Sentences with phrase «what seasonal fruits»

What seasonal fruits and veggies are you excited to enjoy this summer?

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Essentially, we've been alternating between dinner salads (like the kale Cobb Caesar and the popular paella salad), and what I affectionately refer to as a Parisian picnic, which is nothing more than a large round serving board filled with an assortment of cold odds and ends from the fridge, some bread, pita, and / or crackers, and whatever seasonal fruits and veggies and are hanging out on the counter.
This first thought that comes to mind whenever I'm asked what my favorite seasonal fruit is, grilled peaches.
Quite often I consult seasonal growth charts to figure out what fruits and veggies are currently in season.
What's not to love about juicy seasonal fruit nestled under a buttery blanket of gently - spiced, brown sugar - laced, oat crumble goodness?
What's seasonal depends on where you live — but here at the Academy of Culinary Nutrition headquarters, we like to roast winter veggies, garlic and onions for our recipe - free dinner bowls during the fall and winter and add asparagus, tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplant, zucchini and even fresh fruit during the spring and summer months.
Seasonal fruits such as pears, apples and berries should be enjoyed in their respective season and when the season changes, be sure to find what fresh.
What paleo - man didn't eat was ANY grain based foods and all his carbs came from seasonal fruits and vegetables.
And although I used frozen fruit for this Individual Berry Crisp, a seasonal berry crisp is exactly what I wanted.
«From my perspective as a retail food specialist, what we've seen so far are normal, seasonal variations in fruits and veggies,» he said.
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