Sentences with phrase «when listening to the voices»

When we listen to the voice of God along life's journey, are we always to expect an easy, smooth road?
When listening to the voices of a sport psychologist, both male and female athletes rate women psychologists more positively than male ones.

Not exact matches

It's when you feel a sense of dread overpowering that sense of duty that you should really listen to your inner voice.
We want to listen to them, we want to ensure that in future, when they raise their voice, their voice is heard,» she said.
It is only when we show the collective strength of our voices, in the streets and at the voting booth, will they start to listen
When we quiet down enough to find God and listen, there is a voice that tells us that we're ok.
What the Experts Say «As a leader, you need to have a strong voice and you need to know when it's time to listen,» says Amy Jen Su, co-owner of Paravis Partners, an executive training and coaching firm.
It does concern me a bit when our politicians vow their religious zeal over and over... what does ol Obama hear when he listens to the «voice»?
The Church is most relevant when she stiffens her spine and refuses to listen to all the voices that tell her she must change to remain relevant.
When, in the history of the church, has someone like me ever had anything remotely resembling a voice that people can listen to?
My father died when I was young, so I don't remember his voice, but I've listened to Garrison Keillor pretty regularly for 25 years.
Sin enters the world when Adam and Eve stop listening to God and instead listen to the voice of the serpent.
Instead they listen to voices of blame raised against whoever is not the listener and voices of painless solutions saying peace when there is no peace, but only cheap grace.
In my selfishness, I thought it was just between me and God.It took the situation with Alicia to wake me up to the fact that when we're not closely listening for the voice of God, we don't just miss out on the peace and joy we experience from a deeper relationship with the Lord; we don't just miss an opportunity to give honor and glory to the One who most deserves it; we don't just miss out on answered prayers God may have had in store for us — sometimes we miss the opportunity to answer someone else's prayer.»
Even when listening to one text, it is remarkable how many echoes of other voices can be heard.
Each human being can choose to believe or not to believe — but for all of my friends who are indeed atheists — when I ask them the question do you ever listen to an inner speaking that you take to be your conscience / voice / guide (whichever term you prefer) speak to you — they all say resoundingly YES.
Looks like it's going to be a good read I'm excited to be able to read this book I just recently read your book atonement of God and loved it I've also listen to your teachings on Genesis love that very much especially episode 43 when you talk about the voice of God in the garden that was so wonderful.
The elder Bonhoeffers were listening to the radio from London on July 27 when an English voice spoke: «We are gathered here in the presence of God to make thankful remembrance of the life and work of His servant Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who gave his life in faith and obedience to His holy word... «22
When the world is telling you to work harder, do better, and be more, it's up to you to choose which voice to listen to.
We do not know what the woman said when the man was listening to her voice.
Though before, they followed God and listened to God's voice, when they heard Jesus, they recognized the voice of God in Jesus, and they knew Him, and they followed Him (John 10:14, 27).
The long - awaited salvation, revealed throughout scripture, has to be reinterpreted in the light of the suffering Christ, and the heavenly voice confirms this: the Father tells us that when Jesus speaks of his suffering and death we should listen to him, for this too is part of God's master plan.
Sharing our opinion on an issue isn't necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes, when we are trying to be a voice for those who are suffering, we end up speaking over them, shouting our own view without first really stopping to listen to their experiences.
The days when I am on the hamster wheel, I am not listening to the right voices.
When your pastor convinces you that it's best not to have relationships outside of his church, and you listen, then you make the decision to leave and realize all your relationships were in the church, and now you're out and utterly alone, AND dealing with the pastors voice in the back of your head saying you were never enough to begin with... it puts you in a very lonely and sad place.
«A good litmus test for me is always when I listen to radio interviews or TV interviews, I tend to close my eyes and just listen to the voice, and hear the answer,» Leaf said on a Cleveland radio show as transcribed by the New York Post.
Are you really naive enough to believe that Wenger would bring anyone into this current locker room that is going to be given a strong voice... have you not been watching, listening or reading about our club for years... Lehman is a blind Wenger follower, which is the only reason he was even considered... just for a second think of all the strong personalities that have played for this club that have never been seriously considered even though they have expressed legitimate interest in participating in the coaching process... even worse, think of all the former greats who aren't even allowed on the same pitch as Wenger because they have offered their advice and / or criticism to the infallible one... I dare you to find a manager that has distanced himself from his former players as much as this man... it's the very reason why only one player I can think of has ever returned to play for Wenger and that was Flamini, which was hilarious considering we were desperately looking for a top quality defensive midfielder but Wenger could somehow find no one better than Flamini in the whole wide world... let's face it this club was simply trying to appease it's disgruntled fans by declaring that Wenger would no longer be given Ca rte Blanche when it came to the backroom staff so they probably asked him to give them a list of those who he would allow in the locker room... on that list he wrote Lehman, Pires and Bergkamp, likely because the first two are the only former players who haven't publicly questioned his horrible decision - making and the last one because he won't get in an airplane
When you think about it, your little baby has been tucked up inside Mom's tummy for nine months, listening to her heartbeat, hearing her tummy gurgles, talking, Dad's voice, music etc..
Your baby may not yet coordinate looking and listening, but even when staring into the distance, will be paying close attention to your voice as you speak.
This book emphasizes the importance of allowing our children to have a voice, and discusses some of the consequences that often show up later on when we don't listen to or respect our children as people during the early years.
The babies will completely enjoy listening to the heartbeat, voice, and breathe of their mother, just as they've been used to when they're still inside the belly.
Instead, listen to your parental instinct — that inner voice that tells you to comfort your baby when he cries.
Babies listen to the birth partner's voice as they read the Hypnobabies hypnosis scripts during pregnancy and birth, and babies learn to associate the birth partner's voice with that happy, relaxed, endorphin - producing state that both they and their birthing parent enjoy when deeply relaxed and in hypnosis.
Why I listen, why I validate, why I encourage birthing people and parents to trust their intuition, to ask questions of their providers, to set boundaries, and to use their voices when they disagree.
She listens very intently when spoken to and already follows voices around the room!
When a child doesn't listen, many parents are tempted to raise their voices.
What they have found is that when left to its own devices, your babies» umbilical cord knows what to do... much like you in conceiving, carrying and now nurturing your child when you a) trust that things can be simple b) you tell yourself you do know what you are doing and c) when you listen to your inner voice.
However, there comes a point when you learn to listen toyour inner voice.
Step 1: Choose a time when your baby is alert, calm, and appears interested in listening to your voice.
Trust your instinct — listen to your child, listen to the voice inside you, and when you're confident in your choices, no one can make you feel judged.
The government listened to the other drunk friends encouraging the fight, when it should have paid attention to those quieter voices urging caution.
A government who does not listen to the voices of the masses is definitely practicing a one party state governance and citizens when suppressed results to street demonstrations and other unrests as being experienced in our neighboring country, Togo.
«When you have two groups that can be dispirit, like the parent advocacy group versus Buffalo Niagara Partnership, come together and advocate for the same thing, that's a powerful voice and I think we that we are all listening to that,» said Sampson.
«And when you have two groups that can be dispirit - like the parent advocacy group versus Buffalo Niagara Partnership come together and advocate for the same thing - that's a powerful voice and I think we that we are all listening to that,» said Sampson.
One of the most egregious tactics — one that's bugged me for years — is the 15 - second recording that the carrier makes us listen to when we're leaving a voice - mail message.
I've also learned to use my naturally soft voice as an advantage, getting people to listen more intently when I need them to do so.»
«Before the stroke, people perceived Bossi as positive, enthusiastic, a very charming speaker, and when listening to his post-stroke voice, everything changed,» said Signorello.
The other students simply listened to a presentation of images of different foods along with a voice - over of Bem saying, when a picture of brown bread appeared on - screen, «You like brown bread.»
So the pledge by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to heed public opinion when naming celestial bodies is in - keeping with the zeitgeist — even if its hand was forced by the good - natured outcry over its earlier decision to ignore a bid, led by Star Trek star William Shatner, to name a Plutonian moon «Vulcan» (see «Official planet namer listens to voice of the people «-RRB-.
Participants tended to be much more accurate on the task when they had to listen to their spouse's voice compared to an unfamiliar voice matched on both age and sex — they perceived their spouse's voice more clearly.
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