Sentences with phrase «what kind of madness»

What kind of madness lurks within its walls; and I mean, really within?
I feel I have to add my voice to the «what kind of madness is this?»

Not exact matches

Amidst the madness, they also need to wrap their head around the risks their business faces and what kind of insurance can help them mitigate those risks.
It has a sweet tanginess kind of» meaty» if you know what I mean... I am not sure how available parsnip is in the U.S, in the Uk it's everywhere but in Italy (where I come from) it is only used as cow feed which is madness!!
You're the kind of supporter that makes Kroenke continue his madness, blindly cheering up the team, supporting them no matter what is being said and done.
For those perhaps not familiar with the jargon of the Martian astronaut community, crew selection protocols are what you use before a trip to Mars to determine what kind of person is going to make a staunch and reliable crew member, as opposed to the kind liable to — as we say in astropsychology — fall victim to Space Madness, sell his soul to the onboard master computer, disembowel his crewmates somewhere deep in the black, unaccountable void, eventually landing on Mars only to scamper briefly across its surface, forgetting his helmet in a self - made diaper of hydraulic cabling, and finally collapsing with a mouthful of red dirt, advancing human understanding of the Red Planet millimetrically, if at all.
What would be a good film for people to kind of dip their toes into the water this year with Midnight Madness?
He'd discussed it with Mark while having lunch in the Students Union Building; and Mark, in the incredibly tolerant way of one who's brushed aside death (he was a cancer survivor; his lower left leg was amputated), and who saw his friend's madness for what it was, said with self - deprecating reasonableness: «I think any kind of effort that brings relief to Africa is all right.»
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