Sentences with phrase «where species names»

Where species names could not be verified in ITIS [204], they were verified in Jørgensen and León - Yánez [205].

Not exact matches

Dubbed Isthminia panamensis — a blend of the genus name of today's Amazon river dolphin and the location where the new species was found — the dolphin (artist's reconstruction above) was about 2.85 meters (9.4 feet) long and is thus slightly smaller than its modern - day namesake, the researchers report online today in PeerJ.
Medusa brittlestem, hawthorn twiglet, olive earthtongue — welcome to the weird and wonderful world of fungi, where the species have names that sound as though they could have been plucked from the pages of Harry Potter.
In keeping with the naming of its living relative (after an Eastern Cape river), the species name of the new fossil form, kowiensis, is after the Kowie River which rises among the hills where it was found, and the genus name, Serenichthys, honours Serena Gess, who provided land for the storage of more than 70 tons of black shale rescued from roadworks for ongoing research — in which all the new material was found.
Dr. Hamilton coined the name because the species is found in California near Folsom Prison (famous for Cash's song «Folsom Prison Blues») and because mature males are generally solid black in coloration (paying homage to Cash's distinctive style of dress where he has been referred to as the «Man in black»)(see Image 2).
The team described and named the new mantis species Cornucollis masoalensis after the locality where the mantis was originally collected.
The species gets its name from the hue of its skin, as well as where it makes its home.
Despite its modest size, adults reach only about 14 mm, the new species bears a heroic name inspired by the quilombos communities typical of the Espírito Santo State in Brazil, where the frogs were collected.
The planthopper is called Iuiuia caeca, with the genus name (Iuiuia) referring to the locality, where it was found, and its species name (caeca) translating to «blind» in Latin.
«Proving that a species exists and giving it a name is where everything starts.
Being a primarily aquatic species, the new crab prefers the pools of limestone hillstreams, therefore its name Yuebeipotamon calciatile, where calciatile means «living on limestone».
STAR TURN The tardigrade species newly named Macrobiotus shonaicus (after the Shonai region of Japan where it was discovered) has a rare talent for growing under lab conditions.
The new species, which can grow to well over a meter in length, was named Varanus semotus, a Latin reference to the remoteness and isolation of the relatively small and partly volcanic island where the lizard was found.
A combination of genetic, anatomical, and ecological data convinced researchers that Pongo tapanuliensis, named for the Tapanuli districts where it is found, is distinct from the two accepted species of orangutan.
The virus, named after the Heartland Regional Medical Center in St. Joseph, Missouri, where the farmers had been treated, is a species of the genus Phlebovirus.
Here's where it gets more complicated: Specific species and strains — the species name comes after the genus, and the strain often looks like a little code of letters and / or numbers on the end — of probiotics have been studied in regards to certain health conditions.
But you may also find bok choy being scientifically referred to as Brassica chinensis (where «chinensis» is used as a species name rather than a subspecies name).
She's a female Magikoopa, not a female Kamek (unless we're talking Japanese naming where Kamek represents both the species and the main Magikoopa in Yoshi's Island).
She is named after the aurora, which can be seen in the skies above the Earth's poles, where most species of penguin live in the South Pole.
(2) name or identity of animal (s), including species, breed, age, sex, weight, and color where appropriate
Pet's Name: Age: Species: Dog Cat Other Breed: Location Obtained: Length of Time Owned: Where do you keep them: Spayed / Neutered?
Appointments are required; please email us with your name, pet's name and species, and a telephone number where we can reach you.
Notify the public animal shelter that serves the locality where the companion animal was found and provide to the shelter contact information including at least a name and a contact telephone number, a description of the companion animal including at least species, breed, sex, size, color, information from any tag, license, collar, tattoo, or other identification or markings, and the location where the companion animal was found.
The southern elephant seal was one of the many species originally described by Swedish zoologist Carl Linnaeus in the landmark 1758 10th edition of his Systema Naturae, where it was given the binomial name of Phoca leonina.
Malacothrix junakii is a rare species of aster known by the common names Anacapa Island desert - dandelion, Junak's desert dandelion and Junak's malacothrix that is endemic to Anacapa, where it is known from just two occurrences.
Above is a map showing where reindeers (and caribou, the North - American name given to the same species) live.
DNA barcoding promises a future where everyone will have rapid access to the names and biological attributes of every species on Earth.»
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