Sentences with phrase «what kind of talking»

What kind of talking to expect from your 2 - year - old and how you can help children develop their language skills at this age.
What kind of talk is that?
What kind of talk is this?
Through the song Clique, Kanye says «Suicide what kind of talk is that».
Towards the end of it, Ye says «Went through deep depression when my mama passed, suicide what kind of talk is that?».
In a commentary published today in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, Rowe joins forces with Boston Medical Center pediatrician Barry Zuckerman to offer specific guidance to pediatricians and parents about just what kind of talk is most important, at what ages and stages in a child's growth.
What kind of talks would a game developer benefit from?

Not exact matches

As for the Republican leadership, Walker said, «I would hope they come to us and begin to talk about solutions from here and what kind of energy there would be to ask him to say, «Listen, if you can't fulfill this role that you accepted, then maybe we need to look a different direction.»»
The toolkit takes into account all kinds of data — social media, U.S. Census reports, and more — to find out about what people are passionate about and what they are sharing and talking about on their networks.»
I was talking to someone earlier today, and said I'm getting clients asking to report on my recent trip to Asia, and one of the questions is what's the catalyst to make the market go up — that kind of magic - bullet question.
When people ask me what it's like to work with KP, I always talk about how, they are the kind of the company that if you want to build something that is a company as vast as Google or Amazon, basically, KP is a must.
In order to tell what kind of self - talk you engage in, Thacker says to write it down.
No matter what kind of business you run, there are likely many points of contact where you can talk directly to buyers, such as through social - media channels, blogs and live events.
Repetitive uninspiring offerings aren't just less tasty, they're also less likely to spark the kind of informal talk that will bond your team and help them come up with innovative ideas about not just what to order but also how to improve you business.
«Really what we want to do is talk to another kind of customer,» Maxime Veron, Nest's head of product marketing, told Business Insider at a briefing about the new product.
This kind of innovation has come about because there is a long history of speech recognition technology slowly learning how we talk and what we really want.
What kinds of value are we talking about?
They'd either say something like, «Oh, obviously,» because what other kind of person wants to talk about Flemish bonds and Lord Cornwallis on a Saturday morning.
«It's too early in the process to talk about what kind of art will be coming into those stations,» said Amanda Kwan, a spokesperson for the MTA, in a conversation with artnet News.
That is the chief executive talking and is the kind of «irrational» commitment to success that is at the heart of what makes being a small business owner and an entrepreneur so intoxicating and admirable.
And what kinds of businesses are we talking about?
And we're talking about what Greece can do, what solutions and mechanisms should there be in order to address these kinds of situations that we are faced with, and Greece in particular.
She loved how much fun they had together, how «we would talk about anything and everything from what kind of food do you like to how's your family?»
Talk to your lender to see what kind of financial hardship options they offer.
Do I talk to her about it first and see what kind of help she needs?
Talk to me a little bit about how you came to the view, or whether you hold the view, that that is what we need, that a consumer - centered healthcare system is actually a good thing as opposed to a category of some kind.
Just what's kind of interesting is, we were talking to Allan Roth earlier, and he comes out at roughly a 3.5 % safe withdrawal rate for a 30 year retirement horizon.
We normally do have phone numbers, and email addresses... but I'd be interested to hear what kind of reporting hierarchy you're talking about.
You know, what would you say to kind of the retired investor, and there's a lot that we talked to, by the way.
And I think what he was talking about was kind of old news.
What kind of arrogance must be required to believe that, if indeed god exists, he would deign to talk to the average Joe or Jane.
Please can someone tell the talking heads that the debate is about what kind of stimulus, not who is for or against stimulus.
Kind of the reverse of what Jesus talked about when he admonished us to tend to the beam in our own eye before we deal with the splinter in our neighbor's.
That's kind of what we're talking about.
But what kind of religion are we talking about here?
When we talk about God, what kind of God are we talking about?
After all, these are people who I walked alongside as we talked of love and forgiveness and reconciliation... But what kind of reconciliation is it to choose one side because they are more beneficial to you, having the skills you need to promote your own agenda, while leaving the person on the other side lying in the dirt?
Judy talked often about what kind of help she needed, but she never actually looked for help.
What kind of «love» are we talking about here?
If the sufferer talks to himself in private, asks himself which kind of life he leads, whether he truthfully wills only one thing: then he is not tempted to relate in detail what he himself knows best of all, he is not tempted to compare.
One merely saying James was his brother, which can not determine that it was talking about any kind of divine being, and the other talks about him doing miracles, being the christ and what not, which by the way is generally thought to be a complete forgery and added in later by Eusebius in the fourth century.
You are perhaps what is called a «happy one» whom talk of this kind tires.
When they are promoting all kinds of sick perversion, killing unborn babies and can not stop exploitation of a billion people, what are the earthlings talking about?
When we stop talking about what it means, about what predestination means, we've stopped understanding what it means to be Presbyterian... [We need to talk about] the kind of theological energy, the kind of theological positivism that is part of the Presbyterian heritage....
But apart from revelation in Christ we would not know which God or what kind of God we are talking about.
So what kind of forgiveness is Jesus talking about in Matthew 26:28?
To talk in that fashion is not to speak of a kind of meaningless re-enactment of what went on in the creation; it is to speak of a vital, living, and ongoing movement, where God knows and experiences (if that word is, as I believe, appropriate to the divine life) that which has taken place, but knows it and experiences it with a continuing freshness and delight — and, if what has taken place has been evil, with a continuing tinge of sadness and regret — such as must be proper to the chief creative and chief receptive agency who is worshiped and served by God's human children.
But on the other hand, when in talking about sin one talks only of such sins, it is so easily forgotten that in a way it may be all right, humanly speaking, with respect to all such things up to a certain point, and yet the whole life may be sin, the well - known kind of sin: glittering vices, willfulness, which either spiritlessly or impudently continues to be or wills to be unaware in what an infinitely deeper sense a human self is morally under obligation to God with respect to every most secret wish and thought, with respect to quickness in comprehending and readiness to follow every hint of God as to what His will is for this self.
that He had defeated death or satan, this crucifixion was a promise that He had to make perfectly clear to His enemy 1st before He could say to the world ALL those who were created in his image, that its done it is finished I did what I said I would do, if you decide you need me, I will be waiting, man talk about patience, and this isnt the kind of patience that your see when people are waiting in line and they arent tapping thier foot, this is called perfect Faith, that comes in trusting and know the end from the beginning, thats HUGE!
Here is a little comic strip which talks about what kind of church God might attend.
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