Sentences with phrase «when identical content»

When identical content is found, either on multiple pages of the same website or on different websites, Google will rank the most authoritative website for relevant terms found in the content.

Not exact matches

If later selves have content in them that resembles the content in earlier selves, then by an argument made familiar by Bertrand Russell, this resemblance would seem to require grounding in a monadic or dyadic universal which is a multiply exemplifiable entity in each, perhaps the relation of resemblance itself.4 In order to be veridical, my present memory of a past experience must have identical qualities instanced in it as were instanced in the past experience when it was present.
Nevertheless, it is established that repeated consumption of high glycemic index, mixed meals results in higher mean 24 h blood glucose and insulin concentrations when compared with low glycemic index, mixed meals of identical caloric content (75,76).
Interestingly, Digital Book World reported on a brief study conducted in 2011 that showed that while children preferred to read identical content in electronic form over paper with the same level of comprehension, the level of recall actually was less when comparing an enhanced ebook to a standard digital edition.
When I compared the two screens under ambient lighting, side by side with identical content, I saw a distinct difference.
When I compared the screens of the first - and second - generation Kindles under ambient lighting, side by side with identical content, I saw a distinct difference.
When given the choice between two books with identical interior content but different covers, the vast majority of us will choose the better designed cover.
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