Sentences with phrase «when microscopic living»

When microscopic living items such as individual cells or bacterium are placed on its free end, even their regular metabolic functions will cause the cantilever to vibrate.

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No, you say that microscopic human life is worthless in sperm and sacred when combined with a different type of cell a couple inches away.
He spotted the glassy shards of ancient diatom shells — the remains of microscopic phytoplankton that lived here at warmer times in the past, when a shallow sea covered much of West Antarctica.
LIFE»S A GLASS Water bears, or tardigrades, make proteins that turn into glass when the microscopic animals dry out.
Microscopic globules of graphite in the rock, documented in 1999 by geologist Minik Rosing at the University of Copenhagen, are unusually low in a heavy carbon isotope that gets excluded when inorganic carbon is converted into living material.
It's also interesting for depicting how fragile the continued existence of life on Earth is when a simple microscopic life form can quickly regenerate and spread, causing potential calamity to anyone unlucky enough to come into contact with it.
Their initial excitement that it contains a viable, if microscopic, life form soon turns to terror when... Well, you'll see.
Phytoplankton, which live close enough to the water's surface to perform photosynthesis — critical to maintaining oxygen in Earth's atmosphere — form the base of the marine food web.4 Although phytoplankton are microscopic, they can be seen from satellites when they grow in a concentrated area (bloom) on the ocean's surface.5 Zooplankton, which feed on phytoplankton, and bacterioplankton, which recycle nutrients in the water, make up the next levels of the web.4
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