Sentences with phrase «what specific language»

I'm curious what specific language has been successful for duplex - quadplexs and what, of my strategies, should be addressed?
What specific language does it use to state the core requirements?

Not exact matches

Tell Me What to Do: In Pure Barre, you become a «trained listener» for instructions: «lift your leg, turn out to open your hip, tuck your hips under...» It is so helpful when teachers use the same familiar language in very specific ways to direct what they wWhat to Do: In Pure Barre, you become a «trained listener» for instructions: «lift your leg, turn out to open your hip, tuck your hips under...» It is so helpful when teachers use the same familiar language in very specific ways to direct what they wwhat they want.
As it becomes aware of the specific form in which ultimate human problems present themselves in our own time, the ministry, and therewith the schools that prepare men for it, begin to understand more sharply what the pastoral function is, in what language the gospel speaks to this need, and what form the Church must take in serving such men in such a time.
Whereas the Niebuhrian generation was concerned that what is said theologically make sense in the intellectual climate shaped by modern thought, the new approach is to recognize that all thought is a function of language, and that all language is culturally specific.
But we also saw that this analogy with reference to the princeps discourse, that of prophecy, did not do justice to the specific character of each of the other modes of discourse, above all narrative discourse where what is said or recounted, the generative historical event, came to language through the narration.
The value of a statement depends on what one wants to do with it; every type of language has its own logic, appropriate to its specific purposes.
Since the language of the denomination's Book of Church Order already reads «persons» and not «males» in its rules governing ordination to the ministry, what is at stake here is really the repeal of a 400 - year - old interpretation rather than of a specific law.
The FDA has specific guidelines for communication that includes which media outlets must be notified and what language must be used.
What happened in 2008 was that the USDA required that contracts between school districts and food service companies contain specific language indicating that all rebates and discounts would be credited to the schools.
Instead of focusing on what an individual politician says, we can assess millions of speeches over hundreds of years to show how political language changes over time, or how a specific kind of contentious issue develops.
But even though the 5 - 4 majority ruling makes an intellectual end run around the language of the Second Amendment to get to their ruling, they very clearly state that society (government, convened to collectively protect us from what we can't protect ourselves from as individuals) has the right to, and legitimate interest in controlling gun ownership, in several specific ways.
But Paterson has yet to submit any specific bill language on cuts to the Legislature, and so it's hard to say what lawmakers might be willing to do.
On New Labour, he argued: «What we've lost is a warmth, a compassion in our language: it's partly managerialism but it's also the consequence of a conscious political strategy and our encampment in a specific part of the electorate.»
Tell Me What to Do: In Pure Barre, you become a «trained listener» for instructions: «lift your leg, turn out to open your hip, tuck your hips under...» It is so helpful when teachers use the same familiar language in very specific ways to direct what they wWhat to Do: In Pure Barre, you become a «trained listener» for instructions: «lift your leg, turn out to open your hip, tuck your hips under...» It is so helpful when teachers use the same familiar language in very specific ways to direct what they wwhat they want.
Be specific and fun in your language when describing yourself and what you like, think of an anecdote or an example that really reflects your personality and who you are rather than using clichés.
States need tougher guidelines for what students should know in subjects such as math, science, language arts, and history at specific points in their education.
Be specific when naming what students do well: Instead of a generic «nice job,» for example, use concrete, reinforcing, specific language.
How, and to what extent, were the specific needs of students with disabilities, students living in poverty, and English language learners incorporated into the personalization plan?
This has built a culture where expertise is not tied to the position you hold or the numbers of years you have been part of our school community, but rather the standards and specific demonstrations of what «Highly Accomplished» and «Lead» practice means, have given us a common language to not only value expertise, but to be able to collectively recognise it.
The second key is oral language, vocabulary, and domain — specific or background knowledge sufficient to understand what is being decoded.
There is more upside for teachers in doing exactly what they chiefly do now — test prep, skills, and strategies — unless we actively promote a domain - specific approach to language arts.
But he said one piece, the specific language describing what level of student growth would rate as a four versus a three versus a two, still is being fine - tuned among officials representing the Oregon Education Association, the Confederation of Oregon School Administrators, the state education agency and the Chalkboard Project, a Portland - based nonprofit that has helped many school districts pioneer new approaches to teacher evaluation.
I'm actually interested in a really wide range of what we call input quality measures, and I think one of the biggest challenges for the field is to pinpoint the specific features of input that are most beneficial for children's language learning at different points in early childhood.
If they have nothing to say to any of us about understanding what it means to be fully human and more fully ourselves, if they have nothing to tell us about the human experience as it has unspooled throughout human history, if they have nothing to say about the power of language to communicate across the gaps that separate us, if they have nothing to say about culture, if they have nothing to say about the rich heritage of the English language, if they have nothing to say about understanding the universal and the specific in human life, about how to grow beyond our own immediate experience — if they are, in fact, nothing more than fodder for test prep, then what the hell are we doing?
Seeing how the grammatical errors made by these particular students are often rooted in the logic of their native languages and how a teacher who understands something about that logic and that culture can sensitively respond in context - specific ways may lead teacher candidates to develop cognitive flexibility as they wonder what other patterns in student writing (and their own) are the result of where they grew up and how they can take that into account when writing feedback.
The 10 ELP Standards highlight a strategic set of language functions (what students do with language to accomplish content - specific tasks) and language forms (vocabulary, grammar, and discourse specific to a particular content area or discipline) which are needed by ELLs as they develop competence in the practices associated with English language arts (ELA) & literacy, mathematics, and science (Bunch, Kiber, & Pimentel, 2013; CCSSO, 2012; Lee, Quinn, & Valdez, 2013; Moschkovich, 2012; van Lier & Walqui, 2012).
Once the entire staff has mastered the language of instructional excellence and knows the expectations, administrators and coaches begin doing regular, random classroom observations looking for the specific strategies and using their observation checklist to document what they see.
Connecting the teaching of argument across all of the English language arts while facilitating discipline - specific content and reasoning epitomizes for me a classic education and is what I most admire about the Common Core.
To comprehend what they are reading, students will need to develop knowledge of content specific language.
The tool, Natural Language Processing Engine (NLPE), aids in book discovery using a specific keyword algorithm, and functions across multiple languages, regardless of what language the reader searches.
The point of the above: if what Jane Litte wrote weren't true, why not file a lawsuit claiming that specific language was untrue?
Renters insurance policies often exclude broadly and then use specific language to define exactly what is covered, or under what circumstances coverage applies.
It helps to be able to read a rabbit's body language and understand what their specific behaviors are when caring for them.»
You can use the above chart for an indication as to what Strategy Gamer review scores mean, ignoring any mobile - specific language.
If such perception - events are more about ideas and concepts — our own, or those we glean through interactions with different communities or society at large — to what extent would notions such as popular visual tropes, specific cultural references, or language itself tend to be associated with physical sensations?
What matters now, and has always mattered most, is the artist's visual language and how it suggests and even creates a specific experience of being in the world.
Boshoff's sculptures and dictionaries suggest a relationship with language that extends beyond the simple use of text, to a specific interest in language itself and what constitutes language as a form.
On view at the museum this fall is All of Everything: Todd Oldham Fashion (through September 11, 2016), an exhibition featuring more than 65 full ensembles from designer Todd Oldham's studio archives, and Julien Prévieux: What Shall We Do Next and Patterns of Life (through November 13, 2016), an exhibition of the work of the French artist Julien Prévieux, who critically addresses politics, economics, technology, and the culture of the workplace by incorporating and reinterpreting the physical behaviors or language specific to each.
It doesn't seem so, and in some ways the entire week felt like a gigantic exercise in expectation management: Crossed Arms, Legitimate Constraints & Fidgeting Phone Use The exercise began at the opening ceremony, where body language seemed to reveal the subtext of the speeches: From Tony Blair's nonchalance and statements on how establishing a path was more important that specific targets, to Todd Stern's crossed arms and not - so - thinly veiled reference to «legitimate constraints» in US politics, to India's environment minister seemingly frustrated by it all, at times resting his head on his hands or fiddling with his Blackberry, all with an air of «nothing important is going to happen here», what wasn't verbalized was as important as what was.
We enter the domain of computational law, which is something very close to what we do at Legalese, and we start by designing a domain - specific language for law.
You might register a name as a trademark, but you would need to clarify with examples what you mean by «prefix» and a «suffix» (these have specific technical meanings in linguistics, and grammatical parts of a language — e.g. «un -», «dis -»,» - able»,» - ation») can not be protected as trademarks.
It was really instructive to have him refer to specific examples from my own writing so I could see how I had inappropriately applied various writing principles and determine what language I could use to fix those mistakes.
I understand should say something to the tune of «I declare that I still live together with my spouse at XXX, CA», but the courts are probably expecting some specific language in such a statement, which is what I'm looking for help with here.
There will be specific language about what counts as a disability, and how partial disabilities (and benefits) are handled.
This will be several pages long and will detail in specific language what is covered, how those coverages are defined, the conditions of the policy and if there are any exclusions.
To find the right hurricane coverage, consider what policy language could apply for a specific trip.
Renters insurance policies often exclude broadly and then use specific language to define exactly what is covered, or under what circumstances coverage applies.
While the supply chain did not give a specific date on when consumers can expect the Apple Watch Series 3 to launch, MacRumors says the second half timeline corroborates what Chinese language publication Economic Daily News reported early this year.
«I was looking for specific, distinct markers in the resume that tells me a.) she knows what she's talking about and b.)[that her] language is crisp... I could tell, «Ah ha!
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