Sentences with phrase «when everyone in the society»

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You get to practice your silly religion all you like, it's just when you attempt to inject that into my school, my courthouse or my government that I will stand up and shout in your face, so don't act all surprised when it happens like «Oh, well, we just didn't know, we thought everyone wanted us to force our religion on the rest of society...»
When asked his opinion of Taunton before a public debate, Hitchens said, «If everyone in the United States had the same qualities of loyalty and care and concern for others that Larry Taunton had, we'd be living in a much better society than we do.»
This is just another classic case of religious temper tantrums when their privileged status in society is restricted, and they're forced to abide by the same rules everyone else is... I note that no other clubs are complaining about allowing those who fund them to participate.
He continued: «When society is organized in such a way that not everyone has the opportunity to work, to be anointed with the dignity of work, then there is something wrong with that society: it is not right!
they are simply reaching out to those individuals within a religious society that feel they are being forced into a belief because of others, & that is simply not right in the same way it would not be right for you to eat fast food when you did nt want to & everyone around you is telling you to.
Here is the culmination of Israel's thought about natural law: a glorious day should dawn when man's jungle impulses would atrophy, when right would triumph deep in human nature, and society would pursue its happy course in a state of «anarchy,» of «no law,» because everyone would do the high and noble thing through his love for it, in obedience to the unwritten law inscribed on his heart!
In 2011 I stood as the Welsh Conservative candidate in Swansea East and I was very proud of our manifesto commitment to encourage «everyone who wishes to leave their community a better place than when they found it, by sponsoring volunteering and a Welsh Big Society»In 2011 I stood as the Welsh Conservative candidate in Swansea East and I was very proud of our manifesto commitment to encourage «everyone who wishes to leave their community a better place than when they found it, by sponsoring volunteering and a Welsh Big Society»in Swansea East and I was very proud of our manifesto commitment to encourage «everyone who wishes to leave their community a better place than when they found it, by sponsoring volunteering and a Welsh Big Society».
When the staff at the Historical Society finally succeeded in kicking everyone out, people came streaming down the large steps in front of the building.
Economic development is something I'm very passionate about because I believe when governments, firms and people make the most effective decisions, the quality of everyone's life in that society is improved.
Speaking to the Fabian Society, he said: «When Tony Blair and Gordon Brown committed us to the goal of eradicating child poverty they spoke for everyone in this party.
At the same time, the film becomes a more pointed investigation of exploitation in the modern society and how basic kindness could backfire when everyone is looking to make a buck off of someone else.
As I wrote when I last cited this, «The only change I'd suggest is to drop the words «by industry,» given that everyone in societies thriving on fossil fuels has harvested the present benefits while largely discounting, so far, the need to invest against long - term risks from the resulting buildup of greenhouse gases.
We also drive the economic engines in a capitalistic society, and allow for growth that ultimately benefits everyone when properly oriented and efficient.
When no one fessed up to the ring, he had everyone in the pubic gallery of the Courtroom - ignoring, for some reason, Court staff and attorneys - put under arrest and of those 46, 14 were not in a position to post bail so they were crowded into holding cells with the riff - raff of society and later bused to the local jail.
When men and women lived in a hierarchical society, the gender roles were defined and everyone knew their place in the hierarchy.
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