Sentences with phrase «what about affordability»

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And of course, we all know there's a lot of 2 for $ 20 - type promotions from competitors out there, so when we think about affordability, can you maybe describe to us if you are — if and when you're advertising 2 for $ 25, what is going to be the value — incremental value component, to cut through the clutter to make people think that, that's a value versus your peers who are probably going to continue to advertise 2 for $ 20.
Perhaps what sticks out the most about this towel is its affordability.
«Even if the rent increases ultimately approved are at the low end of the proposed ranges,» Nadler said, «I have many serious concerns about what this decision would mean for the more than 1 million low - and middle - income rent - stabilized residents of New York City who are already facing a crisis of affordability and cost - of - living increases.»
Discussions about higher education often focus on affordabilitywhat college costs, what students pay and crucially, how much they borrow to finance their degrees.
While affordability and academic preparation are both important issues, Long said these factors are compounded by the complexity of the processes involved, with parents and students faced with too little information, bad information, misperceptions about what aid is available, and often not getting the information they need when they need it.
Regardless of what anyone thinks about the cost of higher education (and I could write a thousand additional words on the fairness of higher education affordability) the fact of the matter is opportunity for economic security is directly linked to having a college degree or certificate.
Watch FCAN's webinar Busting the Affordability Barrier: What You Need to Know About This Year's Florida FAFSA Challenge.
Take job availability, affordability and lifestyle into account when thinking about what market you'd like to purchase a rental property in.
Budgeting To Buy Your Home See what the experts have to say about establishing a timeline and game plan, determining affordability, budgeting to buy, using a team of experts, and meeting qualifying ratios.
If you have questions about the process, affordability, credit, legal matters, or income, trust us to find you what you need fast.
Increased rents and stagnant wage growth leads to a problem of affordability for many renters, and a separate conversation about Affordable Housing, what it is and how it works.
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