «commence drilling activities» within two weeks of the move's completion.
«In the United States, some of the current boost in activity will be paid back later in the form of lower growth once the fiscal stimulus moves into reverse and the incentives from investment expensing expire,» IMF staff members said in a report prepared for this week's G - 20 meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Dollar drop big, but not big enough: The RBA might be «delighted» about it, but the sharp drop in the Australian dollar in recent weeks is not enough to move the dial on economic growth and activity, experts say.
They play one thing for a few weeks, get bored, do something different, and basically have a cycle of games / activities they move themselves through.
While it may be some time before you actually feel any movement (somewhere between weeks 16 and 25), any significant changes in activity moving forward should be immediately reported to your doctor.
We're in the middle of a move, but I made sure to leave out our plastic Easter eggs so we could do some fun learning activities for toddlers this week with them.
This week, in a move that typifies the administration's recent approach, the state appealed an appellate court ruling that Indian Point is grandfathered into the state's Coastal Management Plan, which protects the wildlife habitat and recreational activities on the river.
Cosmic ray intensities had been fluctuating for several weeks prior to 25 August, a sign that the Voyager craft may have been moving through the turbulent boundary of the solar system — or that the boundary may have been shifting back and forth in space, sweeping across the craft as it did so, due to variations in solar activity.
After showing they could successfully quantify brain activity in moving subjects, they then scanned eight fetuses between 32 and 37 weeks of pregnancy, as infants born prematurely at that age have been shown to have active default mode networks.
During this 2 - week period, seismic activity had, in general, moved northward; Tuesday evening's magnitude - 8.2 temblor was centered near the northern end of this seismic sequence.
Moves thatll help you lose: To get maximum results on our plan, do any of these activities four days a week.
Many trainees make the mistake of thinking that training 2 - 3 times per week for an hour makes you move from the «inactive» label to the «active» label, which will increase your activity multiplier.
By setting up your home as a prime environment for «fitting in fitness» activities, you'll have no excuses not to move your body a bit each week.
To put the scale of the problem in perspective, Anastasia has approximately 400,000 pieces of email moving through our system every week with from 20 - 30 complaints about suspicious activity that may involve internet dating fraud.
As good as the intentions are, like many resolutions, after a few weeks it moves down on the list of daily activities.
A weeks worth of maths planning, written for and originally taught in a mixed ability year 5 class (4 way differentiation) Fully aligned with the new curriculum The planning starts with a cold task, and develops through the teaching of formal multiplication and then moves into fluency, reasoning and mastery activities.
The CAEL certificate involves the completion of four, 12 - week online modules in which participants move through a cycle of learning, application, performance, and demonstration that includes online activities (e.g., readings, videos, short assessments, virtual discussions) and exercises to implement on the job.
After Community Unity circles, the children move into Choice Time, two 40 - minute - long elective activities that change every nine weeks.
Students read articles customized to their Lexile levels each week, and the program automatically moves them to higher levels of reading based on their performance of online activities related to those articles.
The move will be a rolling process conducted over several weeks, in order to minimize disruption, but please expect some moving activity and closures.
There is still some chance for an upward move in Nino1 +2 in the coming few weeks, but since Nino1 +2 has already dropped by a considerable amount, even some rise, or pause in the decrease, will not translate to implications for important rainfall activity along the South American coast — at least not in the coming few weeks.
In a move hailed by conservation activists, President Obama initiated potential diplomatic sanctions against Iceland this week for its commercial whaling activity.
These are supposed to encourage you to get moving each day, to match your activity from the day before, or to let you know that you beat your daily «Move» goal three times the week before.
This could be attributed to the difficulties the Crypto space faced last week from FUD involving South Korean Justice department announcing a Crypto ban on noncompliance exchanges to Indonesia moving towards banning all Crypto related activities in the Country and Brazil declaring cryptocurrencies as a non-financial asset.
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