Sentences with phrase «when currency effects»

When currency effects are negative (as it was the case of the CAD / USD and US markets over 2006 to 2011), currency - hedging still did not show a profit due to tracking error.
The owner of Cartier said sales had increased by 12 percent when currency effects were stripped out compared with a year earlier.

Not exact matches

The indirect effects are larger, though, because the currencies of America's two largest export markets — Mexico and Canada — tend to weaken when the Chinese economy slows and pushes global commodity prices lower.
Unlike the effects of most Central Banks on currency pairs with a currency associated with the specific bank, the EURGBP doesn't experience much movement when the ECB is having its monthly meetings.
It, and the foreign currency debt servicing payments, are therefore subject to valuation effects when the exchange rate changes; currency depreciation increases the debt - servicing costs in Australian dollar terms.
This year, the reclusive state led by Kim Jong Un is expected to reap no more than half the foreign currency it did in 2016, when sanctions entered effect in earnest.
The yogawear maker posted comparable - sales growth of 11 percent when accounting for currency effects and direct - to - consumer channels.
You didn't mention how different currency pairs effect the calculations ie when trading in a pair that aren't in you held trading currency.
Unlike the effects of most Central Banks on currency pairs with a currency associated with the specific bank, the EURGBP doesn't experience much movement when the ECB is having its monthly meetings.
I personally prefer using unhedged positions because (a) It is cheaper (b) In the long run, currency effects will average out (c) The value of hedging is questionable when a basket of currencies are involved and (d) While currencies on their own have zero expected return over cash, adding them to a portfolio reduces volatility and offers diversification benefits.
In a detailed post last week (see post Why Currency Hedging is Necessary), reader Avon explained how foreign stocks are much riskier when one considers the effect of exchange rate fluctuations.
«When it comes to money laundering or terrorism financing, Singapore's laws do not make any distinction between transactions effected using fiat currency, virtual currency or other novel ways of transmitting value.»
«When it comes to money laundering or terrorism financing, Singapore's laws do not make any distinction between transactions effected using fiat currency, virtual currency or other novel ways of transmitting value... Hence, MAS» AML / CFT requirements apply to all activities of financial institutions, whether conducted in fiat or virtual currencies
Back in May, Japan's legislature passed a new bill, when in effect would regulate operators of bitcoin and virtual currency exchanges.
Currency conversions for non-U.S. firms were calculated using average market conversion rates over each firm's Fiscal Year, when available, to mitigate the effects of currency fluctCurrency conversions for non-U.S. firms were calculated using average market conversion rates over each firm's Fiscal Year, when available, to mitigate the effects of currency fluctcurrency fluctuations.
You must always bear in mind when investing offshore the effect of currency fluctuations.
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