Sentences with phrase «when sebum»

A cyst occurs when the sebum becomes trapped inside the sebaceous gland.
When sebum oxidises due to assaults by free radicals, it forms a highly comedogenic by - product called squalene peroxide.
When sebum can not release itself, it begins to build up.
When sebum oxidises due to free radical attack, it forms squalene peroxide, one of the most comedogenic (pore - blocking) substances in the world.
When your sebum oxidises it forms squalene peroxide, which is great at blocking your pores and is basically the king of all substances when it comes to doing so.
When sebum oxidises, it causes a condition called hyperkeratosis, which means that far too much keratin is produced.
This sebum is already bad for clogging up pores, but the real problems start when the sebum oxidises.
That occurs when the sebum gets attacked by free radicals.

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That is because when your skin becomes dry the body goes into action and produces sebum — oil.
External factors — harsh temperatures, air conditioning, heat (especially in winter months when we are cooped up indoors), exposure to the sun, showering too often, and soaps made with strong chemicals — decrease sebum production, as does aging.
«Adolescent acne is a skin condition of puberty, when the body is producing increased levels of hormones called androgens, which, in turn, cause increased production of increased oily sebum and increased blockage of the oil glands, facilitating the growth of acne bacteria,» Dr. Orlow explains.
When topically applying magnesium oil to the skin, you are reducing the oil production of the sebum, which makes this «oil» a standout for those dealing with chronic acne and breakouts.
When skin is dried out from overwashing, the sebaceous glands compensate by producing more sebum.
Because it resembles natural sebum and helps regulate oil production, jojoba is great for oily, dry, and normal skin (or for those times when the skin is all three at once!).
DO N'T Strip your skin of oils, as your skin recognises when it has been depleted, which causes the skin to then produce more oil (sebum).
When it's too dry, it'll also overcompensate by producing excessive amounts of sebum.
Your skin secrets natural oil called sebum to keep itself hydrated, when it fails because of dehydration or some other hormonal problem dry skin appears leading to itching.
Sebum is the oil that our body naturally produces to lubricate our skin, but when too much oil is produced it can lead to pimples.
When this hormone is broken down, it forms androgen male hormones (especially testosterone as most prominent DHEA - S) that will encourage more sebum to be produced in your sebaceous glands.
It's nearly impossible to fully suppress p.acnes when so much sebum and so little oxygen present the perfect breeding ground.
It might work but it could also give you bad side effects and there's no need to risk this, particularly when reducing sebum production through diet is extremely easy.
That leads to huge clumps of dead skin cells, and when these combine with the sebum already filling your pores, it forms a perfect pore blocking recipe.
Antioxidants are effective at preventing something called sebum peroxidation, which is when free radicals damage the skin's sebum, lowering its oxygen content, and making it an ideal environment for an anaerobic bacteria, P. acnes, to thrive and reproduce.
That's a good thing but it's not good when the same free radicals cause your sebum to oxidise.
Sebum oxidation only occurs when your body does not have enough antioxidants to send there.
When your skin pores get full of sebum and skin cells it alters the oxygen tension, allowing bacteria (p. acnes) to flood in and breed.
Sebum alone can block your pores but when it oxidises, the process above means that the situation is far worse.
Your body knows that the squalene in sebum can cause problems when oxidised, and to combat this it has a potent weapon: antioxidants.
When squalene oxidises it transforms into squalene peroxide; this is what makes sebum oxidation bad for acne.
When your body secrets excess sebum due to hormonal imbalance, it gets clogged at pores along with dead cells leading to bumps.
When your sebaceous glands secrete excess sebum, that sebum can trap dirt and dead skin cells in the hair follicles.
The oil on your face, sebum, can block pores by itself but the real mayhem begins when it oxidises.
Blackheads occur when the pores clog with sebum, dead skin cells, leftover makeup, or dirt.
When mixed with water, it releases the minerals and other beneficial compounds to the skin, drawing out the sebum, dead cells, and dirt locked into the pores.
Open comedones are what we call blackheads, they are pores plugged with dead skin cells from within the follicle and excess sebum which when oxidized with outside air becomes grey or black in color.
It is also thought to regulate the secretion of sebum, which is responsible for the cause of acne when secreted in excess.
When you have extremely oily hair, over secretion of sebum gland, clogs the pores and gives birth of bacteria.
There's A LOT going on behind the scenes that contributes to acne, but when it comes down to it, a zit is really nothing more than a sticky mess of sebum (the skin's natural oil) and dead skin cells or dirt.
Then when you combine that with high sebum production there's just one result — the finest ever recipe for clogging your skin pores shut and ultimately causing to acne.
One of the biggest processes that leads to acne is sebum oxidation, which is when squalene, a key component of your sebum, reacts with oxygen.
When your adrenal glands are working overtime, they tend to produce a bit more sebum (oil) than our skin needs: an ideal setup for date night acne.
Each product is gentle enough for those with sensitive skin, and when used altogether, these products work well together and can help manage that excess sebum production and create a more velvet - y, more blemish - free appearance.
When mixed with lukewarm water, the oil transforms into a light and silky emulsion - like consistency that melts off makeup and impurities while simultaneously clearing skin of sebum with charcoal.
Congested skin occurs when skin cells and sebum build up and clog your pores.
When you have oily skin you produce larger amounts of sebum, a waxy substance that protects your skin from infection and water loss.
Oil or sebum is there to give that shine to hair or skin, sweat issues forth to cool the core when they open, goose bumps rise, hair stands on end when a dog feels threatened — in short, this is an active, living surface!
Sebaceous cysts are filled with dead skin cells and sebum (oil) that produces the cheesy substance seen when the cyst is ruptured, either surgically or accidentally.
«Sebum isn't dirt — it's nature's own conditioner,» says Ferrito, and when it is removed from the skin by cleansing, it should be replaced.
When a dog scratches, sebum production increases dramatically.
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