Sentences with phrase «what little evidence»

The real answer lies in the constraints of the energy budget at TOA — and what little evidence there is suggests that OHC follows changes in the erergy balance at TOA quite closely.
My use of the word «likely» is based on what little evidence there is of the damage that has been caused by the imposition of a carbon tax by the former Gillard Government in Australia.
I am trying to make the point that what little evidence we have indicates that the real value of total climate sensitivity is indistinguishable from zero.
What little evidence is available at present though, seems to point in that direction.
What little evidence we do have suggests they reduce cholesterol by causing a fatty streak, the first stage of atherosclerosis, and I review that evidence in this video.
The researchers used what little evidence was available about the preindustrial age to develop a likely scenario for the coastal ocean at that time.
They say this latest study raises questions about whether treatments that decrease the frequency or severity of migraine may reduce later life vascular risks, and conclude by saying «what little evidence we do have suggests the need for therapeutic restraint [to prevent cardiovascular risk] until we have a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the link between migraine and vascular disease.»

Not exact matches

«My biggest concern is people who put serious weight into these rankings, make decisions about where to choose to apply, where to go to school, what tuition to pay when there's so little tangible, evidence - based information that lies below that ranking.»
While there is no evidence to suggest Katz was attempting to influence the Alberta PC party to contribute money to the arena project, even the faintest whiff of currying favour has killed what little chance there was for the government to share costs.
Trump suggested Monday he had little doubt that Syrian government forces were to blame for what he said was a chemical attack, but neither he nor other administration officials have produced hard evidence.
I said it to hotair already, but I will expand it a bit for you: what is evidence for some is not accepted by everyone; just as in a court case, some jurors are convinced with very little evidence while some people can not be convinced of something no matter how much evidence there is... much of this comes from how you were raised and your own personal world view, for many people God does not fit into their world view so whatever evidence there is they close their eyes and say, «No, I don't believe that!»
You have to admit, that for what «little» evidence in some peoples opinions were left, it lasted for 2000 years or more, and spread fast, considering the length time.
«Faith» is evidence; «truth» is what the Bible teaches; do this enough and it doesn't take long before they're living in a world that has little connection to reality.
Dala, The point is — if you had any evidence to support what you say there would be little to no disagreement (depending upon how much actual evidence).
@ just sayin... if those 4 little lines you typed are what you consider «evidence», then you need to really brush up on the rules of evidence.
Let me give you a little of what I consider to be very convincing evidence for the existence of God.
If he did a little more research he might just be surprised about what evidence there is for creationism.
Plus there's little to no evidence he'd actually be a competent executive, doing what's required to mend — not end — our basic entitlement programs.
I've seldom given much thought, however, to what the manger was --- a feeding place for animals.There's little evidence....
Whenever in the course of his investigation of the historical Jesus Meier encounters arguments for which little evidence is offered, he likes to say that «what is gratuitously asserted may be gratuitously denied.»
I doubt that would even make a difference, as I'm sure there is little evidence for most things that you believe, only what others tell you.
I saw in Mohler's review of the book yet another illustration of what I have described here; for as Mohler related the book's argument, there was precious little appeal to evidence, and considerably more to morality and emotion.
start using your brain Nii rather than what you have been told about a myth... you have no evidence and never will have... start looking at folks as human beings with potential rather than sinners and devils... its just a little childish.
There is little or no evidence for much of what she claims is true — really — the earth was destroyed by water because angels mated with humans?
Colleagues were beginning to suggest that her reconstructions of Old European Culture went beyond what the evidence could properly sustain and that a little more attention to the ambiguities might well be in order.
There is very little evidence of how traffic light labels affect what people actually buy.
So I thought I would have a quick look at the evidence and see if there was support for what Mikel Arteta said to Arsenal Player about the Gunners seeming to be punished for every little mistake and not getting rewarded for the things we have done well.
On the stand, Ziskis was able to reveal little of his evidence because, he alleges, «all the questions were directed around what I wanted to say.»
Little real logic in that and all the evidence contradicts what you say... constantly blaming Wenger is just bs.
You can't come here, call me smug with no evidence other than your own projection, say I'm «letting it slide» with, again, no evidence other than your own projection, and then say I'm in denial when you seem to have little to no clue what you're talking about.
This is exactly what's wrong with the younger generation, just immediately jump to conclusions with very little information or evidence.
What's more, all those claims you hear about milk being crucial for bones are a little thin on evidence.
There is evidence to indicate the presence of the «what is must be best» belief where the public values the status quo over options for which they have little experience [40, 41].
What is that little bit of evidence that started this whole thing?
A huge amount of effort, time and money was being spent on training, with little evidence of practice change; this was an opportunity to actually see what evidence there was around training and how best to deliver it» says Dr Pike.
The bottom line is while that this piece of evidence does make it look a little more likely that Clegg might hold on, we can't really be confident what the true position is.
«Prior to these findings, there was little solid evidence of what colossal squid might eat,» says Kat Bolstad of the Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand.
Other ongoing attempts: I let Baby V make a mess with her food to encourage a deeper understanding of what she's eating; every so often, I spin her around to boost her balance and coordination; and I give little massages that some researchers think might be good for her, though others point out how shoddy the evidence is.
The new excavations at Treblinka and Sobibór have taken on profound significance, because for many years there has been so little visible evidence of what happened at the camps.
What's more, the evidence suggests that there are certain lifestyle changes that might help, and there are other types of treatments that address specific symptoms (rather than the underlying cause of the disease) that may make life a little easier for people with Alzheimer's.
There is little evidence to suggest that the benefits of the blood type diet are truly related to your blood type (rather than an awareness of what you're eating and how you exercise), but that does not discount the fact that this diet has impacted some people positively.
Hi Karen, There is little research to determine what happens to women as they age but here is some emerging evidence you may find intersting:
According to my sources (google), there is little evidence they actually worked, but if you are waist training, Please comment below, and let me know what you think!
There is very little evidence of what women wore in ancient Persian / Middle Eastern cultures, as there are no records depicting women in artwork of the time.
This doesn't mean that fan concerns are misplaced, but that, with so little tangible evidence of what the movie is or could be, it's all too vague and enigmatic at this point.
There is very little evidence that the CRE curriculum supports intellectual quality of learning recommended by the DEECD framework of what constitutes high quality teaching and learning practice in the classroom.
Too much time and paperwork are involved in writing the student's individualized education programs and too little in making sure that the teachers know what to put into the program, can teach its content, and can defend the program on the basis of evidence that the program leads to full participation, economic self - sufficiency, and independent living.
We have very little evidence about whether teachers are aligning their instruction to the Common Core standards (what we know isn't very promising, especially with respect to reading), or whether it's working, or whether students are learning more as a result.
It is, in fact, remarkable to read through the 700 - plus pages and see how little has changed about what the empirical evidence says matters.
The work of Edward Begle, a respected mathematician, is one of eight studies cited by Evertson, Hawley, and Zlotnik (1985) as showing that little evidence exists to support increasing teachers» knowledge of their subjects beyond what is typically required for certification.
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