Sentences with phrase «western religious traditions»

In many Western religious traditions it is expected that there will be a period of violent upheaval before the end of the world.
Jung had a deep appreciation for the spiritual riches of the great Eastern and esoteric traditions, which he saw as balancing and complementing the Western religious traditions.
Claudio Naranjo has explored the many affinities between both Eastern and Western religious traditions and gestalt therapy.
The «right to die» has limited support in the ethics of the Western religious traditions.
Those who are familiar with Western religious traditions have been instructed repeatedly that the content of these faiths has been «revealed» to us.
Ninian Smart has shown that although Western religious traditions have been predominantly numinous and Eastern traditions predominantly mystical, all the major world religions have in fact included both types of experience.18 Early Israel gave priority to the numinous; biblical literature portrays the overwhelming sense of encounter, the prophetic experience of the holy as personal, the acknowledgment of the gulf between the worshipper and the object of worship.
Western religious traditions, however, are too distant from this new sense of the universe, he says.
Furthermore, despite the emphasis by such theologians as Augustine, Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, and Reinhold Niebuhr (with whom Schlesinger enjoyed a personal association) on the need to distinguish between divine and human authority, it is a gross distortion of all of their views for Schlesinger to impute to them the kind of relativism which makes the existence of God and the reality of revelation (the basis of all western religious traditions) so utterly irrelevant for public life.
The intuition of God's faithfulness is a fundamental ingredient of the Western religious tradition.
Furthermore, the Western religious tradition is based on a fear of knowledge.

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They also suggest that Whitehead's thought might provide the key element for an adequate bridge between Indian and Western philosophico - religious traditions.
But in other cases, encounter with Buddhist - based meditation has led Christians and Jews to a newfound appreciation for the riches of their own traditions, including a revival of neglected meditation techniques from Western religious history.
Thus the Commission called for a Christian concern for Higher Education which helps critical rational and humanist evaluation of both the western and Indian cultures to build a new cultural concept which subordinated religious traditions, technology and politics to personal values according to the principle «Sabbath is made for man and not man for the Sabbath», enunciated by Jesus and illustrated in the idea of Incarnation of God in Christ.
In Eliade, an Indian Christian finds a Guru who opens the eyes to see the wealth of Indian traditions and who has made Indian / oriental religious philosophy dialogue with Western / occidental philosophical thought.
The feminist theologian approaching this question faces an additional dilemma insofar as the religious narrative of the Western introspective confessional tradition grounds identity in culturally «feminine» terms.
The unique aspect of experience is a measure of the concreteness of God for us, and is «irreducible, incomparable, incommensurable to any parameter of understanding»; it is, as Eastern and Western faith traditions all acknowledge, a manifestation of the fact that «religious truth is existential and non-objectifiable.»
Quest for historical Jesus and for secularization of the gospel, for example, was very much influenced the modernity of the Western civilization; and, consequently, Asian religious - cultural traditions were regarded as pre-modern and neglected not only as «pagan», but also as antiquated.
Perhaps the Eastern Christian Tradition can provide a way to preserve the material blessings of Western technology and scientific insights without losing the intuitive spiritual wisdom gained earlier when Religious Traditions experienced Grace more deeply by their participation in the natural rhythms of life.
One must first recognize that there are two basic religious traditions in Western thought: a mainstream tradition of Christian and non-Christian theism, and a minority tradition of humanism.
Nor should we limit our understanding of religious virtues to the Judeo - Christian strand of the Western tradition.
The view that God has a subjective aspect is supported by the religious traditions of the West and brings the principle of novelty and order into closer proximity to the main streams of Western religious experience.
I have tried thus far to demonstrate that the secular part of Western culture has itself raised the community question with unprecedented urgency and that the religious are best situated to address the question with authority based upon both tradition and experience.
The idea of revelation in history is intrinsically bound up with Western theistic religious traditions.
As they develop economically, non-Western societies are more likely to see virtues in political democracy than in Western Christianity and they will become more likely to reinterpret their religious and cultural traditions so as to make them compatible with the democratic political practices.
There are instances where converts were forced to eat meat, drink wine and take on other «western» ways, perhaps to prevent lapses into their former religious tradition.
I think Whitehead also knew this, suggesting a radical reversal of the Western philosophical and religious tradition's insistence that virtue, there meant as obedience to law, can be externally taught.
The great mass of people of western culture still play at least lip - service to past religious traditions, but the proportion of their daily life that it directly influences grows increasingly less.
Accordingly, he paid special attention to (1) the special place of Judaism and Christianity in Western civilization, which the first approach had stressed; (2) the relationship between the history of religions and philosophy of religion (or theology), which the second approach had emphasized; and (3) the concern North Americans had shown for specific religious traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam.
This is in real tension with Western Christianity, but it is in more drastic violation of all the other religious and cultural traditions.
On the other hand, there was another minority who, looking back to their own religious and cultural traditions with a newly acquired Western - type national consciousness, became extremely conservative and rejected the West in toto.
For example, most Western human rights advocates, even from Christian traditions, would say that religious freedom requires state religious neutrality.
Since all people of the world, including the most Classical music is art music produced or rooted in the traditions of Western culture, including both liturgical (religious) and secular music.
Q: You state that Western civilization has changed the world — especially religious traditions.
His work is influenced by religious art and metaphysics, and he blends the imaginative and phantasy elements of his artistic process with with Western religion and European folk traditions, a combination that aims to give a mythic dimension and an almost archetypal significance.
Gates was selected for his installation A Complicated Relationship between Heaven and Earth, or When We Believe (2014), which seeks to challenge a Western - centric ideology of Christianity by looking at other religious objects and traditions from diverse cultures across the globe.
Evocative of the Western tradition of religious painting, in which the Madonna is often depicted with a suckling infant at her breast, The Holy Virgin Mary draws upon this repository of source imagery, with Ofili forming his Madonna's breast from dried elephant dung.
Historically the Western tradition until the 17th century associated the portrayal of the human being with a figure of power, whether religious, political or financial.
Beneath their beautiful jewel - like surface is a collection of dark and violent images inspired by ancient myths and religious tales from both East and Western tradition.
Luxurious materials, like pearls, crystals, and gold - leaf, can pull double - duty as reference to both the religious traditions of Iranian art and the opulent superficiality of Western pop culture.
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