Sentences with phrase «when infected feces»

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When infected people relieve themselves, the worms» eggs can spread into streams or ponds via their urine and feces.
Taking these kind of measures are extremely important because when an animal is infected with parvovirus it lets off large quantities of the virus through its feces contaminating the whole environment it lives in.
Dogs become infected with Giardia when they come in contact with infected feces, directly or indirectly.
It can be spread by flies that land on infected feces and then land on your dog depositing the virus on their coat and ingested when they lick themselves.
When the cat gets infected, the early stages involve an intestinal form where the contagious oocysts are shed in feces but the cat may or may not have any diarrhea.
Parvo is a disease that attacks the intestines and heart, and is spread when one dog comes into contact with the feces of another infected dog, directly or indirectly.
Dogs become infected with roundworms when they unknowingly ingest the eggs contained in other dog's feces, or when they eat something with dirt on it that once contained the feces of an infected dog.
The most frequent method of transmission of giardia is when a dog is exposed to water contaminated with infected animal feces.
Dogs can get hookworms through animal feces, small infected animals and insects, or when hookworm larvae penetrate the dog's skin.
When a dog consumes the feces of an infected dog it will begin to show symptoms once the tapeworm establishes itself in the intestines of the newly infected dog.
It is ingested when cats eat another animals» feces or infected intermediate hosts such as rodents and rabbits.
When the dog licks, sniffs, eats or comes into any contact with feces from an infected dog, the puppy will acquire the virus.
When an intermediate host eats an infected prey, the parasite is released into the mammal's intestinal system and passed into the feces where the life cycle is repeated.
This occurs when dogs are smelling each other, licking the ground, or touching infected feces.
It is most commonly transmitted when a susceptible cat or kitten's mouth or nose contacts feces, urine, or saliva (especially feces) of infected cats or when their mouth or nose contacts contaminated objects such as food and water dishes or litter boxes.
Most dogs are exposed to the virus that causes canine distemper when they inhale the respiratory secretions of an infected animal, or come in direct contact with infected feces, urine or saliva.
In particular, they occur when an infected animal passes on bacteria, parasites, fungi or viruses to humans through scratches, saliva, feces and urine.
Giardia is a protozoan parasite that is ingested by dogs when infectious cysts are shed in infected dog's feces.
Strict hygienic precautions should be observed when handling infected pets and their feces.
Toxoplasma gondii (II) T. gondii, Righthand continues, «has been shown to cause neurological damage to sea otters and other marine mammals that are exposed when heavy rainfall washes infected cat feces into the water.»
They are also passed when a dog ingests infected feces, and in infected snails and frogs.
Cats get feline distemper when they come in contact with the feces and urine of an infected cat.
Giardiasis, an infection of the small intestine caused by the presence of Giardia, occurs when dogs ingest infected offspring that are shed in another animal's feces.
Parvovirus infection is another infectious disease readily transmitted to a healthy dog when it comes in contact with the feces of an infected dog.
Coccidia are often spread when the canine eats the infected feces of another animal.
Dogs get infected when they ingest anything that has been contaminated with dog feces containing roundworm eggs.
A: Dogs and cats are most commonly infected when they ingest (eat) intestinal worm eggs that have been passed through the feces of an infected dog or cat.
A dog may become infected when it inadvertently swallows hookworm larvae, often by grooming its feet, or from sniffing feces or contaminated soil.
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