Sentences with phrase «when violent criminals»

«When violent criminals are in our jails, we should do everything in our power to work with ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement].»

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One never knows when an applicant has a violent criminal history.
When it comes to violent crimes, the authors acknowledged Uber's potential as a getaway car for criminals — or a rescue network for potential victims.
Now, if and when, a business, starts advocating criminal and violent acts against gays, or anyone else, then you can and should cry and scream.
Turn the other cheek isn't going to help when a criminal refuses to go to jail for a crime and becomes violent.
Even when I was a pacifist, I lived in a very high - crime neighborhood, and called the cops on numerous occasions so that officers with guns could go after the criminals with guns and lock them up in our tremendously violent prison system where guards with guns would keep them there.
Even if we don't go out and shoot kids for fun, when we allow the images in the media to perpetuate the idea that young black men are violent, when our own speech (I don't want to talk about the conversation I had to have at lunch today) perpetuates an idea of black Americans as criminals, especially young black American men, we are accessories to murder.
In countries where the police are armed, the police normally want to retain their guns, as it offers leverage when facing violent criminals.
This is hard to judge, because both commit various violent and criminal acts while underground movements, and likely become mass murderous when taking full power.
The country sent a dangerous message to the violent criminal community when the death penalty was abolished.
When your government can not protect you against violent organised criminals, is it acceptable to take the law into your own hands to protect yourself, your family and your community?
It's an exceptionally strange film, somewhere between a yakuza thriller and a ponderous reflection on the violent childishness of the criminal mind — only finally getting its due when Quentin Tarantino stepped in to offer U.S. distribution and certain themes began to show up in weirdo crime flicks like Jim Jarmusch's Ghost Dog (which itself culled themes from Branded to Kill and Le Samouraï, the latter of which Beat cited as a particular influence).
CITY ON A HILL STUDIO: Showtime / Pearl Street TEAM: Chuck MacLean (w), Ben Affleck (ep), Matt Damon (ep), Jennifer Todd (ep), James Mangold (ep), Michael Cuesta (d, ep), Kevin Bacon (co-ep) LOGLINE: Set in Boston in the early 1990s when the city was rife with violent criminals emboldened by local law enforcement agencies, in which corruption and racism was the norm, until it all suddenly was changed by what was called the «Boston Miracle.»
One thing is for sure though, when entering into his violent world of cool amoral criminals, snappy dialogue and cult music selection, you're in no doubt when you're on Tarantino's territory.
Grillo plays Detective Mark Lewis, on his way to a romantic date with criminal psychologist Dr Elizabeth Klein (Maria Bello) when he's called to a local house — the notorious Livingston House where, years before, the owner had committed a series of violent slaughters where only one person survived.
Student transfers to MPS submitted by students who live in other school districts shall not be approved when such students have records of frequent, intense and / or continuing violent assaultive behavior, have been expelled from another district, and / or have a criminal record resulting from assault or other forms of violence.
I do believe that violent criminals should be kept behind bars, but when poor men (because they mostly are men) are being put behind bars because of possession of marijuana and other minor crimes, it spreads the system too thin and it's unable to focus on the people who should really be away from public.
Conservatives quiet on when they can fix mistake that altered legislation targeting violent criminals, Toronto Star
When someone is the victim of an assault, homicide, robbery or any other violent criminal attack, the injuries and costs suffered from the incident can be overwhelming.
When an individual has been accused of a violent crime against his or her partner, whether male or female, representation by counsel from a criminal defense firm can help assure a fair and complete assessment of the facts.
When you have been charged with a criminal offense, be it a drug crime, DUI or violent crime, you need help fast.
Violent offences are what people first think of when they hear the term «criminal law.»
In preschool and during middle childhood, neglected children are more likely to be socially withdrawn and experience negative interactions with their peers.9, 12 Additionally, neglected children may have significant internalizing problems such as withdrawal, somatic complaints, anxiety and depression when compared to physically - abused and sexually - abused children.7 Similar to adults with a history of physical abuse, adults with a history of neglect are at increased risk for violent criminal behaviour.13
The items included exposure to abuse, violent acts, crimes, and acts that would be considered crimes if committed among adults, though in some cases not considered criminal when occurring among children (eg, hitting by peers or siblings).
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