Sentences with phrase «when different studies»

When different studies use the same angular velocity for measurement, these can be compared to one another, so long as differences between the populations tested are acknowledged, and so long as the dynamometer used is the same in both cases, as differences have been observed between brands (Francis & Hoobler, 1987; Thompson et al. 1989; Gross et al. 1991).
When different studies use the same joint angle for measurement, these can be compared to one another so long as differences between the populations tested are acknowledged.

Not exact matches

When the researchers looked at data from that particular study, they found that taller boys and girls performed significantly better at age 3 on a test in which they had to point to pictures of different words.
According to this study, when subjects were asked to evaluate products with different color names (such as makeup), «fancy» names were preferred far more often.
A different study found that roughly 75 percent of all employees leave their organization when changing roles.
A study published in the Journal of Retailing reports found that when men see prices marked in red, they assume they're about to get a bargain, even if the prices are no different from others.
Case studies, testimonials and reviews offer value at different points in the sales funnel, but it doesn't mean marketers can't get creative when it comes to UGC — no matter what their industry is.
There are many different factors to look at and study to ensure that you are targeting the right keywords now, not when you realize that you have been doing SEO on the wrong keywords six months down the road.
However, when you take a closer look at the Legg - Mason 2017 Global Investment Survey, an in - depth annual study of investing styles, it paints quite a different picture.
When theology, whether under that label or designated as religious studies, flourishes under the auspices of the humanities and social sciences, not only has the game moved to a different ball park, but the rules and umpires are also changed.
Science and Faith are two different topics, why should one not have faith when they study science?
The reaction is very different when the same questions are studied in relation to other identifiable groups, such as Americans of African descent, and the answers turn out not to be so complimentary.
Even when the subject matter is ostensibly the same, we see quite different questions animating these studies.
I was told when I got fired from my ministry job that it was okay to study different views if the only reason for studying such views was to disprove them.
When the terms for preaching are studied within their cultural context, a much different picture emerges.
Critical thinker, You study a little science and suddenly you feel you have it figured out, Your meaning of life and the after life is based on other men's hypotheses, Yet it makes such good sense to you that you make a life choice based on it, then you stand up and criticize a person whose made a life choice based on A holy Book written 2000 years ago, When it comes down to it how are you any different, Your choices based on science which changes daily and theirs on the prophets.
It is like asking a bunch of astronomers whether they all study the same sun when they are all using different equipment and without recognizing that they all think about what is meant by the words «study», «same» and «sun in different ways.
When I study different religions I actually notice something different and unique: that all of them have core principles, known in many literatures as golden rules.
When we study the history of Europe and America we can assume at least a minimal knowledge about the influence of Greek, Jewish, and Christian religious thought and practices, but for the study of the history of Asia we must prepare ourselves by gaining a sympathetic understanding of the quite different religious ideas and practices of that part of the world.
This is really apparent when you live among and study several widely different religions.
When you study world history and archeology using books found in a library instead of a church gift shop, a completely different picture develops.
So now you are using circular reasoning Sheila when you say that milions of people study the bible seriously and still reach different conclusions.
But when we study the passage in context, a completely different picture emerges.
The question always hold is that when some folks study deeply into the Bible or other books of faith some on occasions... become something different.
Prior to GFCO's study, the industry interpreted GFCO's 10 ppm standard in different ways when applied to whole commodities.
This was accelerated last year when I studied Health Coaching as I learned over 52 different dietary theories.
oh well you can laugh David but always when I make a recipe I study a little, language, food has differents names in others countries so my «work «is the people not only like the recipe they have to understand.
We also carry out detailed studies of milk and examine how the raw materials behave when heat - treated and processed in different ways.
«In the past, studies have shown that the combination of resistance exercise with consumption of animal - derived protein (such as whey, casein, eggs, meat) has had a different effect on muscle growth than when resistance exercise was paired with plant - based protein such as soy,» said Dr. Jaeger, one of the studies authors.
«In the past, studies have shown that the combination of resistance exercise with consumption of animal - derived protein (such as whey, casein, eggs, meat) has had a different effect on muscle growth than when resistance exercise was paired with plant - based protein such as soy,» said Ralf Jaeger, FISSN, CISSN, MBA.
«In the past, studies have shown that the combination of resistance exercise with consumption of animal - derived protein (such as whey, casein, eggs, meat) has had a different effect on muscle growth than when resistance exercise was paired with plant - based protein such soy,» said Dr. Jaeger.
Although he was not sought after by Pac - 12 programs and other Power 5 conference schools, the mature Hurst had a different perspective when evaluating where he would play and study at the next level.
A 2008 U.K. study found that contraceptives can make a woman desire the «wrong» man, a men whose genetic makeup is similar to hers when a better partner is one whose genetic makeup is different.
We started by studying how different high chairs were designed and how babies behaved when they sat in them and ate.
However, they sometimes draw different conclusions about the safety of home, birth center or hospital birth, even when they read the same studies.
When it comes to your own tween's growth and development, the study suggests allowing your tween to try as many experiences as possible so that she or he can discover her appetite and aptitude for different skills.
Two very different studies crossed my desk this week and, when read together, they point to a disturbing problem.
But, when studies have different results, it can get a little confusing.
Some studies show that babies develop cognitive abilities a lot faster when they're exposed to different shades of light colors.
Some of our studies were publish during the 80s and early 90s when reporting standards were different, they didn't give us the information we needed to assess these issues.
In a famous study, psychologist Barbara Rogoff and her colleagues reviewed 50 different cultures to discover when ordinary people think kids are capable of self - control and ready to meet responsibilities (Rogoff et al 1975).
July 2015 — The formal study is published with a far different story showing a reduction in concussions only when HeadsUp is combined with Pop Warner PW contact limit rules.
When it comes to adding color (s) to your nursery, studies have shown that the variations of different colors have a powerful effect on behavior.
Multiple studies in different countries have not found an increased incidence of aspiration since the change to supine sleeping.81, — , 83 There is often particular concern for aspiration when the infant has been diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux.
«This analysis is different because it allowed us to use each individual subject as his or her own comparison — we retrospectively studied how patients behaved when on Tamiflu and compared it to their behavior when they were not taking the drug.»
Van der Baan will be sharing the studies» findings extensively with industry and university students this fall when he travels to 25 different cities in North America to meet with as many different professional societies as this year's Society for Exploration Geophysicists honorary lecturer.
While the study looked only at the ability of fish to exchange microbes, it suggests that microbiome variation among different people might also be due to the movement of microbes, and that when people come together for a class or a meeting, for example, they may depart with a microbiome that is somewhat different than when they entered, Bohannan said.
How often, when you listen to a scientist being introduced before a keynote lecture, do you hear that the person started out studying something quite different from his or her current field?
To find out, his team turned to data from a study in the 1970s which measured the sweat response of about 1800 3 - year - olds in Mauritius when they were exposed to two different sounds.
Primate studies show that individual neurons within the same fold, called the intraparietal sulcus, seem tuned to particular quantities, such that when a monkey is performing a task that involves numbers, one neuron will fire for the number 1, a different one will fire for 2 and so on.
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