Sentences with phrase «what kind of satisfaction»

One may wonder, what kind of satisfaction does one get from spending such a great amount of their paycheck on something that is just for show?
What kind of satisfaction can there be for a coach or administrator who takes such an unprepared kid under his wing for athletic development, places him in a strange, unmanageable academic environment, allows him to fail and then, after four years of «college,» turns him out, penniless and prepared only for an unreachable NBA or NFL?
What kind of satisfaction the initial aim is directed toward is determined by the relevant possibility for its actualization, as established by its past, that will give it the greatest intensity of feeling and also contribute maximally to the future of the nexus of which it is a part.
In the second place, the initial aim also determines at what kind of satisfaction the occasion will initially aim and thereby influences, without determining, the satisfaction actually attained.

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The independence and the satisfaction of turning a business idea into a successful enterprise are probably what most small business owners find the most rewarding, but there are all kinds of other satisfactions, too, from creating a new process through hearing from a satisfied customer.
I disagree that Crossan gets some kind of satisfaction by «debunking» religion — I believe Crossan is interested in history and how Jesus fits into what we know now about that time period.
Much of what we discussed, however, will be familiar to online communicators of any stripe: the need for websites to convert visitors into followers, the power of video to create a connection, the importance of delivering value of some kind to list members («inside» information, emotional satisfaction, raw - meat partisanship), the usefulness of adapting content for many different channels, and the tendency of online outreach to be trench warfare more than blitzkrieg.
Much of what we discussed, however, will be familiar to online communicators of any stripe: the need for websites to convert visitors into followers, the value of video in creating a connection, the importance of delivering value of some kind to list members («inside» information, emotional satisfaction, raw - meat partisanship), the usefulness of adapting content for many different channels, and the tendency of online outreach to be trench warfare more than blitzkrieg.
This is a hormone that gives us a feeling of satisfaction, it gives us a feeling of uplift, it's often what tanks when we crave carbs, and so eating carbohydrates kind of perks our serotonin levels up.
If you haven't tried it yet, you should see what kind of difference you make in your workouts and your satisfaction with the way your body develops.
It is their own decision to engage into such dating process if it is what gives them satisfaction and if it is the kind of relationship that fulfills their needs.
They also provide the satisfaction that no one else has any idea what kind of fury lies under the hood.
Even the customers of full - line stores, in for their dog food or kitty litter, will take an extra few minutes to peruse the exotics section, if for no other reason than to consider what kind of person could possibly find satisfaction in owning such weird pets.
To your eye, what makes an experience feel lived in; similarly, what kinds of actions / button presses / visuals give the most satisfaction and engagement?
How can we make these kinds of more flexible, livable arrangements accessible, not just for moms but for dads, for everybody to make the long term satisfaction in this profession, I think it's going to be just what you said, which is a win win.
In a very competitive marketplace where client satisfaction is high across the board, Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes received particularly outstanding feedback, with clients telling our researchers: «What impresses us is that the firm understands when something is urgent, and their lawyers know how to handle these kinds of matters.
Since 2008, many people, not just those in the legal profession, now demand that their work is sufficiently balanced such that when the next Black Swan swoops in, what is left after all remnants of normality have been looted, is the kind of personal satisfaction and feeling of worth necessary to endure the stress points.
A plethora of pockets and a two - way zipper system ensure complete satisfaction no matter what kind of storm blows your way.
What psychological and behavioral changes are associated with participants» satisfaction with conflict mediation, and what aspects of the complex dynamics of the mediation session are associated with what kinds of affective, cognitive, and behavioral benefits to victims of others» wrongdoWhat psychological and behavioral changes are associated with participants» satisfaction with conflict mediation, and what aspects of the complex dynamics of the mediation session are associated with what kinds of affective, cognitive, and behavioral benefits to victims of others» wrongdowhat aspects of the complex dynamics of the mediation session are associated with what kinds of affective, cognitive, and behavioral benefits to victims of others» wrongdowhat kinds of affective, cognitive, and behavioral benefits to victims of others» wrongdoing?
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