Sentences with phrase «when joint lives»

When joint lives are covered, the amount of the annuity payment is reduced to cover the longevity risk of the additional life.

Not exact matches

I am by no means Southern, nor have I even lived in the South but whenever I go to a BBQ joint, I am super bummed when they don't have Southern Greens.
We had only lived in Utah a short time when my husband and I read an article in Sunset Magazine, touting the west's best taco joints.
when parents do not live together, a cultural, social and legal system that supports joint birth registration and expects both parents to support their children financially and with hands - on care.
When parents share joint legal custody, they both have a say in major decisions regarding the child's life, such as education, religious upbringing, and medical care.
Joint physical custody or parenting time can be difficult on a child when parents live far apart from each other or even just in different school districts.
A family court's award of joint custody will determine where the child will physically live and when, and the court will also make a determination regarding how major decisions regarding his health, education, and religious needs will be made.
In addition, when parents live a bit farther apart, it can be common to have a joint physical arrangement where the child will stay primarily with one parent, but split weekends and holidays between the two.
In most situations, joint physical custody will only be awarded when the parents of the child plan on living relatively close to each other.
And the differences are even sharper when totals are adjusted for the cost of living in members» districts, according to a POLITICO New York analysis of data maintained by the Joint Commission on Public Ethics, the state comptroller's office, the Empire Center and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Schneiderman says that when he separated with his wife he reorganized his life around having joint custody of his daughter.
Some senior Tories believe Cameron will quietly live up to his pre-election commitment to ensure that reform of the House of Lords moves slowly when a joint committee of both houses of parliament is established after the publication of Clegg's blueprint.
In Ayurveda they believe in balancing all the life forces, and when things are out of balance you start to get symptoms of inflammation like bloating, heartburn, joint pain, or anxiety.
People in your life who love routine will be particularly uncomfortable when you start refusing cocktails and sugar and begin suggesting you hit up the local organic and vegan joint instead of your neighborhood pub or McDonald's.
The collagen that is extracted when simmering the bones and joints of pastured animals for 24 + hours contain the building blocks of life.
While this can be hard when kids are grown with families of their own and possibly living in different states, a joint decision can sometimes take the pressure off one party.
Such disorder, or falsehood, or injustice, occurred most notably during the First Intermediate Period when the times got out of joint, the established order was destroyed by anarchy, and life no longer had meaning.
When you consider the fact that two single life policies pay twice compared to once with joint first - to - die life insurance, it makes more sense to go with single life policies.
The other reason for using joint first - to - die life insurance is when both spouses have similar income levels.
When your spouse is the sole primary beneficiary and is more than 10 whole years younger (meaning 11 years or more, not 10 1/2 for example) than you the IRS Joint Life Table can be used to determine the divisor.
It is important to keep in mind that when you open a joint account with your spouse, you are accepting responsibility for that debt whether you live in a common law or community property state.
Another use of joint last - to - die life insurance is when employing the insured annuity strategy.
If you choose a joint life rider, the withdrawal percentages are based on the younger of the annuitant or annuitant's spouse when withdrawals begin.
When you share your life with someone, a joint bank account or joint investments will not change anything.
If you chose a benefit form that provides survivor benefits for the life of your beneficiary (such as a joint - and - survivor annuity) we will pay these benefits only to the beneficiary you chose when you retired.
It is not uncommon for creditors to want to close joint accounts when a spouse dies and have the living spouse reapply using their credit history only.
With first - to - die joint life insurance policies, the death benefit is paid when the first spouse dies.
While it is recommended to give your pet glucosamine and chondroitin supplements when a joint is injured, consider giving joint supplements early in your pet's life as a preventive measure.
Fall and winter may call for a joint formula to be added, while spring shedding is better controlled when the dog is on a skin and coat formula and with a busier «social life» at the dog park in summer, you may want to consider an antioxidant formula to help toughen your pet's immune system.
Because he may be prone to joint issues later in life, take it easy when leash training and exercising to prevent over-exerting tiny limbs.
When they cross that finish line, they'll know in every aching muscle and joint that they've saved lives and helped advance a project near and dear to my heart, Bianca's Furry Friends Feline Adoption Center.
Symptoms generally appear in the second half of life, but dogs can develop arthritis when they are young, especially if there has been a trauma or joint damage.
We recommend that pets begin receiving condroprotective supplements when they are young to reduce the odds of developing joint damage throughout their lives.
When you give your dog a quality joint supplement it can change and improve their mobility, quality of life and improve the function of their joints as well.
In conjunction with good veterinary care, the right dog joint supplement can give your dog a new lease on life and enable them to run and play, go up and down stairs and even hump around like they did when they were younger.
Glucosamine works by acting on living cartilage cells, so it is most effective when used early in the course of arthritis, before the joint damage is extensive.
A lot of dogs with Grade 1 or Grade 2 patella luxation early in life will have pretty stiff knee joints when they are 14 or 15 years old that probably are at least partially this way due to arthritis from the years of luxating patellae.
$ 3500 pays for a complex abdominal surgery to remove life - threatening obstructions $ 2500 pays for a hind - leg amputation $ 1000 repairs a prolapsed eyeball suffered in a dog fight $ 850 fixes a compound fracture $ 300 cleans, drains, and sutures a serious bite wound, with pain meds and anesthesia $ 250 gets a full dental cleaning, under anesthesia $ 125 gets a simple spay $ 100 gets 5 - 10 nights» emergency boarding when we're out of foster homes $ 95 gets a simple neuter $ 50 gets one used large crate $ 45 gets a large bag of good quality kibble $ 25 gets a good dog bed or a heartworm preventative pill $ 20 gets the pain pills for a surgery $ 15 gets a joint or coat supplement $ 10 gets a safe and tasty large chew $ 5 gets a belly band to help a lad get house trained
In addition to improving joint health, your pet's overall quality of life is improved when he or she is at a healthy weight.
When older Golden Retrievers run long distances, it is a good idea to talk with a vet about joint supplements that might extend your dog's running life.
Back when I lived in New York there was this fabulous, crazy - ass juice bar on West Houston called Lucky's Juice Joint.
For example, a single living trust may be revoked when you get married and intend to create a joint living trust with your spouse.
When it comes to your single or joint living trust, you can use this document to dissolve your trust, like when you're looking to restructure your estate pWhen it comes to your single or joint living trust, you can use this document to dissolve your trust, like when you're looking to restructure your estate pwhen you're looking to restructure your estate plan.
The deposit of # 5,000 was paid by Mr G. Miss C contended that this was intended to be a repayment for the joint living expenses she had paid when she and Mr G lived together from 1976 — 81.
You can get off if the cops looked in the wrong car with the wrong warrant when they found your joint, but you have no recourse if owning the joint gets you locked up for life.
When both parents want to be actively involved in the child's life, shared custody and joint custody will be considered.
Joint custody is when a child either lives with both parents equally or lives mostly with 1 parent (child's primary residence) but both make decisions about the child.
Joint Physical Custody: When parents share joint physical custody, the children split time between living with both parJoint Physical Custody: When parents share joint physical custody, the children split time between living with both parjoint physical custody, the children split time between living with both parents.
In Midland Bank plc v Cooke [1995] 4 All ER 562, [1996] 1 FCR 442, Waite LJ stated that: «Equity has traditionally been a system which matches established principle to the demands of social change... When people, especially young people, agree to share their lives in joint homes they do so on the basis of mutual trust and in the expectation that their relationship will endure.»
When you structure a joint life policy as a first to die, the policy pays out upon the death of the first covered person.
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