Sentences with phrase «when uranium mining»

«When uranium mining and processing became big business during the Cold War, the federal government subsidized the industry.

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When Kempthorne first proposed opening up the land to uranium mining, several concerned parties — including dozens of elected officials, public utilities and Native American tribes — complained about potential threats to surface and ground water from such activities.
Mitchell Capitan, founder of Eastern Navajo Diné Against Uranium Mining (ENDAUM), stated that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) «did not respect the right and sovereignty of the Navajo Nation to say «No» to new uranium mining» when it granted Hydro Resources, Inc. (HRI), a license to mine uranium using the in situ leach (ISL) method in the Navajo communities of Churchrock and CrowUranium Mining (ENDAUM), stated that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) «did not respect the right and sovereignty of the Navajo Nation to say «No» to new uranium mining» when it granted Hydro Resources, Inc. (HRI), a license to mine uranium using the in situ leach (ISL) method in the Navajo communities of Churchrock and CrownMining (ENDAUM), stated that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) «did not respect the right and sovereignty of the Navajo Nation to say «No» to new uranium mining» when it granted Hydro Resources, Inc. (HRI), a license to mine uranium using the in situ leach (ISL) method in the Navajo communities of Churchrock and Crowuranium mining» when it granted Hydro Resources, Inc. (HRI), a license to mine uranium using the in situ leach (ISL) method in the Navajo communities of Churchrock and Crownmining» when it granted Hydro Resources, Inc. (HRI), a license to mine uranium using the in situ leach (ISL) method in the Navajo communities of Churchrock and Crowuranium using the in situ leach (ISL) method in the Navajo communities of Churchrock and Crownpoint.
In 2009 we won a grand victory for the Grand Canyon when Interior Secretary Salazar announced a two - year halt on new uranium - mining claims and exploration on 1 million acres of land near Grand Canyon National Park, with potential for a 20 - year withdrawal of those lands from most uranium mining.
New Uranium Mining Projects - Africa (last updated 5 Oct 2017) Contents: When refined, uranium is a silvery white, weakly radioactiveUranium Mining Projects - Africa (last updated 5 Oct 2017) Contents: When refined, uranium is a silvery white, weakly radioactiveuranium is a silvery white, weakly radioactive metal.
When uranium firm Cameco faced mine floods a few years ago and again after the Fukushima - Daiichi nuclear disaster, its stock cratered, but the bonds dropped only a buck.
When we recommend uranium mining stocks, we want to see a positive cash flow, preferably even when uranium prices are When we recommend uranium mining stocks, we want to see a positive cash flow, preferably even when uranium prices are when uranium prices are low.
56 Mark: Who needs uranium mines when we could recycle the fuel that is being wasted in Yucca mountain?
If fossil fuels are used for mining and refining uranium ore, or if fossil fuels are used when constructing the nuclear power plant, then the emissions from burning those fuels could be associated with the electricity that nuclear power plants generate.»
The nuclear fuel cycle begins when uranium is mined, enriched, and manufactured into nuclear fuel, (1) which is delivered to a nuclear power plant.
The nuclear fuel cycle begins when uranium is mined, enriched, and manufactured into nuclear fuel, (1) which is delivered to a
While nuclear energy is regarded as the lesser of the two evils when compared at an emission level to the burning of fossil - fuels, it may trump on the containment of the heat process, which burns in a contained nuclear reactor through an in - ward heat - chemical reaction called fission, but nuclear energy production is a chain from uranium mining to the toxic waste disposal and therefore as an entire process is an equally high risk environmental option.
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