Sentences with phrase «when leading biologists»

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«As phenology is advancing around the globe, there are concerns that plant - pollinator interactions may be disrupted through phenological mismatches, or mismatches in the timing of when flowers bloom and their pollinators emerge, leading to reduced plant reproduction,» says lead author Zak Gezon, who conducted the research as a doctoral student at Dartmouth and who is now a conservation biologist with Disney's Animal Programs.
The first clue that digits and penises might be birds of a feather came in 1991, when a team led by developmental biologist Denis Duboule of the University of Geneva and Pierre Chambon of the Institute for Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology in Strasbourg, France, found that some mice with a mutated gene, called hoxd13, had abnormally small digits and malformed penises.
A team of developmental biologists led by Hans Schöler and Karen Hübner at the University of Pennsylvania placed densely packed clusters of stem cells from mouse embryos in a petri dish, using fetal calf serum as a growth medium and adding a gene protein that turns green when germ cells form.
So when the US National Genome Project started three years ago, a group of influential molecular biologists led by James Watson decided that the sensible approach would be to concentrate first on mapping the genes and finding out their functions.
Scientists were even more stunned in July 2002 when researchers led by stem cell biologist Catherine Verfaillie at the University of Minnesota reported that bone marrow — derived cells they had injected into young embryos contributed to all three embryonic layers, just as embryonic stem cells would do.
In 1992, when Boris Yeltsin was president, a team led by Harvard University molecular biologist Matthew Meselson was allowed to visit the area to investigate the incident.
«When hunting herring, the whales travel in large groups and vocalize a lot,» says Andrew Foote, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Copenhagen, and lead author of the new study.
«The voles whose genetic make - up led to a lower body weight were the fittest, especially in years when the first winter snow fell earlier than usual,» explains the biologist.
Furthermore, when the team, lead by cell biologist Valeria Fantin, implanted LDH - A-normal cancer cells and LDH - A-deficient cancer cells in mice, LDH - A-deficient tumors grew more slowly and took two - and - a-half times longer, on average, to kill the mice than LDA - A-positive tumors.
Scientists have been fascinated by giant viruses since 2003, when a group of French biologists led by Didier Raoult discovered the Mimiviruses.
I first wrote on this research, led by biologists affiliated with the American Museum of Natural History, when the field work was in its early stages.
Instead of focusing on the nearly immeasurable moment when a species ceases to exist, he and other biologists say, science should focus harder on the forces that lead toward extinction — the destruction or fragmentation of habitat, the introduction of invasive species, the appropriation of water or other vital resources.
It's bad enough when it's a leading polar bear biologist making such a ridiculous claim but there is no reason at all to take the scientifically baseless word of Sebastian Copeland on this matter.
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